- Aug 17, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
* rueger/development: # some more clean up # code cleanup # updated discoverer to initialize components on the fly # updated to version without ease.js and with synonyms # [Aggregator] moved _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() to [Discoverer] + [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() # [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() can initialize components if not already registered # [Interpreter] constructor Interpreter(discoverer, inAttributes, outAttributes) + [Interpreter] inOut # [Interpreter] _init() # [Interpreter] _initInterpreter() # [Interpreter] _initInAttributes() # [Interpreter] _initOutAttributes() # [Interpreter] _doesSatisfyTypeOf() # [Widget] constructor Widget(discoverer, outAttributes) + [Widget] inOut # [Widget] _initWidgetr() # [Widget] _initOutAttributes() # [Widget] _doesSatisfyTypeOf() + .gitignore Conflicts: dist/contactJS.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Car.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Child.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Namespace.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Parent.js js/modules/aggregator/aggregator.js js/modules/attribute/attribute.js js/modules/discoverer/discoverer.js js/modules/interpreter/interpreter.js js/modules/widget/widget.js
- Aug 14, 2015
mirueger authored
- Jul 26, 2015
mirueger authored
- Jul 15, 2015
mirueger authored
# updated to version without ease.js and with synonyms # [Aggregator] moved _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() to [Discoverer] + [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() # [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() can initialize components if not already registered # [Interpreter] constructor Interpreter(discoverer, inAttributes, outAttributes) + [Interpreter] inOut # [Interpreter] _init() # [Interpreter] _initInterpreter() # [Interpreter] _initInAttributes() # [Interpreter] _initOutAttributes() # [Interpreter] _doesSatisfyTypeOf() # [Widget] constructor Widget(discoverer, outAttributes) + [Widget] inOut # [Widget] _initWidgetr() # [Widget] _initOutAttributes() # [Widget] _doesSatisfyTypeOf()
mirueger authored
- Jun 23, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# adjusted console logs to print attributes more prettily # simplified translation of attributes (one direction) # corrected exception handling in discoverer-constructor-parameter-checking
- Jun 02, 2015
Helena Jank authored
+ added parameter true to new Attribute() calls + added hasSynonym/s() to attribute
- Jun 01, 2015
Helena Jank authored
+ added parameter to buildAttribute() for case differentiation: with or without synonyms # moved translation initiation into discoverer, building attributes from arrays
- May 28, 2015
Helena Jank authored
Helena Jank authored
- May 27, 2015
Helena Jank authored
+ in attribute: added reciprocity of synonyms in equalsTypeOf() + in attributeList: added synonyms in clone() + in translation: added functions for checking and accessing both synonyms
- May 22, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# added parameters to discoverer according to adaptationsEngine's ContextDetector # some minor corrections
Helena Jank authored
Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/contactJS into development Conflicts: js/modules/discoverer/translation.js
Helena Jank authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
* easejsbegone: + added shell script for the generation of the documentation # updated the JSDoc comments to match the new programming style # finished removal of ease.js # further components got ease.js removed # started removing ease.js Conflicts: dist/contactJS.js js/modules/aggregator/aggregator.js js/modules/attribute/attribute.js js/modules/discoverer/discoverer.js js/modules/interpreter/interpreterResult.js js/modules/subscriber/condition/unequals.js
- May 21, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
# updated the JSDoc comments to match the new programming style
Tobias Moebert authored
- May 18, 2015
Helena Jank authored
Helena Jank authored
# corrected discoverer: constructor and buildAttribute
- May 15, 2015
Helena Jank authored
+ added function buildAttribute to Discoverer # corrected stale name 'AttributeType' changing it to 'Attribute' # simplified Translation
- May 05, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
- Apr 29, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
- Apr 28, 2015
Helena Jank authored
Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/contactJS into development Conflicts: js/modules/discoverer/discoverer.js
