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!                                                                         !
!        N  A  S     P A R A L L E L     B E N C H M A R K S  3.4         !
!                                                                         !
!                       O p e n M P     V E R S I O N                     !
!                                                                         !
!                                   F T                                   !
!                                                                         !
!                                                                         !
!    This benchmark is an OpenMP version of the NPB FT code.              !
!    It is described in NAS Technical Report 99-011.                      !
!                                                                         !
!    Permission to use, copy, distribute and modify this software         !
!    for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.  We           !
!    request, however, that all derived work reference the NAS            !
!    Parallel Benchmarks 3.4. This software is provided "as is"           !
!    without express or implied warranty.                                 !
!                                                                         !
!    Information on NPB 3.4, including the technical report, the          !
!    original specifications, source code, results and information        !
!    on how to submit new results, is available at:                       !
!                                                                         !
!                          !
!                                                                         !
!    Send comments or suggestions to                    !
!                                                                         !
!          NAS Parallel Benchmarks Group                                  !
!          NASA Ames Research Center                                      !
!          Mail Stop: T27A-1                                              !
!          Moffett Field, CA   94035-1000                                 !
!                                                                         !
!          E-mail:                                      !
!          Fax:     (650) 604-3957                                        !
!                                                                         !

! Authors: D. Bailey
!          W. Saphir
!          H. Jin


! FT benchmark


      program ft


! Module ft_fields defines main arrays (u0, u1, u2) in the problem

      use ft_data
      use ft_fields

      implicit none

      integer iter

! Run the entire problem once to make sure all data is touched.
! This reduces variable startup costs, which is important for such a
! short benchmark. The other NPB 2 implementations are similar.
      call alloc_space

      call init_ui(u0, u1, twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
      call compute_indexmap(twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
      call compute_initial_conditions(u1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
      call fft_init (dims(1))
      call fft(1, u1, u0)

! Start over from the beginning. Note that all operations must
! be timed, in contrast to other benchmarks.
      call compute_indexmap(twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))

      call compute_initial_conditions(u1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))

      call fft_init (dims(1))

      call fft(1, u1, u0)

      do iter = 1, niter
         call evolve(u0, u1, twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
!         call fft(-1, u1, u2)
         call fft(-1, u1, u1)
!         call checksum(iter, u2, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
         call checksum(iter, u1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
      end do



      subroutine init_ui(u0, u1, twiddle, d1, d2, d3)


! touch all the big data

      implicit none
      integer d1, d2, d3
      double complex   u0(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex   u1(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double precision twiddle(d1+1,d2,d3)
      integer i, j, k

!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k) collapse(2)
      do k = 1, d3
         do j = 1, d2
            do i = 1, d1
               u0(i,j,k) = 0.d0
               u1(i,j,k) = 0.d0
               twiddle(i,j,k) = 0.d0
            end do
         end do
      end do



      subroutine evolve(u0, u1, twiddle, d1, d2, d3)


! evolve u0 -> u1 (t time steps) in fourier space

      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer d1, d2, d3
      double complex   u0(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex   u1(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double precision twiddle(d1+1,d2,d3)
      integer i, j, k

!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k) collapse(2)
      do k = 1, d3
         do j = 1, d2
            do i = 1, d1
               u0(i,j,k) = u0(i,j,k) * twiddle(i,j,k)
               u1(i,j,k) = u0(i,j,k)
            end do
         end do
      end do



      subroutine compute_initial_conditions(u0, d1, d2, d3)


! Fill in array u0 with initial conditions from
! random number generator

      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer d1, d2, d3
      double complex u0(d1+1, d2, d3)
      call libc_srand48(seed)
      do k = 1, dims(3)
         do j = 1, dims(2)
            do i = 1, dims(1)+1
               u0(i, j, k) = libc_drand48()
            end do
         end do
      end do



      subroutine setup


      use ft_data
      character(len=32) :: arg

      if (command_argument_count() .ne. 4) then
         error stop "Invalid number of arguments"
      end if

      call get_command_argument(1, arg)
      read(arg, *) dims(1)

      call get_command_argument(2, arg)
      read(arg, *) dims(2)

      call get_command_argument(3, arg)
      read(arg, *) dims(3)

      call get_command_argument(4, arg)
      read(arg, *) niter

      nxp = dims(1) + 1
      ntotalp = nxp * dims(2) * dims(3)

      maxdim = max(dims(1), max(dims(2), dims(3)))
      debug = .FALSE.

      write(*, 1000)

      write(*, 1001) dims(1), dims(2), dims(3)
      write(*, 1002) niter
!$    write(*, 1003) omp_get_max_threads()
      write(*, *)

