0.0.6 local network hosting
Created by: bmarv
This PR introduces the https-protocol for hosting. This PR relies on the usage of openssl for generating and self-signing the ssl-certificates. This can be half-automated, meaning that cli-interaction for configuring the cert is needed, by two scripts. In the following PR (branch 0.0.7), it is possible to fully automate the configuration of the ssl-cert. Hosting is possible in a local network, e.g. using a wifi-router and routing to the defined port of the ip-adress of the hosting machine on any supported device in the same network. As the ssl-certificate is self-signed, every user will be prompted with a security-notice of the browser, that addresses this. This program can be used on every desktop in the browser and on android. iOS is not supported, as the self-signed ssl-certificate conflicts with the default safari-security-configuration. To host this program not only on local-host but also for other devices, the remote/local-ip-addresses are used for the configuration of the https / websocket server dynamically.