Helena Jank authored
Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/contactJS into development Conflicts: js/modules/attribute/attributeType.js
Helena Jank authored
+ added synonyms to attribute type
- Apr 27, 2015
Helena Jank authored
Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/contactJS into development
Helena Jank authored
Helena Jank authored
Helena Jank authored
Helena Jank authored
- Apr 24, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
- Apr 23, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
# merged AttributeTypeList and AttributeValueList into AttributeList
- Apr 20, 2015
- Apr 17, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
- [AbstractList] removed counter - [Aggregator] interpreters - [Aggregator] addInterpreter() and getInterpreters() - [Aggregator] getInterpretedData() - [AttributeTypeList] getItem(_identifier) - [AttributeValueList] getAttributeValue(_key) - [ParameterList] getIdentifier() - [Interpreter] - getInterpretedData() + [AttributeType] hasInputParameter() + [AttributeTypeList] removeAttributeType(_attributeType, _allOccurences) + [AttributeTypeList] hasAttributesWithInputParameters() + [AttributeTypeList] getAttributesWithInputParameters() + [AttributeValueList] containsAttributeType(_attributeType) + [AttributeValueList] getValueObjectForAttributeType(_attributeType) + [AttributeValueList] removeAttributeValuesWithAttributeType(_attributeType) + [AttributeValueList] updateValue(_attributeValue) + [ParameterList] hasInputParameter() + [Interpreter] hasOutAttributesWithInputParameters() + [Interpreter] getOutAttributesWithInputParameters() # [Aggregator] uses Interpretation objects to save referenced interpreters # [Aggregator] can handle parameters with values that change at runtime # [AttributeType] equals(_attributeType) doesn't rely on identifier anymore # [AttributeType] virtual public toString() -> public getIdentifier() # [AttributeTypeList] public put(_attributeType) -> public put(_attributeType, _multipleInstances) # [AttributeValueList] contains(_items) -> contains(_attributeValue) # [Parameter] getIdentifier() -> toString() # [Interpreter] callInterpreter(_dataToInterpret, _function) -> callInterpreter(_inAttributeValues, _outAttributeValues, _function)
- Apr 09, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
+ [Aggregator] addInterpreter() + [Aggregator] getInterpreters() + [Aggregator] getComponentUUIDs() + [Aggregator] hasComponent(uuid) + [Aggregator] doesSatisfyAttributeType(_attributeType) + [Aggregator] getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributeTypes(_unsatisfiedAttributes, _all, _componentTypes) + [Aggregator] didFinishSetup() + [Aggregator] queryReferencedInterpreters(_callback) + [Aggregator] queryReferencedComponents(_callback) + [AttributeType] hasParameters() + [AttributeType] toString() + [AttributeType] getIdentifier() + [AttributeTypeList] getItem(_identifier) + [AttributeTypeList] clone() + [AttributeValue] toString() + [AttributeValueList] getValueForAttributeType(_attributeType) + [Parameter] toString() + [Parameter] getIdentifier() + [ParameterList] getItemsAsJson() + [ParameterList] getIdentifier() + [WidgetDescription] doesSatisfyAttributeType(_attributeType) + [Widget] virtual didFinishInitialization(_attributeTypes) # updated unit tests to consider the changes made to the different components # updated the JSDoc comments and build an updated documentation # [AbstractList] getItem is now virtual # [Aggregator] updated the constructor and setup process so that aggregators are able to search for components to satisfy requested attributes (should be handled by the discoverer in the future) # [Aggregator] updated methods to use UUIDs instead of WidgetHandles # [Aggregator] addWidget now accepts a Widget or a UUID # [Aggregator] removeWidget now only accepts UUIDs # [Aggregator] aggregatorSetup() -> aggregatorSetup(_attributeTypes) # [Aggregator] abstract protected setAggregatorAttributeValues() -> virtual protected setAggregatorAttributeValues(_attributeTypes) # [Aggregator] abstract protected setAggregatorConstantAttributeValues() -> virtual protected setAggregatorConstantAttributeValues() # [Aggregator] abstract protected setAggregatorCallbacks() -> virtual protected setAggregatorCallbacks() # [Aggregator] interpretData(_interpreterId, _data, _function) -> interpretData(_interpreterId, _function) # [Widget] getAttributeValues() -> getAttributeValues(_attributeTypeList) - [Aggregator] initWidgetHandles() - removed WidgetHandle and WidgetHandleList (all components are solely referenced by UUID now) - [Widget] getHandle()