 1000 format(//, ' NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB3.4-OMP) - FT Benchmark', /)
 1001 format(' Size                        : ', i0, 'x', i0, 'x', i0)
 1002 format(' Iterations                  : ', i0)
 1003 format(' Number of available threads : ', i0)

! Set up info for blocking of ffts and transposes.  This improves
! performance on cache-based systems. Blocking involves
! working on a chunk of the problem at a time, taking chunks
! along the first, second, or third dimension.
! - In cffts1 blocking is on 2nd dimension (with fft on 1st dim)
! - In cffts2/3 blocking is on 1st dimension (with fft on 2nd and 3rd dims)

! Since 1st dim is always in processor, we'll assume it's long enough
! (default blocking factor is 16 so min size for 1st dim is 16)
! The only case we have to worry about is cffts1 in a 2d decomposition.
! so the blocking factor should not be larger than the 2nd dimension.

      fftblock = fftblock_default
      fftblockpad = fftblockpad_default



      subroutine compute_indexmap(twiddle, d1, d2, d3)


! compute function from local (i,j,k) to ibar^2+jbar^2+kbar^2
! for time evolution exponent.

      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer d1, d2, d3
      double precision twiddle(d1+1, d2, d3)
      integer i, j, k, kk, kk2, jj, kj2, ii
      double precision ap

! basically we want to convert the fortran indices
!   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
! to
!   0 1 2 3 -4 -3 -2 -1
! The following magic formula does the trick:
! mod(i-1+n/2, n) - n/2

      ap = - 4.d0 * alpha * pi *pi

!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,kk,kk2,jj,kj2,ii)  &
!$omp&  collapse(2)
      do k = 1, dims(3)
         do j = 1, dims(2)
            kk =  mod(k-1+dims(3)/2, dims(3)) - dims(3)/2
            jj = mod(j-1+dims(2)/2, dims(2)) - dims(2)/2
            kj2 = jj*jj+kk2
            do i = 1, dims(1)
               ii = mod(i-1+dims(1)/2, dims(1)) - dims(1)/2
               twiddle(i,j,k) = dexp(ap*dble(ii*ii+kj2))
            end do
         end do
      end do



      subroutine fft(dir, x1, x2)


      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer dir
      double complex x1(ntotalp), x2(ntotalp)

      double complex y1(fftblockpad*maxdim),  &
     &               y2(fftblockpad*maxdim)

! note: args x1, x2 must be different arrays
! note: args for cfftsx are (direction, layout, xin, xout, scratch)
!       xin/xout may be the same and it can be somewhat faster
!       if they are

      if (dir .eq. 1) then
         call cffts1(1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
         call cffts2(1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
         call cffts3(1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x2, y1, y2)
         call cffts3(-1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
         call cffts2(-1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
         call cffts1(-1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x2, y1, y2)


      subroutine cffts1(is, d1, d2, d3, x, xout, y1, y2)


      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer is, d1, d2, d3, logd1
      double complex x(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex xout(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex y1(fftblockpad, d1), y2(fftblockpad, d1)
      integer i, j, k, jj, jn

      logd1 = ilog2(d1)

!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,jj,y1,y2,jn)  &
!$omp&  shared(is,logd1,d1) collapse(2)
      do k = 1, d3
         do jn = 0, d2/fftblock - 1
!         do jj = 0, d2 - fftblock, fftblock
            jj = jn*fftblock
            do j = 1, fftblock
               do i = 1, d1
                  y1(j,i) = x(i,j+jj,k)
            call cfftz (is, logd1, d1, y1, y2)

            do j = 1, fftblock
               do i = 1, d1
                  xout(i,j+jj,k) = y1(j,i)



      subroutine cffts2(is, d1, d2, d3, x, xout, y1, y2)


      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer is, d1, d2, d3, logd2
      double complex x(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex xout(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex y1(fftblockpad, d2), y2(fftblockpad, d2)
      integer i, j, k, ii, in

      logd2 = ilog2(d2)

!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,ii,y1,y2,in)  &
!$omp&  shared(is,logd2,d2) collapse(2)
      do k = 1, d3
        do in = 0, d1/fftblock - 1
!        do ii = 0, d1 - fftblock, fftblock
           ii = in*fftblock
           do j = 1, d2
              do i = 1, fftblock
                 y1(i,j) = x(i+ii,j,k)

           call cfftz (is, logd2, d2, y1, y2)
           do j = 1, d2
              do i = 1, fftblock
                 xout(i+ii,j,k) = y1(i,j)



      subroutine cffts3(is, d1, d2, d3, x, xout, y1, y2)


      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer is, d1, d2, d3, logd3
      double complex x(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex xout(d1+1,d2,d3)
      double complex y1(fftblockpad, d3), y2(fftblockpad, d3)
      integer i, j, k, ii, in

      logd3 = ilog2(d3)

!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,ii,y1,y2,in)  &
!$omp&  shared(is) collapse(2)
      do j = 1, d2
        do in = 0, d1/fftblock - 1
!        do ii = 0, d1 - fftblock, fftblock
           ii = in*fftblock
           do k = 1, d3
              do i = 1, fftblock
                 y1(i,k) = x(i+ii,j,k)

           call cfftz (is, logd3, d3, y1, y2)

           do k = 1, d3
              do i = 1, fftblock
                 xout(i+ii,j,k) = y1(i,k)



      subroutine fft_init (n)


! compute the roots-of-unity array that will be used for subsequent FFTs.

