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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 28, 2015
  2. May 27, 2015
  3. May 22, 2015
  4. May 21, 2015
  5. May 18, 2015
  6. May 15, 2015
  7. May 05, 2015
  8. Apr 28, 2015
  9. Apr 24, 2015
  10. Apr 23, 2015
  11. Apr 17, 2015
    • Tobias Moebert's avatar
      + added Interpretation class · 21f656e6
      Tobias Moebert authored
      - [AbstractList] removed counter
      - [Aggregator] interpreters
      - [Aggregator] addInterpreter() and getInterpreters()
      - [Aggregator] getInterpretedData()
      - [AttributeTypeList] getItem(_identifier)
      - [AttributeValueList] getAttributeValue(_key)
      - [ParameterList] getIdentifier()
      - [Interpreter] - getInterpretedData()
      + [AttributeType] hasInputParameter()
      + [AttributeTypeList] removeAttributeType(_attributeType, _allOccurences)
      + [AttributeTypeList] hasAttributesWithInputParameters()
      + [AttributeTypeList] getAttributesWithInputParameters()
      + [AttributeValueList] containsAttributeType(_attributeType)
      + [AttributeValueList] getValueObjectForAttributeType(_attributeType)
      + [AttributeValueList] removeAttributeValuesWithAttributeType(_attributeType)
      + [AttributeValueList] updateValue(_attributeValue)
      + [ParameterList] hasInputParameter()
      + [Interpreter] hasOutAttributesWithInputParameters()
      + [Interpreter] getOutAttributesWithInputParameters()
      # [Aggregator] uses Interpretation objects to save referenced interpreters
      # [Aggregator] can handle parameters with values that change at runtime
      # [AttributeType] equals(_attributeType) doesn't rely on identifier anymore
      # [AttributeType] virtual public toString() -> public getIdentifier()
      # [AttributeTypeList] public put(_attributeType) -> public put(_attributeType, _multipleInstances)
      # [AttributeValueList] contains(_items) -> contains(_attributeValue)
      # [Parameter] getIdentifier() -> toString()
      # [Interpreter] callInterpreter(_dataToInterpret, _function) -> callInterpreter(_inAttributeValues, _outAttributeValues, _function)
  12. Apr 09, 2015
    • Tobias Moebert's avatar
      + [Aggregator] didFinishInitialization() · a46a9a27
      Tobias Moebert authored
      + [Aggregator] addInterpreter()
      + [Aggregator] getInterpreters()
      + [Aggregator] getComponentUUIDs()
      + [Aggregator] hasComponent(uuid)
      + [Aggregator] doesSatisfyAttributeType(_attributeType)
      + [Aggregator] getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributeTypes(_unsatisfiedAttributes, _all, _componentTypes)
      + [Aggregator] didFinishSetup()
      + [Aggregator] queryReferencedInterpreters(_callback)
      + [Aggregator] queryReferencedComponents(_callback)
      + [AttributeType] hasParameters()
      + [AttributeType] toString()
      + [AttributeType] getIdentifier()
      + [AttributeTypeList] getItem(_identifier)
      + [AttributeTypeList] clone()
      + [AttributeValue] toString()
      + [AttributeValueList] getValueForAttributeType(_attributeType)
      + [Parameter] toString()
      + [Parameter] getIdentifier()
      + [ParameterList] getItemsAsJson()
      + [ParameterList] getIdentifier()
      + [WidgetDescription] doesSatisfyAttributeType(_attributeType)
      + [Widget] virtual didFinishInitialization(_attributeTypes)
      # updated unit tests to consider the changes made to the different components
      # updated the JSDoc comments and build an updated documentation
      # [AbstractList] getItem is now virtual
      # [Aggregator] updated the constructor and setup process so that aggregators are able to search for components to satisfy requested attributes (should be handled by the discoverer in the future)
      # [Aggregator] updated methods to use UUIDs instead of WidgetHandles
      # [Aggregator] addWidget now accepts a Widget or a UUID
      # [Aggregator] removeWidget now only accepts UUIDs
      # [Aggregator] aggregatorSetup() -> aggregatorSetup(_attributeTypes)
      # [Aggregator] abstract protected setAggregatorAttributeValues() -> virtual protected setAggregatorAttributeValues(_attributeTypes)
      # [Aggregator] abstract protected setAggregatorConstantAttributeValues() -> virtual protected setAggregatorConstantAttributeValues()
      # [Aggregator] abstract protected setAggregatorCallbacks() -> virtual protected setAggregatorCallbacks()
      # [Aggregator] interpretData(_interpreterId, _data, _function) -> interpretData(_interpreterId, _function)
      # [Widget] getAttributeValues() -> getAttributeValues(_attributeTypeList)
      - [Aggregator] initWidgetHandles()
      - removed WidgetHandle and WidgetHandleList (all components are solely referenced by UUID now)
      - [Widget] getHandle()
  13. Mar 12, 2015
  14. Mar 09, 2015
  15. Mar 06, 2015
  16. Mar 04, 2015