function [F] = erosanimation(variable,varargin) % Visualize output of the EROS landscape evolution model as animations (LEM) % % % The following function library is required, which can be downloaded % from e.g. the MATLAB file exchange: % % TopoToolbox - A MATLAB program for the analysis of digital elevation % models. ( % % % SYNTAX % % B = erosanimation(variable) % B = erosanimation(variable,pn,pv,...) % % % DESCRIPTION % % erosanimation creates movie frames of landscape evolution either in % profile view, map view or in 3d. % % % INPUT (required) % % variable variable of interest (string) % 'topo' Topographic elevation % 'sediment' Sediment thickness % 'water' Water depth % 'discharge' Water discharge % 'qs' Unit-sediment flux % 'downward' Flow orientation % 'stress' Shear stress % 'slope' Stream slope % 'capacity' Stream capacity % 'stock' Sediment stock % 'hum' Water discharge on the topography % 'rain' Sources (>0) and sinks (-1) of water and sediment % % 'profile' custom profile, second argument needs to be a DEM (GRIDobj) % 'sprofile' stream long profile, second argument needs to be a DEM (GRIDobj) % % INPUT (optional) % % Parameter name/value pairs (pn,pv,...) % % 'mode' visualization mode (string) (default: 'movie2') % % 'movie2' 2d movie of variable % 'movie3' 3d movie of topographic evolution % % 'viewdir' view geometry specified as 2-element vector of azimuth % and elevation (default: [45,45]) % only apllies to mode 'movie3' % % % % OUTPUT % % F movie frames % % EXAMPLE % % Run the example that comes with the Eros download and: % % 1. make an 2d-animation of sediment thickness and use the returned % frames to construct an animated .gif % % eros_template.m % B = erosanimation('sediment'); % frames2gif(B,'sediment.gif',0.1) % % 2. plot the average sediment thickness versus time % % B = erosanimation('sediment','mode','average'); % % 3. make an 3d-animation of topography and return frames % % B = erosanmimation('topo','mode','movie3'); % % REFERENCES: % % Davy, P., & Lague, D. (2009). Fluvial erosion/transport equation of land- % scape evolution models revisited. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, % 116. % % Davy, P., Croissant, T., & Lague, D. (2017). A precipiton method to cal- % culate river hydrodynamics, with applications to flood prediction, land- % scape evolution models, and braiding instabilities. Journal of % Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122, 14911512. % % % % Author: Juergen Mey (juemey[at] % Date: 28. May, 2020 p = inputParser; expectedInput_variable = {'topo','water','sediment','flux','qs',... 'discharge','downward','stress','hum','slope','capacity','stock','sprofile','profile'}; addRequired(p,'variable',@(x) any(validatestring(x,expectedInput_variable))); if strcmp(variable,'sprofile') || strcmp(variable,'profile') addRequired(p,'dem',@(x)isa(x,'GRIDobj')); default_flowmin = 100; addParameter(p,'flowmin',default_flowmin,@isnumeric); parse(p,variable,varargin{:}); dem = p.Results.dem; flowmin = p.Results.flowmin; else default_mode = 'movie2'; expectedInput_mode = {'movie2','movie3'}; addParameter(p,'mode',default_mode,@(x) any(validatestring(x,expectedInput_mode))); default_viewdir = [45,45]; addParameter(p,'viewdir',default_viewdir,@isnumeric); parse(p,variable,varargin{:}); mode = p.Results.mode; viewdir = p.Results.viewdir; end switch variable case 'topo' filetype = 'alt'; iylabel = 'Elevation (m)'; colors = 'landcolor'; case 'sediment' filetype = 'sed'; iylabel = 'Sediment thickness (m)'; colors = 'jet'; case 'water' filetype = 'water'; iylabel = 'Water depth (m)'; colors = 'flowcolor'; case 'capacity' filetype = 'capacity'; iylabel = 'Capacity'; colors = 'jet'; case 'discharge' filetype = 'discharge'; iylabel = 'Water discharge (m^3/s)'; colors = 'flowcolor'; case 'flux' filetype = 'flux'; iylabel = 'Water discharge (m^3/s)'; colors = 'flowcolor'; case 'downward' filetype = 'downward'; iylabel = 'Mean settling velocity (m/s)'; colors = 'parula'; case 'hum' filetype = 'hum'; iylabel = 'Water discharge on topography (m^3/s)'; colors = 'flowcolor'; case 'qs' filetype = 'qs'; iylabel = 'Sediment flux (m^3/s)'; colors = 'jet'; case 'slope' filetype = 'slope'; iylabel = 'Slope'; colors = 'parula'; case 'stock' filetype = 'stock'; iylabel = 'Sediment stock (m^3)'; colors = 'jet'; case 'stress' filetype = 'stress'; iylabel = 'Shear stress (Pa)'; colors = 'jet'; end if strcmp(variable,'sprofile') FD = FLOWobj(dem,'preprocess','c'); S = STREAMobj(FD,flowacc(FD)>flowmin); S2 = modify(S,'interactive','reachselect'); marker = round(linspace(1,length(S2.distance),10)); H = dir('*.alt'); W = dir('*.water'); S = dir('*.sed'); D = dir('*.flux'); [~,index] = sortrows({H.datenum}.'); H = H(index); W = W(index); S = S(index); D = D(index); for i = 1:length(D) [z,~] = fopengrd(D(i).name); z(z==0)=NaN; B(:,:,i) = z; end sed = grd2GRIDobj(S(1).name,dem); w = waitbar(1/length(H),['Collecting movie frames ... ']); for i=1:length(H) h=figure; subplot(2,1,1) water2 = grd2GRIDobj(W(i).name,dem); dem2 = grd2GRIDobj(H(i).name,dem); sed2 = grd2GRIDobj(S(i).name,dem); plotdz(S2,dem,'color',[0.9 0.9 0.9]);hold on % initial river profile plotdz(S2,dem-sed,'color',[0.7 0.7 0.7]) % initial bedrock profile plotdz(S2,dem2+water2,'color',[0 0.61 1]) % water surface plotdz(S2,dem2,'color',[1 0.5 0.1]);hold on % updated river profile plotdz(S2,dem2-sed2,'color','k') % updated bedrock profile xlim([0 S2.distance(end)]) yl(i,1:2) = ylim; ylim([yl(1,1),yl(1,2)+20]); title(['Time = ',num2str(i),'']) xlabel('Distance (m)') ylabel('Elevation (m)'); legend({'Initial topo','Initial bedrock','Water','Sediment','Bedrock'},'Location','northwest') legend('boxoff') subplot(2,1,2) flux = grd2GRIDobj(D(i).name,dem); flux.Z(flux.Z==0)=NaN; imageschs(dem2,flux,'colormap','flowcolor','caxis',[nanmin(B(:)),nanmax(B(:))],'colorbarylabel','Water discharge (m^3/s)'); hold on; plot(S2,'k--') % scatter(S2.x(marker),S2.y(marker),'k') text(S2.x(marker),S2.y(marker),num2str(round(S2.distance(marker)/1000)),'FontWeight','bold') x0=10; y0=10; width=2200; height=1900/2; set(gcf,'position',[x0,y0,width,height]) set(gcf,'Visible','off') F(i) = getframe(gcf); close