%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PREPARE GRIDS %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % addpath('.\mfiles') % ALT (elevation model) clear dem=GRIDobj('./Topo/cop30DEM_utm32n_hochrhein_carved_filled.tif'); dem = resample(dem,60);dem = crop(dem); dem.name = 'hochrhein_60m'; % RAIN (sources (>0) and sinks (-1)) rain = GRIDobj('.\Topo\map_wc2.tif'); % MAP after WorldClim2 (mm/yr/m^2) rain = resample(rain,dem); rain = rain/1000; % convert to m/yr/m^2 rain = rain/3600/24/365.25; % convert to m/s/m^2 upstream = GRIDobj('.\Topo\rain_boundaries_ms-1.tif'); upstream = resample(upstream,dem); upstream.Z(isnan(upstream.Z))=0; inflow_factor = 2.45; rain = (rain+upstream)*inflow_factor; % INFLOWS inflow_rhine = 346*inflow_factor; % (m^3/s) % inflow_rhine_y = [273:279]; % y-location (column) of inlet % inflow_rhine_x = ones(7,1)'*3266; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_rhine_y = [137:140]; % y-location (column) of inlet inflow_rhine_x = ones(4,1)'*1632; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_rhine = inflow_rhine/length(inflow_rhine_x)/dem.cellsize.^2; % divide by number of inflow cells and by cellsize^2 rain.Z(inflow_rhine_y,inflow_rhine_x(1)) = ones(length(inflow_rhine_x),1)*inflow_rhine; inflow_aare = 349*inflow_factor; % (m^3/s) % inflow_aare_x = [1461:1462]; % y-location (column) of inlet % inflow_aare_y = ones(2,1)'*998; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_aare_x = [731]; % y-location (column) of inlet inflow_aare_y = ones(length(inflow_aare_x),1)'*498; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_aare = inflow_aare/length(inflow_aare_x)/dem.cellsize.^2; % divide by number of inflow cells and by cellsize^2 rain.Z(inflow_aare_y,inflow_aare_x(1)) = ones(length(inflow_aare_x),1)*inflow_aare; inflow_reuss = 140*inflow_factor; % (m^3/s) % inflow_reuss_x = [1680:1682]; % y-location (column) of inlet % inflow_reuss_y = ones(3,1)'*998; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_reuss_x = [842]; % y-location (column) of inlet inflow_reuss_y = ones(length(inflow_reuss_x),1)'*498; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_reuss = inflow_reuss/length(inflow_reuss_x)/dem.cellsize.^2; % divide by number of inflow cells and by cellsize^2 rain.Z(inflow_reuss_y,inflow_reuss_x(1)) = ones(length(inflow_reuss_x),1)*inflow_reuss; inflow_limmat = 114*inflow_factor; % (m^3/s) % inflow_limmat_x = [1851:1852]; % y-location (column) of inlet % inflow_limmat_y = ones(2,1)'*998; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_limmat_x = [926]; % y-location (column) of inlet inflow_limmat_y = ones(length(inflow_limmat_x),1)'*498; % x-location (row) of inlet inflow_limmat = inflow_limmat/length(inflow_limmat_x)/dem.cellsize.^2; % divide by number of inflow cells and by cellsize^2 rain.Z(inflow_limmat_y,inflow_limmat_x(1)) = ones(length(inflow_limmat_x),1)*inflow_limmat; % rain = resample(rain,dem60); rain.Z(1:end,1)=-1; % rain.Z(1,1:end)=-1; % rain.Z(end,1:end)=-1; % rivers = GRIDobj('.\Topo\rivers2raster.tif'); % INITIAL SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION cs = rain; cs.Z=cs.Z*0; cs.Z(1,:) = 1; cs.Z(:,end) = 1; cs.Z(end,:) = 1; climate = 'Topo\\boundary_1Ma_GT.climate'; % WATER % water = GRIDobj('.\Topo\HochRhein_WATER+LAKE_1000m.tif'); % UPLIFT % uplift = GRIDobj('.\Topo\uplift_m_per_s_baselevel_Basel.tif'); uplift = GRIDobj('.\Topo\uplift_elicited_updated.tif');%-5.63e-5; % [m/yr] minus the uplift at the outlet to make it the baselevel uplift = resample(uplift,dem); uplift.Z(1,:) = uplift.Z(2,:); uplift.Z(:,1) = uplift.Z(:,2); % SED (sediment thickness in meters) sed = GRIDobj('.