function [varargout] = erosinfo(variable) % Visualize output statistics of the EROS landscape evolution model (LEM) % % % SYNTAX % % B = erosinfo(variable) % % % DESCRIPTION % % erosinfo shows timeseries data from the .txt file written during % execution of the model and returns the data % % % INPUT (required) % % variable variable of interest (string) % % 'topo' Topographic elevation % 'topo_std' Topographic elevation % 'water' Water depth % 'q_in' Water discharge % 'q_out' Water discharge % 'qs_in' Unit-sediment flux % 'qs_out' Unit-sediment flux % 'rain' rain % 'dt' time steps % 'slope' Stream slope % 'dv_p' dv_p % 'dv_h' dv_h % % 'time' modelled time versus computation time % 'all' show all variables % % % % OUTPUT % % B Numeric array of the variable(s). First column is the time % vector. If variable is 'all', B is (type:struct). % % % % EXAMPLE % % Run the example that comes with the Eros download and: % % 1. plot the outflux of sediment versus time % % eros_template.m % B = erosinfo('qs_out'); % % 2. plot all variables in a 3-by-3 subplot % % B = erosinfo('all'); % % REFERENCES: % % Davy, P., & Lague, D. (2009). Fluvial erosion/transport equation of land- % scape evolution models revisited. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, % 116. % % Davy, P., Croissant, T., & Lague, D. (2017). A precipiton method to cal- % culate river hydrodynamics, with applications to flood prediction, land- % scape evolution models, and braiding instabilities. Journal of % Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122, 14911512. % % % % Author: Juergen Mey (juemey[at] % Date: 4. June, 2020 p = inputParser; expectedInput_variable = {'topo','water','q_in','q_out','qs_in','qs_out','slope',... 'rain','dt','dv_p','dh_p','all','time','cs_in','cs_out'}; addRequired(p,'variable',@(x) any(validatestring(x,expectedInput_variable))); parse(p,variable); allflag=0; switch variable case 'topo' iylabel = 'Elevation (m)'; case 'sediment' iylabel = 'Sediment thickness (m)'; case {'water','water_max'} iylabel = 'Water depth (m)'; case 'rain' iylabel = 'rain'; case {'q_in','q_out','q'} iylabel = 'Water discharge (m^3/s)'; case 'downward' iylabel = 'Flow orientation'; case 'hum' iylabel = 'Water discharge on topography (m^3/s)'; case {'qs_out','qs_in','cs_in','cs_out'} iylabel = 'Sediment flux (m^3/s)'; case 'slope' variable = 'slope_eff'; iylabel = 'Slope (%)'; case 'dt' iylabel = 'Time steps'; case 'dv_p' iylabel = 'dv_p'; case 'dh_p' iylabel = 'dh_p'; case 'all' allflag=1; case 'time' iylabel = 'Computation time (days)'; end T = dir('*.txt'); [~,index] = sortrows({T.datenum}.'); T = T(index); time = []; for i = 1:length(index) Ta{i} = readtable(T(i).name); try time = vertcat(time,Ta{i}{:,1} + Ta{i-1}{end,1}); catch time = Ta{i}{:,1}; end end T = vertcat(Ta{:}); % T(1,:)=[]; % time = T{:,1}; Stat.time = time; figure if allflag == 1 cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'dt'); Stat.dt = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,1) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('dt') cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'q_'); Stat.q = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,2) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Water flux (m^3s^-^1)') legend('q\_in','q\_out') cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'topo'); Stat.topo = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,3) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Elevation (m)') legend('Mean','std') cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'water'); ncols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'water_nbr'); cols(ncols)=0; Stat.water = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,4) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Water depth (m)') legend('Mean','Max') cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'slope'); Stat.slope = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,5) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Slope (%)') try cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'qs')|contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'cs'); Stat.qs = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,6) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Sediment flux') legend('cs\_in','cs\_out') catch end cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'rain'); Stat.rain = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,7) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Rain') cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'dv_p'); Stat.dv_p = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,8) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('dv\_p') cols = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,'dh_p'); Stat.dh_p = T{:,cols}; subplot(3,3,9) plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel('dh\_p') varargout{1} = Stat; elseif strcmp(variable,'time') H = dir('*.alt'); [~,index] = sortrows({H.datenum}.'); H = H(index); datenum = extractfield(H,'datenum'); plot(1:length(H),datenum-datenum(1)) M(:,1)=1:length(H); M(:,2)=datenum-datenum(1); xlabel('Model time (kyr)') ylabel('Computational time (d)') varargout{1} = M; else cols = strcmp(T.Properties.VariableNames,variable); varargout{1}=horzcat(time,T{:,cols}); plot(time,T{:,cols}); xlabel('Time') ylabel(iylabel) legend(T.Properties.VariableNames(cols)) end