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Created with Raphaël 2.2.018Feb17Jun23Apr221523Jan22218514Nov23Aug10Jun14Apr1312Mar92126Feb25222120716Jan15111018Dec314Nov12120Oct1811Sep17Aug30Jun1918171416Mar14Oct1019May1815141014May8129Apr2826252423smyck improvementsmastermasterunset auto_name_dirs as relic of old oh-my-zsh timesadd vimr to nvim configremove python-mode plugin from neovimremove fzf + ag configurationsetup separate init.vim and cleanupvimrc cleanupadd nvim pluginsseparate vim and nvimupdate submoduleschange promptadd fzf support to zshremove neomake and add alereplace syntastic with neomakeadd local fish files to gitignoreadd local fish files to gitignoreremove fishd* from indexadded scripts and bin folder submoduleedit PATHadd neovim supportMerge branch 'neovim'add os clipboard support to vimadd neovim supportadd vim-gitgutterchange name installer scriptMerge branch 'master' of .config folder to dotfileschange gitignore_global and localMerge branch 'master' of zsh aliasesset relativ line numbers in vimRemove CtrlPMerge branch 'master' of CtrlPRemove CtrlPadd fzf to vimadded auto pairsMerge branch 'gitgutter'add git gutterASCII prompt