\Topo\mqu_140715g_utm32n_aug.tif'); sed = resample(sed,dem); sed.Z(isnan(sed.Z))=0; LEM.dem = dem; LEM.rain = rain; LEM.sed = sed; LEM.uplift = uplift; % LEM.water = water; LEM.cs = cs; LEM.climate = climate; GRIDobj2grd(dem,['./Topo/',dem.name,'.alt']); GRIDobj2grd(rain,['./Topo/',dem.name,'.rain']); GRIDobj2grd(sed,['./Topo/',dem.name,'.sed']); GRIDobj2grd(uplift,['./Topo/',dem.name,'.uplift']); % GRIDobj2grd(water,['./Topo/',dem.name,'.water']); GRIDobj2grd(cs,['./Topo/',dem.name,'.cs']); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% DEFINE INPUT PARAMETERS %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEM.experiment = 'hochrhein'; % Project name LEM.ErosPath = 'D:\\USER\\mey'; % Path to .exe LEM.outfolder = 'hochrhein\\60m\\newBC'; % folder to store results in LEM.eros_version = 'eros7.5.107'; % LEM.inflow = 1060; % [m3s-1]water inflow at source cells LEM.rainfall = 1; % Sets the precipitation rate per unit surface when multiplied by the rainfall map LEM.initial_sediment_stock = '0.01'; % % The total "stock" of sediment at the precipiton landing is: input_sediment_concentration*cs_map[i]*Precipiton_volume LEM.inertia = 0; % refers to inertia term in shallow water equation LEM.time_unit = 'year'; LEM.begin = 0; LEM.begin_option = 'time'; % start time LEM.end = 1e+6; LEM.end_option = 'time'; % length of model run LEM.draw = 1e+3; LEM.draw_option = 'time'; % output interval LEM.step = 0.05e2; LEM.step_option = 'volume'; LEM.stepmin = 0.1e1; LEM.stepmax = 1e4; LEM.initbegin = 1e+1; % initialization time (-) LEM.initend = 1e+1; LEM.initstep = 2; LEM.TU_coefficient = 0.001; % sets the proportion of rain pixels that make up 1 TU LEM.flow_model = 'stationary:pow'; LEM.erosion_multiply = 10000; % multiplying factor for erosion rates. Equivalent to consider an "erosion time" larger than the hydrodynamic time LEM.uplift_multiplier = 1; LEM.time_extension = '10e+3:dir'; LEM.limiter = 1e-1; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EROSION/DEPOSITION %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEM.erosion_model = 'MPM'; % (stream_power, shear_stress, shear_mpm) LEM.deposition_model = 'constant'; % need to know whether there are other options! LEM.stress_model = 'rgqs'; % ALLUVIAL LEM.fluvial_stress_exponent = 1.5; % exponent in sediment flux eq. (MPM): qs = E(tau-tau_c)^a LEM.fluvial_erodability = 2.6e-8; % [kg-1.5 m-3.5 s-2] E in MPM equation LEM.fluvial_sediment_threshold = 0.05; % [Pa] critical shear stress (tau_c) in MPM equation LEM.deposition_length = 60; % [m] xi in vertical erosion term: edot = qs/xi % LATERAL EROSION/DEPOSITION LEM.fluvial_lateral_erosion_coefficient = '1e-1:dir'; % dimensionless coefficient (Eq. 17 in Davy, Croissant, Lague (2017)) LEM.fluvial_lateral_deposition_coefficient = 0.5; LEM.lateral_erosion_model = 1; LEM.lateral_deposition_model = 'constant'; % BEDROCK LEM.fluvial_basement_erodability = 0.1; LEM.fluvial_basement_threshold = 0.5; LEM.outbend_erosion_coefficient = 1.000000; LEM.inbend_erosion_coefficient = 1.00000; LEM.poisson_coefficient = 5; LEM.diffusion_coefficient = 4; LEM.sediment_grain = 0.0025; LEM.basement_grain = 0.025; % LEM.survey_points = '171130'; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % FLOW MODEL %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEM.friction_model = 'manning'; LEM.friction_coefficient = 0.025; % LEM.flow_boundary = 'free'; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS TO WRITE %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEM.stress = 1; LEM.waters = 1; LEM.discharge = 1; LEM.downward = 0; LEM.slope = 1; LEM.qs = 1; LEM.capacity = 1; LEM.sediment = 1; LEM.flux =1; LEM.stock =1; LEM.str_write = ''; LEM.str_nowrite = ''; writeErosInputs(LEM); %% run model system([LEM.experiment,'.bat'])