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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 24, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      + added parameterModel · 5862cac9
      Helena Jank authored
      + added function to get unit from entire author system content by its UUID
      - in contextInfoModel: removed unnecessary complexity in value object
      + in contextInfoModel: added each part of former value object as context info property + getter and setter functions for each
      # completed changes towards consistent usage of models: contextInfo, parameters, unit, authorSystem
      # completed changes in checkInformation(), drawing information from model structure instead of view
      # renamed parameter input and select fields and divs with generic ID "parameter"+i and "divParameter"+i, resp.
      # untangled event handlers for clicked or dragged units and properties tab from "blob" activateFunctionalities()
      # replaced (use and function of) global var global_currentInputUnitName with global var currentUnitUUID
      # made variable currentConnectionID global
  2. Nov 19, 2015
  3. Nov 17, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      - removed fake parameter (testing purposes) from context info · 7b3c1afc
      Helena Jank authored
      - removed metadataTabController script tag from html
      # overall replacement of myAuthorSystem with instance of AuthorSystemContent model
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      - removed directory .idea from version control · c0e9666e
      Helena Jank authored
      # renamed divContextParameters (+ temporary changes in index.hmtl, will be overridden soon)
      - removed metaData tab which was a mere placeholder for Tom's CMS work
      + added metaData dictionary
      + added functions addMetaDataToUnit() and removeMetaDataFromUnit()
      # changed parameter access and collection in contextInfoController and locationInfoMapController
      # moved "get current unit dictionary" code into function getCurrentUnitDataModel()
  4. Nov 13, 2015
  5. Nov 05, 2015
  6. Nov 01, 2015
  7. Oct 26, 2015
  8. Oct 22, 2015
  9. Oct 14, 2015