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Schachanwendung mit Möglichkeit online zu spielen


How to use

The project is separeted in two parts: Server and Client

Server is located in "server" branch, which containts executatble jar file (ChessUniServer.jar) Client is located in "master" branch, which also contains executable jar file (ChessClient.jar)

I highly suggest running Server.jar in console line to see if it was executed correctrly

java -jar ChessUniServer.jar

With Java 17

Client with/without Server

If server isn't online Client will steel be able to function, however some of the functions won't be avalialbe, mainly: "Leader board, loggin in, signing up and playing online"


By default server is configured to run on localhost, and Client also sends requests on localhost, which will be enough to check all app funcitons without problems, whoever to allow two players to play together on separeted divices some configs must be changed:

Variant 1, Play via FLAN:

To do that use Services like Hamachi, Radmin VPN to configure local network, then after server is online, second player should change config in file: src/main/resources/ServerConnectionConfig.env. Set SERVER_ROOT= "Ip of person with the server:8080"

Variant 2, Play via Internet: To do that you will need either an online host or a static Ip address. After Settting up online container, layer should change config in file: src/main/resources/ServerConnectionConfig.env.

Set SERVER_ROOT= "root of the hosted server"