\caption{Control-flow diagram for \autoref{lst:nll-reject-correct}}
\caption{Control-flow diagram for \autoref{lst:nll-reject-correct}, nodes in which the reference returned by \inline{v.first()} is live are marked with a thick border.}
When creating a reference, it gets an associated \emph{region} (\emph{origin} in Polonius), which is part of its type. (What is a region?) A loan is live if some live variable has it in its type.
What cool things are possible now?
\subsubsection{Polonius the Crab}
A Rust library emulating Polonius by using a safe abstraction around raw pointers.(?)
Cyclone is a C dialect with region based memory. It uses concrete memory regions whereas Polonius uses abstract ones.
\todo[inline]{flesh out subsection with help of the below}
\subsubsection{Structure of the Talk by \href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_agDeiWek8w}{Niko Matsakis}}
\item Throughout, Niko uses this example:
/* 0 */ let mut x : u32 = 22;
/* 1 */ let y : &'0 u32 = &'1 x;
/* 2 */ x += 1;
/* 3 */ print(y);
\item What exactly is a borrow error? The following conditions must be met:
\item statement $N$ accesses path $P$
\item accessing $P$ would violate the terms of some loan $L$. For shared loans: modifying $P$, for mutable loans: accessing $P$.
\item Note that e. g. mutating a field of a loaned struct is still forbidden; this is an \emph{indirect} mutation.
\item The loan must be live at $N$ (it, or some derived reference, might be used later)
\item Borrow checking before Polonius:
\item Borrow checking in Polonius:
\item compute lifetimes of references: the part (set of nodes in the control-flow graph; we use lines as a simplification) of the program where the references might be used
\item Every reference has a fresh inference variable (variable in the algebraic sense), and the compiler has to figure out which set they correspond to.
\item For example \inline{y} has the lifetime \inline{'0} associated with it. Since \inline{y} is live on lines 2 and 3, $'0$ must include them. Therefore $'0=\{2, 3\}$. $'1$ must outlive $'0$, therefore $'1=\{2, 3\}$. We receive:
\item Instead of tracking where a reference $R$ might be used, we track where it comes from, its \emph{origin}. The origin of $R$ is a set of loans $R$ might have come from (so we go backwards).
\item$'1$ has the origin $\{L1\}$, it is a singleton since it is a freshly created reference. $'0$ also has origin $\{L1\}$, since there is only one assignment to \inline{y}. We have:
/* 0 */ let mut x : u32 = 22;
/* 1 */ let y : &{2, 3} u32 = &{2, 3} x;
/* 1 */ let y : &{L1} u32 = &{L1} x;
/* 2 */ x += 1;
/* 3 */ print(y);
\item A loan is then simply live during the lifetime of that reference.
\item So, in our example: The statement on line 2 accesses path \inline{x}, which violates the loan $L$\inline{(x, shared, {2, 3})} from line 1, and $L$ is live at this point. Therefore, we have an error.
\item Borrow checking in Polonius:
\item Instead of tracking where a reference $R$ might be used, we track where it comes from, its \emph{origin}. The origin of $R$ is a set of loans $R$ might have come from (so we go backwards).
\item$'1$ has the origin $\{L1\}$, it is a singleton since it is a freshly created reference. $'0$ also has origin $\{L1\}$, since there is only one assignment to \inline{y}. We have:
/* 0 */ let mut x : u32 = 22;
/* 1 */ let y : &{L1} u32 = &{L1} x;
/* 2 */ x += 1;
/* 3 */ print(y);
\item Liveness is not relevant here, only flow of values. Only the liveness of variables are important.
\item Now, a loan $L$ is live if some live variable has $L$ in its type.
\item So, in our example: Line 2 modifies \inline{x}, violating the loan \inline{(x, shared)}. \inline{y} is live at this point and contains the loan \inline{(x, shared)}. Therefore, we have an error.
\item Why does it matter?
fn get_or_insert(
map: &mut HashMap<u32, String>
) -> &String {
match map.get(&22) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
map.insert(22, String::from("hi"));
fn get_or_insert(
map: &mut HashMap<u32, String>
) -> &String {
match map.get(&22) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
map.insert(22, String::from("hi"));
Here (with classical NLL), \inline{v} lives longer than the function, meaning that the loan is live for the whole function call. In particular, it is live when we try to insert, which is a violation (since we need an exclusive reference here)
With Polonius, \inline{v} is not live in the \inline{None} branch and therefore no violation happens because there are no live variables with that loan in their type.
\item Polonius can also help with self-referential structs:
struct Message {
buffer : Vec<String>,
slice: &'buffer [u8], // borrow from field `buffer`
struct Message {
buffer : Vec<String>,
slice: &'buffer [u8], // borrow from field `buffer`
When creating a \inline{Message}, Polonius can check that the origin of \inline{'buffer} is within the struct.
\subsubsection{Polonius the Crab}
\todo[inline]{A Rust library emulating Polonius by using a safe abstraction around raw pointers.(?)}
\todo[inline]{Cyclone is a C dialect with region based memory. It uses concrete memory regions whereas Polonius uses abstract ones.}