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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 11, 2016
  2. Jan 07, 2016
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      + added utils containing uuid generator · 8013b428
      Helena Jank authored
      # moved a box generation into scenario model, since each scenario is to have its own a box
      + added JSON-LD formatting to scenario and unit model
      TODO: relations are missing! --> must match with t box
      # ContextInformation: getJSONLD() now returns object instead of array
      # (temporarily) changed showSaveScenario() so that a box is downloaded instead of scenario JSON
    • Helena Jank's avatar
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      + added script tag for saveScenarioController to index.html · 474eeca9
      Helena Jank authored
      ! in plumbUnit() corrected posX and posY assignment to uni
    • hjank's avatar
      + in index.html: added simulator js and css files and menu options · 5ffb4e38
      hjank authored
      + added timelineController and simulationController
      + added simulator.html containing code to be loaded on demand by jquery
      # changed fromJSON() in ContextInformation and ContextInfoList: the former now makes a "deep cast" incl. parameters, simplifying the latter
      + added reset functions to Parameter, ContextInformation and ContextInfoList for resetting chosen values to ""
      + added getScenarioContext() to Scenario and getContextInformation() to AuthorSystemContent: return lists of context items added to units in the author system
      + added hasContext() to Scenario and AuthorSystemContent: returns true if context has been added to a unit by the author
      - removed now superfluous event handler from main (was there for testing download)
      + added new event handler to simulatorController
  3. Jan 06, 2016
    • hjank's avatar
      + added custom icons (in fonts and css) via · c07d0e83
      hjank authored
      + added custom jquery-ui css and js files
      + added timeline controller and css
    • hjank's avatar
      # index.html: in horizontal top menu bar: moved showContact to the right · 94552aa0
      hjank authored
      + authorSystemContentModel.js: added getContextInformation() which returns a list of all added context items
      + index.html: in horizontal top menu bar: re-added statistics-menu (for downloading that list)
      + main.js: added event handler for that menu: download list
      + added possibility to convert JSON objects to ContextInformation, including Parameter, and generate a ContextInfoList from them
      + added function addItem() to ContextInfoListModel
  4. Dec 29, 2015
  5. Dec 18, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      ! fixed bug in connection construction: replaced falsy constructor with "with()" · c80dd414
      Helena Jank authored
      + added connectsUnit() to connectionModel, which checks if the connection leads to/from the given unit
      + added removal of attached connections to removeUnit() in scenarioModel: connections leading to/from a deleted unit will be deleted from model, too
      # removeConnection() in scenarioModel now accepts only the ID of a connection as parameter (instead of the entire connection)
      - removed deleteUnitFromModel() from unitModel
      + added removeUnitFromScenario() to unitController, comprising all necessary function calls for removing a unit from view and model
      # merged similar but distributed unit deletion functionality from tab and modal window into removeUnitFromScenario() call; now all use the same functionality
      + added check for existence of a unit model to its click event handler: prevents errors when units are added and clicked but not named yet
      + added check for scenario name availability to newScenarioModal....: alert if entered name for new scenario is already taken
      ! fixed (really stupid, really) unit deletion bug (i.e. not happening): added "#" to delete unit button $-selectors
      + added TODO to loadScenario() in authorSystemController: the whole thing is stale and just won't work
  6. Dec 16, 2015
  7. Dec 15, 2015
  8. Dec 14, 2015
    • hjank's avatar
      + added global variable unitContextIndex (index of the current info in the... · d16e3346
      hjank authored
      + added global variable unitContextIndex (index of the current info in the unit's context array) to contextTabController to be able to distinguish between add and edit mode
      # replaced contextDataCounter and contextDataIndex with this variable
      # replaced id in array_multiSelectionContextInfos with this index
      # distinguished adding of icons to unit: when editing context, the icon gets replaced, otherwise a new one is added
      TODO: select2 doesn't seem to work correctly anymore on new array_mutli...
  9. Dec 13, 2015
  10. Dec 10, 2015
  11. Dec 08, 2015
  12. Dec 06, 2015
  13. Dec 05, 2015
  14. Dec 03, 2015
    • hjank's avatar
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      + added relationTabController · 8cb6ffb0
      Helena Jank authored
      # moved event handlers for connections from canvasController to relationTabController
      # moved initUnitEventHandlers() from canvasController to unitController
      # moved chooseMetaIcon() from unitController to formatSelections
      + added optional index parameter to addContextInfo() in unitModel
      + added getItemByID() to contextInfoListModel
      # started correcting German umlauts in dictionaries
      # changed data structure of array_multiSelectionContextInfos:
         1. "id" is now context ID, "text" its translation;
         2. new items now get pushed to the end of the array, changed items stay where they are
      # changed changeColorMultiContextInfos() into formatMultiContextInfosElements()
      TODO: editing items in multi selection does not work as it should (see latter changes)
  15. Nov 26, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      # made working but nasty context list initialization less nasty (extracted parsing from init) · 349c402c
      Helena Jank authored
      ! fixed bug in AuthorSystemContent model's getUnitByUUID()
      + added context info removal function to Unit model
      # in formatSelections: made formatUnitIcons() more compact, self-contained and generically usable
      # simplified loadUnit() in unitController, applying new functions formatUnitIcons() and addMetaDataToUnit()
      - removed activateFunctionalities() and activateContextConfirmation()
      # moved contextTab-specific event handlers from generalTabController to contextTabController
      # replaced returnArray from checkInformation() with object
      # replaced value of "id" in array_multiSelectionContextInfos (multiple infos of same type possible)
      TODO: multiContextSelection still troublesome with new kind of IDs, needs to be revised!
      TODO: compactify "all" or "one" design rendering code
  16. Nov 24, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      + added parameterModel · 5862cac9
      Helena Jank authored
      + added function to get unit from entire author system content by its UUID
      - in contextInfoModel: removed unnecessary complexity in value object
      + in contextInfoModel: added each part of former value object as context info property + getter and setter functions for each
      # completed changes towards consistent usage of models: contextInfo, parameters, unit, authorSystem
      # completed changes in checkInformation(), drawing information from model structure instead of view
      # renamed parameter input and select fields and divs with generic ID "parameter"+i and "divParameter"+i, resp.
      # untangled event handlers for clicked or dragged units and properties tab from "blob" activateFunctionalities()
      # replaced (use and function of) global var global_currentInputUnitName with global var currentUnitUUID
      # made variable currentConnectionID global
  17. Nov 19, 2015
  18. Nov 17, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      - removed fake parameter (testing purposes) from context info · 7b3c1afc
      Helena Jank authored
      - removed metadataTabController script tag from html
      # overall replacement of myAuthorSystem with instance of AuthorSystemContent model
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      - removed directory .idea from version control · c0e9666e
      Helena Jank authored
      # renamed divContextParameters (+ temporary changes in index.hmtl, will be overridden soon)
      - removed metaData tab which was a mere placeholder for Tom's CMS work
      + added metaData dictionary
      + added functions addMetaDataToUnit() and removeMetaDataFromUnit()
      # changed parameter access and collection in contextInfoController and locationInfoMapController
      # moved "get current unit dictionary" code into function getCurrentUnitDataModel()
  19. Nov 14, 2015
  20. Nov 13, 2015
  21. Nov 05, 2015
  22. Nov 01, 2015
  23. Oct 26, 2015
  24. Oct 22, 2015
  25. Oct 14, 2015