      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer m,n,nu,ku,i,j,ln
      double precision t, ti

!   Initialize the U array with sines and cosines in a manner that permits
!   stride one access at each FFT iteration.
      nu = n
      m = ilog2(n)
      u(1) = m
      ku = 2
      ln = 1

      do j = 1, m
         t = pi / ln
         do i = 0, ln - 1
            ti = i * t
            u(i+ku) = dcmplx (cos (ti), sin(ti))
         ku = ku + ln
         ln = 2 * ln


      subroutine cfftz (is, m, n, x, y)


!   Computes NY N-point complex-to-complex FFTs of X using an algorithm due
!   to Swarztrauber.  X is both the input and the output array, while Y is a
!   scratch array.  It is assumed that N = 2^M.  Before calling CFFTZ to
!   perform FFTs, the array U must be initialized by calling CFFTZ with IS
!   set to 0 and M set to MX, where MX is the maximum value of M for any
!   subsequent call.

      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer is,m,n,i,j,l,mx
      double complex x, y

      dimension x(fftblockpad,n), y(fftblockpad,n)

!   Check if input parameters are invalid.
      mx = u(1)
      if ((is .ne. 1 .and. is .ne. -1) .or. m .lt. 1 .or. m .gt. mx)    &
     &  then
        write (*, 1)  is, m, mx
 1      format ('CFFTZ: Either U has not been initialized, or else'/    &
     &    'one of the input parameters is invalid', 3I5)

!   Perform one variant of the Stockham FFT.
      do l = 1, m, 2
        call fftz2 (is, l, m, n, fftblock, fftblockpad, u, x, y)
        if (l .eq. m) goto 160
        call fftz2 (is, l + 1, m, n, fftblock, fftblockpad, u, y, x)

      goto 180

!   Copy Y to X.
 160  do j = 1, n
        do i = 1, fftblock
          x(i,j) = y(i,j)

 180  continue



      subroutine fftz2 (is, l, m, n, ny, ny1, u, x, y)


!   Performs the L-th iteration of the second variant of the Stockham FFT.

      implicit none

      integer is,k,l,m,n,ny,ny1,n1,li,lj,lk,ku,i,j,i11,i12,i21,i22
      double complex u,x,y,u1,x11,x21
      dimension u(n), x(ny1,n), y(ny1,n)

!   Set initial parameters.

      n1 = n / 2
      lk = 2 ** (l - 1)
      li = 2 ** (m - l)
      lj = 2 * lk
      ku = li + 1

      do i = 0, li - 1
        i11 = i * lk + 1
        i12 = i11 + n1
        i21 = i * lj + 1
        i22 = i21 + lk
        if (is .ge. 1) then
          u1 = u(ku+i)
          u1 = dconjg (u(ku+i))

!   This loop is vectorizable.
        do k = 0, lk - 1
          do j = 1, ny
            x11 = x(j,i11+k)
            x21 = x(j,i12+k)
            y(j,i21+k) = x11 + x21
            y(j,i22+k) = u1 * (x11 - x21)




      integer function ilog2(n)


      implicit none
      integer n, nn, lg
      if (n .eq. 1) then
      lg = 1
      nn = 2
      do while (nn .lt. n)
         nn = nn*2
         lg = lg+1
      end do
      ilog2 = lg


      subroutine checksum(i, u1, d1, d2, d3)


      use ft_data
      implicit none

      integer i, d1, d2, d3
      double complex u1(d1+1,d2,d3)
      integer j, q,r,s
      double complex chk, local
!$omp parallel default(shared) private(i,q,r,s,local)
      local = (0.0,0.0)

!$omp do
         q = mod(j, dims(1))+1
         r = mod(3*j,dims(2))+1
         s = mod(5*j,dims(3))+1
!$omp critical
!$omp end critical

!$omp end parallel

      chk = chk/dble(dims(1) * dims(2) * dims(3))
      write (*, 30) i, REAL(chk), IMAG(chk)
 30   format (' T = ', i0, '     Checksum = ', es0.10, " ", es0.10)