- Oct 05, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
+ Queryable + Data + Service - const.js # Attribute -> ContextInformation # AttributeList -> ContextInformationList # updated the example Widget and Interpreter # updated unit test to accommodate these changes # [Aggregator, Interpreter, Widget] doesSatisfyTypeOf(contextInformation) -> doesSatisfyKindOf(contextInformation) # [Interpreter, Widget] doesSatisfyKindOf(contextInformation) moved to Component # [Widget] Widget(discoverer, attributes) -> Widget(discoverer) # [Widget] sendToSubscriber(callback) -> _sendToSubscriber(callback) # [ContextInformation] _type -> _dataType (getter/setter accordingly) # [ContextInformation] equalsTypeOf(contextInformation) -> isKindOf(contextInformation) (_isTypeOf accordingly) # [ContextInformation] equalsValueOf(contextInformation) -> equals(contextInformation) # [ContextInformationList] putIfTypeNotContained(contextInformation) -> putIfKindNotContained(contextInformation) # [ContextInformationList] containsTypeOf(contextInformation) -> containsKindOf(contextInformation) # [ContextInformationList] containsValueOf(contextInformation) -> contains(contextInformation) # [ContextInformationList] equalsTypesIn(contextInformationList) -> isKindOf(contextInformationList) # [ContextInformationList] equalsValuesIn(contextInformationList) -> equals(contextInformationList)
- Sep 30, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
+ [Attribute] added private constants _VALUE_UNKNOWN and _VALUE_ERROR (might add more specific error values later on) + [Attribute] setValueUnknown() + [Attribute] setValueError() + [Attribute] isKnown() + [Attribute] getSynonymWithName(name) + [Interpreter] _getExpectedInAttributes(attributes) # [Attribute] withSynonym(translation) -> withSynonym(attribute) # [AttributeList] fromAttributeDescription(discoverer, attributeDescription) -> fromAttributeDescription(discoverer, attributeDescriptions) # [Interpreter] callInterpreter(inAttributes, outAttributes, callback) now retrieves the synonym expected by its inAttributeDescription ! [Widget] check if updateInterval is not undefined when starting the interval
- Sep 24, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
# [Discoverer] _checkWidgetRequirements(theWidget) -> _checkComponentRequirements(theComponent) ! [Discoverer] fixed a bug where properties of required objects couldn't be found by_checkComponentRequirements()
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/contactJS into development # By Helena Jank (2) and hjank (1) # Via Helena Jank (1) and hjank (1) * 'development' of https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/contactJS: Update README.md # adjusted README to latest changes in components: inOut -> description, updateInterval # completed README, added contents
Tobias Moebert authored
! [Discoverer] fixed a bug where Interpreters wouldn't searched for when a Widget was found that satisfies an attribute ! [Aggregator] fixed a bug where Interpretations would be called multiple time if a Widget returned more than one required attribute
- Sep 22, 2015
hjank authored
Helena Jank authored
Helena Jank authored
Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/contactJS into development
Helena Jank authored
- Sep 21, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
+ [Aggregator] when receiving data from a Widget, Aggregators now search for an Interpretation in need for that information and will query the associated Interpreter + [Aggregator] queryReferencedInterpretation(theInterpretation, callback) # [Widget, Interpreter] the static variable for the description of the component is now "description" (duh!) and not "inOut" # [Widget] the description object now holds a variable "updateInterval"; it defines the update interval in milliseconds # [Widget] if an update interval is given in the description the Widget will call its queryGenerator() method regularly # updated some log messages # updated some instance checks
- Sep 18, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
# [Component] added more shared functionality from Widget, Aggregator and Interpreter
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
# [Aggregator] changed database initialization
- Sep 17, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
+ [Component] added Component as superclass of all classes that are managed by the discoverer; duplicate functionality from Widget, Aggregator and Interpreter will be outsourced into Component in the future + [Component] Components and subclasses can use this.log() the create meaningful log messages referencing themselves # [Storage] the constructor of Storage accepts a fourth parameter which is a reference to the Aggregator that created the Storage (is used for logging purposes) # [Widget] the constructor won't override the name attribute if it's been already set ! [Widget] fixed a bug in addOutAttribute() where existing attributes were not updated with new values + added a new unit test for the translation functionality of the the discoverer
Tobias Moebert authored
- Sep 16, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
- Sep 15, 2015
Helena Jank authored
- Sep 10, 2015
Helena Jank authored
- Sep 07, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
+ [AttributeList] fromAttributeNames(discoverer, attributeNames) + [AttributeList] putIfTypeNotContained(attribute) + [AttributeList] _getAttributeWithName(attributeName) + [Discoverer] getPossibleAttributes() + [Discoverer] getAttributeNames(attributeNames) + [Parameter] added data type and updated methodes accordingly # [AttributeList] fromAttributeDescription -> fromAttributeDescriptions # [Discoverer] buildAttribute(name, type, parameterList, withSynonyms) -> buildAttributes(attributeName, attributeType, parameterList, withSynonyms)
- Aug 20, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
- Aug 19, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
# [Widget] updated attribute initialization to use the new static construction method of AttributeList
Tobias Moebert authored
- Aug 18, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
+ [AttributeList] added a static method to create an AttributeList from the description provided by a Widget or Interpreter - [Widget] removed obsolete elements from the attribute description # [Discoverer] updated to make use of AttributeList.fromAttributeDescription()
- Aug 17, 2015
Tobias Moebert authored
Tobias Moebert authored
* rueger/development: # some more clean up # code cleanup # updated discoverer to initialize components on the fly # updated to version without ease.js and with synonyms # [Aggregator] moved _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() to [Discoverer] + [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() # [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() can initialize components if not already registered # [Interpreter] constructor Interpreter(discoverer, inAttributes, outAttributes) + [Interpreter] inOut # [Interpreter] _init() # [Interpreter] _initInterpreter() # [Interpreter] _initInAttributes() # [Interpreter] _initOutAttributes() # [Interpreter] _doesSatisfyTypeOf() # [Widget] constructor Widget(discoverer, outAttributes) + [Widget] inOut # [Widget] _initWidgetr() # [Widget] _initOutAttributes() # [Widget] _doesSatisfyTypeOf() + .gitignore Conflicts: dist/contactJS.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Car.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Child.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Namespace.js docs/jaguarjs-jsdoc-master/demo/sample/Parent.js js/modules/aggregator/aggregator.js js/modules/attribute/attribute.js js/modules/discoverer/discoverer.js js/modules/interpreter/interpreter.js js/modules/widget/widget.js
Tobias Moebert authored
- Aug 14, 2015
mirueger authored
- Aug 11, 2015
Tobias authored