Portfolio Entries can be commented
portfolio entries can be commented by students and the docent (if docent has access to them)
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- Ghost User changed title from Add ability to annotate portfolio entries to Add maybe ability to annotate portfolio entries
changed title from Add ability to annotate portfolio entries to Add maybe ability to annotate portfolio entries
- Ghost User changed the description
changed the description
- A deleted user removed Todo Martin Masterarbeit label
removed Todo Martin Masterarbeit label
- Ghost User changed milestone to %FL-Trail Demo-Video für Quali Survey
changed milestone to %FL-Trail Demo-Video für Quali Survey
- A deleted user added Todo Martin Masterarbeit label
added Todo Martin Masterarbeit label
- Owner
Labels wären gut, Kooperatives Feedback im Sinne von Websocket basiertem chat (wie Sven BA) ist eher nice to have.
- Owner
Normale Kommentare brauchen glaube ich keinen Textbezug, wären aber schon wichtiges Feature, denke ich.
- Julian Dehne assigned to @mstaehr
assigned to @mstaehr
- Julian Dehne changed milestone to %Fl-Trail Prototyp für Experteninterviews
changed milestone to %Fl-Trail Prototyp für Experteninterviews
- Ghost User changed milestone to %Advanced-Features-Reflexionsmodul
changed milestone to %Advanced-Features-Reflexionsmodul
- Ghost User changed title from Add maybe ability to annotate portfolio entries to Portfolio Entries can be commented
changed title from Add maybe ability to annotate portfolio entries to Portfolio Entries can be commented
- Ghost User changed the description
changed the description
- A deleted user added Done Martin Masterarbeit label
added Done Martin Masterarbeit label
- Ghost User closed
- A deleted user removed Todo Martin Masterarbeit label
removed Todo Martin Masterarbeit label