- Jan 07, 2016
Helena Jank authored
Helena Jank authored
! in plumbUnit() corrected posX and posY assignment to uni
hjank authored
+ added timelineController and simulationController + added simulator.html containing code to be loaded on demand by jquery # changed fromJSON() in ContextInformation and ContextInfoList: the former now makes a "deep cast" incl. parameters, simplifying the latter + added reset functions to Parameter, ContextInformation and ContextInfoList for resetting chosen values to "" + added getScenarioContext() to Scenario and getContextInformation() to AuthorSystemContent: return lists of context items added to units in the author system + added hasContext() to Scenario and AuthorSystemContent: returns true if context has been added to a unit by the author - removed now superfluous event handler from main (was there for testing download) + added new event handler to simulatorController
- Jan 06, 2016
https://icomoon.io/hjank authored
+ added custom jquery-ui css and js files + added timeline controller and css
hjank authored
+ authorSystemContentModel.js: added getContextInformation() which returns a list of all added context items + index.html: in horizontal top menu bar: re-added statistics-menu (for downloading that list) + main.js: added event handler for that menu: download list + added possibility to convert JSON objects to ContextInformation, including Parameter, and generate a ContextInfoList from them + added function addItem() to ContextInfoListModel
- Dec 29, 2015
hjank authored
- Dec 10, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# in contextTabController: compactified DOM element attribute assignments # replaced almost all "===" with "==" + added Boolean context values as enums in xmlParser (to access them later in contextInfoController)
- Dec 08, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# in locationInfoMapViewController: some minor changes to make map work again
- Dec 03, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# moved event handlers for connections from canvasController to relationTabController # moved initUnitEventHandlers() from canvasController to unitController # moved chooseMetaIcon() from unitController to formatSelections + added optional index parameter to addContextInfo() in unitModel + added getItemByID() to contextInfoListModel # started correcting German umlauts in dictionaries # changed data structure of array_multiSelectionContextInfos: 1. "id" is now context ID, "text" its translation; 2. new items now get pushed to the end of the array, changed items stay where they are # changed changeColorMultiContextInfos() into formatMultiContextInfosElements() TODO: editing items in multi selection does not work as it should (see latter changes)
- Nov 24, 2015
Helena Jank authored
+ added function to get unit from entire author system content by its UUID - in contextInfoModel: removed unnecessary complexity in value object + in contextInfoModel: added each part of former value object as context info property + getter and setter functions for each # completed changes towards consistent usage of models: contextInfo, parameters, unit, authorSystem # completed changes in checkInformation(), drawing information from model structure instead of view # renamed parameter input and select fields and divs with generic ID "parameter"+i and "divParameter"+i, resp. # untangled event handlers for clicked or dragged units and properties tab from "blob" activateFunctionalities() # replaced (use and function of) global var global_currentInputUnitName with global var currentUnitUUID # made variable currentConnectionID global
- Nov 19, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# replaced unit DOM element IDs "stateX" with UUIDs # further merged, simplified, and corrected code (matching new data models)
- Nov 17, 2015
Helena Jank authored
- removed metadataTabController script tag from html # overall replacement of myAuthorSystem with instance of AuthorSystemContent model
Helena Jank authored
# renamed divContextParameters (+ temporary changes in index.hmtl, will be overridden soon) - removed metaData tab which was a mere placeholder for Tom's CMS work + added metaData dictionary + added functions addMetaDataToUnit() and removeMetaDataFromUnit() # changed parameter access and collection in contextInfoController and locationInfoMapController # moved "get current unit dictionary" code into function getCurrentUnitDataModel()
- Nov 13, 2015
hjank authored
- Nov 01, 2015
hjank authored
# re-added "template" divParameterSelection in index.html to test select2 plugin (flat ui) on clone # TODO: fix async select2 rendering (not working with dynamically generated DOM elements)
- Oct 26, 2015
hjank authored
- Oct 14, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
# event handler and functions for modal windows are separated in different files located in /js/mvc/controller/modalWindows
- Oct 13, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
- Oct 06, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# renamed reloadController.js authorSystemController.js + added two fake parameters to measurable-context-information.xml for testing # moved cleanSections() to tabs.js + tried to make #selectOperator invisible on showDetailedContextInfo # simplified context class color selection # moved some functionality around so that nothing works anymore... (to be undone)
- Oct 05, 2015
hjank authored
# un-refactored (in parts) overall project structure: removed (yet) hardly used modalWindows files, added controllers files # updated (as of yet unsued) contextInfoModel # put several pieces of functionality in their (for now) right-er places, like e.g. addUnitToScenarioModel(), addUnitToMenu(), ... - removed redundant replaceMarker2() + translated enums in contextTab filler
- Sep 30, 2015
hjank authored
# unobtrusified add-contextinfo-button-click-event-showcontextinfo-function (added listener to fillContextTab())
- Sep 29, 2015
hjank authored
# adjusted all context info access to translation calls # simplified icon selection and formatting, keeping icon sources in dictionary
- Sep 28, 2015
hjank authored
# transferred translations from contextInfoList to where they're rendered (translations belong to view, not model) # started on dictionaries for translations and icons
hjank authored
# changed usages of old array_contextInformations (now contextList; using key identifiers instead of indices) # serialized whole process (before: async), starting from main.js # updated ContextInfoList structure description (comment): from array of arrays to array of objects
- Sep 25, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# [xmlParser] transformed array_contextInformation into more easily accessible object (renaming and cleaning up a little, while at it)
- Sep 21, 2015
hjank authored
# refactored functionaliies.js into reloadController.js (comparison: function preserved) # in reloadController.js: changed jQuery.ready into jsPlumb.ready due to delayed inst initialization # simplified metaIcon choice and adding # moved more code from general (tabs, modalWindows) to more specific files (metadataTabView, createScenarioModalWindowView, ...) + added propertyTab.js - removed several unnecessary files from MVC scaffold
- Sep 07, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# further refactoring toward MVC
- Sep 05, 2015
hjank authored
- Aug 10, 2015
hjank authored
# started refactoring for JSON-LD A-Box generation, replacing German translations with original context identifiers # renamed statemaschine to statemachine # simplified xmlParser code a little
- Jul 31, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# corrected translation "Lernklumpen" # moved external libraries to directory "vendor" + generated jsdoc (in /doc/out)
- Jun 11, 2015
julius90 authored
- Jun 09, 2015
julius90 authored
- May 25, 2015
julius90 authored
- not allowing self loops anymore - add button only activating after scenario creation - page header size problem
- May 12, 2015
julius90 authored
- add possibility to change scenario name - add connection label name selection in tab bar - add icons in context information
- Apr 30, 2015
julius90 authored
- improve input field in create scenario - add delete unit button in tab "Eigenschaften" - add light load scenario - show tab container only after unit clicking - design: all cancel button are now grey
- Apr 25, 2015
julius90 authored
- add unit deletion - delete default scenarios - error message after modal window closing fixed
- Apr 21, 2015
julius90 authored
- google maps included - all context information and meta data with an icon where shown only with icons - modal window "Delete Scenario" was changed
- Apr 15, 2015
julius90 authored