all waitbar(i/length(H)) end close(w) elseif strcmp(variable,'profile') H = dir('*.alt'); W = dir('*.water'); S = dir('*.sed'); D = dir('*.flux'); [~,index] = sortrows({}.'); H = H(index); W = W(index); S = S(index); D = D(index); for i = 1:length(D) [z,~] = fopengrd(D(i).name); z(z==0)=NaN; B(:,:,i) = z; end sed = grd2GRIDobj(S(1).name,dem); [d,z,x,y] = demprofile(dem); [~,sz0] = demprofile(sed,[],x,y); w = waitbar(1/length(H),['Collecting movie frames ... ']); for i=1:length(H) h=figure; subplot(2,1,1) water2 = grd2GRIDobj(W(i).name,dem); dem2 = grd2GRIDobj(H(i).name,dem); sed2 = grd2GRIDobj(S(i).name,dem); [~,hz] = demprofile(dem2,[],x,y); [~,wz] = demprofile(water2,[],x,y); [~,sz] = demprofile(sed2,[],x,y); plot(d,z,'color',[0.9 0.9 0.9]);hold on plot(d,z-sz0,'color',[0.7 0.7 0.7]) plot(d,hz+wz,'color',[0 0.61 1]) plot(d,hz,'color',[1 0.5 0.1]);hold on plot(d,hz-sz,'color','k') xlim([0 d(end)]) yl(i,1:2) = ylim; ylim([yl(1,1),yl(1,2)+20]); title(['Time = ',num2str(i),'']) xlabel('Distance (m)') ylabel('Elevation (m)'); subplot(2,1,2) flux = grd2GRIDobj(D(i).name,dem); flux.Z(flux.Z==0)=NaN; imageschs(dem2,flux,'colormap','flowcolor','caxis',[nanmin(B(:)),nanmax(B(:))],'colorbarylabel','Water discharge (m^3/s)'); hold on; plot(x,y,'k--') text(x(1)+10,y(1)+10,'left'); text(x(end)+10,y(end)+10,'right'); x0=10; y0=10; width=2200; height=1900/2; set(gcf,'position',[x0,y0,width,height]) set(gcf,'Visible','off') F(i) = getframe(gcf); close all waitbar(i/length(H)) end close(w) else T = dir('*.ini'); Z = dir(['*.',filetype]); [t,~] = fread_timeVec(,length(Z)); if isempty(t) t=1:length(Z); end if isnan(t) t=1:length(Z); end [~,index] = sortrows({}.'); Z = Z(index); for i = 1:length(Z) [z,~] = fopengrd(Z(i).name); z(z==0)=NaN; B(:,:,i) = z; end switch mode case 'movie2' H = dir('*.alt'); Z = dir(['*.',filetype]); [~,index] = sortrows({}.'); H = H(index); Z = Z(index); w = waitbar(1/length(H),['Collecting movie frames ... ']); for i = 1:length(H)-1 h = grd2GRIDobj(H(i+1).name); z = grd2GRIDobj(Z(i+1).name); z.Z(z.Z==0)=NaN; %imageschs(h,z,'colormap',colors,'caxis',[0,1],'colorbarylabel',iylabel); imageschs(h,z,'colormap',colors,'caxis',[nanmin(B(:)),nanmax(B(:))],'colorbarylabel',iylabel); %set(gca,'ColorScale','log') title(['Time = ',num2str(t(i)),'']) x0=10; y0=10; width=2200; height=1900; set(gcf,'position',[x0,y0,width,height]) set(gcf,'Visible','off') F(i) = getframe(gcf); close all waitbar(i/length(H)) end close(w) case 'movie3' H = dir('*.alt'); [~,index] = sortrows({}.'); H = H(index); w = waitbar(1/length(H),['Collecting movie frames ... ']); for i = 1:length(H) h = grd2GRIDobj(H(i).name); [xm,ym] = getcoordinates(h); axis off surface(xm,ym,h.Z,'EdgeColor','none');colorbar view(viewdir(1),viewdir(2)) axis equal c = colorbar; c.Label.String = 'Elevation (m)'; colormap(landcolor) caxis([nanmin(B(:)),nanmax(B(:))]) title(['Time = ',num2str(t(i)),'']) x0=10; y0=10; width=2200; height=1900; set(gcf,'position',[x0,y0,width,height]) set(gcf,'Visible','off') F(i) = getframe(gcf); close all waitbar(i/length(H)) end close(w) end end