- Nov 24, 2015
Helena Jank authored
+ added function to get unit from entire author system content by its UUID - in contextInfoModel: removed unnecessary complexity in value object + in contextInfoModel: added each part of former value object as context info property + getter and setter functions for each # completed changes towards consistent usage of models: contextInfo, parameters, unit, authorSystem # completed changes in checkInformation(), drawing information from model structure instead of view # renamed parameter input and select fields and divs with generic ID "parameter"+i and "divParameter"+i, resp. # untangled event handlers for clicked or dragged units and properties tab from "blob" activateFunctionalities() # replaced (use and function of) global var global_currentInputUnitName with global var currentUnitUUID # made variable currentConnectionID global
- Nov 19, 2015
Helena Jank authored
# replaced unit DOM element IDs "stateX" with UUIDs # further merged, simplified, and corrected code (matching new data models)
- Nov 17, 2015
Helena Jank authored
- removed metadataTabController script tag from html # overall replacement of myAuthorSystem with instance of AuthorSystemContent model
Helena Jank authored
# renamed divContextParameters (+ temporary changes in index.hmtl, will be overridden soon) - removed metaData tab which was a mere placeholder for Tom's CMS work + added metaData dictionary + added functions addMetaDataToUnit() and removeMetaDataFromUnit() # changed parameter access and collection in contextInfoController and locationInfoMapController # moved "get current unit dictionary" code into function getCurrentUnitDataModel()
- Nov 14, 2015
hjank authored
# simplified event handlers for new scenario modal window input
- Nov 13, 2015
hjank authored
- Nov 05, 2015
hjank authored
- Nov 01, 2015
hjank authored
# re-added "template" divParameterSelection in index.html to test select2 plugin (flat ui) on clone # TODO: fix async select2 rendering (not working with dynamically generated DOM elements)
- Oct 26, 2015
- Oct 22, 2015
Helena Jank authored
- Oct 14, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored