D:\USER\mey\bin>eros7.5.exe help PRODUCT: RIVER.lab/Eros VERSION: 7.5.92M COMMIT : 2022-04-11 14:10:42 Floodos-Eros: 2d hydrodynamic code with advanced landscape evolution model, part of the RIVER.lab platform Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Philippe Davy, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) PROGRAM: eros7.5.exe ARGUMENTS: help -------------------- Program arguments --------------------- [command] help keyword or file ---------------------- Set parameters ---------------------- [VALID] help=parameters ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ HELP parameter list parameter default_value comment .................................................................................................... basement_erodibility|fluvial 0.000000 basement_erodibility|hillslope 0.000000 basement_grain_size|fluvial -1.000000 <double>Basement grain size (used to calculate Shields parameters and critical stress basement_grain_size|hillslope -1.000000 <double>Basement grain size (used to calculate Shields parameters and critical stress basement_shields_parameter|fluvial -1.000000 <double>Basement Shields parameter basement_shields_parameter|hillslope -1.000000 <double>Basement Shields parameter basement_threshold|fluvial 0.000000 basement_threshold|hillslope 0.000000 boundary_periodic 0 boundary_recharge 0 boundary_sea 0 boundary_semiperiodic 0 boundary_traps 0 climate_frequency 0.000000 climate_mean 1.000000 climate_trend 0.000000 climate_variation_amplitude 0.000000 climate_wet_season_duration 1.000000 climate_wet_season_rainfall 1.000000 climate_wet_season_recurrence_time 0.000000 default_max 20 default_min -1 default_model 0 default_op 0 default_step 1.000000 deposition_length_max|fluvial 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 deposition_length_max|hillslope 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 deposition_length_min|fluvial 0.000000 deposition_length_min|hillslope 0.000000 deposition_length_qexponent|fluvial 0.000000 deposition_length_qexponent|hillslope 0.000000 deposition_length_threshold|fluvial 0.000000 deposition_length_threshold|hillslope 0.000000 deposition_length|fluvial 1.000000 deposition_length|hillslope 1.000000 deposition_model 1 <constant*,stream_power,shear_stress,MPM,shear_velocity,shear_power,shear_MPM>The deposition model diagonal_width_reduction 0 dir dir_input end_flux end_stages erosion_discharge_exponent|fluvial 1.000000 erosion_discharge_exponent|hillslope 1.000000 erosion_limiter 0.000000 erosion_limiter_coefficient 10.000000 erosion_model 3 erosion_multiplier 1.000000 <double*1>multiplying factor for erosion rates. Equivalent to consider an "erosion time" larger than the hydrodynamic time erosion_shields_critical|fluvial 0.047000 erosion_shields_critical|hillslope 0.047000 erosion_slope_exponent|fluvial 1.000000 erosion_slope_exponent|hillslope 1.000000 erosion_slope_model 1 <int*1>slope model for erosion, either: topo/0, hydro/1 or average/2. erosion_stress_exponent|fluvial 1.000000 erosion_stress_exponent|hillslope 1.000000 fictious_area 1.000000 file_bc EROS file_climate file_config EROS file_cs <string>Specifiy a map of sediment concentration at the input boundaries. The map value is multipled by input_sediment_concentration file_erode file_erode_sed file_groundwater file_hum file_infiltration file_manning file_output EROS file_rain file_seallevel file_sediment file_threshold file_threshold_sed file_topo file_uplift file_water flow_boundary 0 <int>Define how the water depth is calculated at the model boundaries: 0/constant, 1/topographic_slope/topo_slope, 2/free/same as the upstream cell flow_boundary_depth -1.000000 flow_depth_constant 1.000000 flow_inertia_coefficient 0.000000 flow_model 1 flow_width_qexponent|fluvial 0.000000 flow_width_qexponent|hillslope 0.000000 flow_width|fluvial 0.000000 flow_width|hillslope 0.000000 flux_averaging 20 flux_scaling -1 <set,none,basin*,river>set the surface over which the sediment outflow Qs is normalized= set/-1: the surface is given as an option (e.g., flux_area=set:3e4); none/0: no normalization; basin/1(default): total surface of the model except boundary conditions; river/2: surface where it rains friction_coefficient 0.000000 friction_model 2 gravity_slope 0.000000 <double*0.>maximum slope for hillslopes grid_diagonal 0 <int*0>Determines how EROS weigthts the diagonals when calculating the Manning time scale (should be removed once fixed). 0: the pixel width is constant; 1: the width decreases in diagonals grid_diffusion 4.000000 <double*4.0>Diffusion coefficient for choosing the downstream direction from a set of velocity values. groundwater_cfl 0.250000 <double*0.25>CFL coefficients for solving the groundwater diffusive equation groundwater_diffusivity 10000000.000000 groundwater_epsilon 0.000000 groundwater_infiltration 0.000000 groundwater_porosity 0.100000 groundwater_tide -9999.000000 help parameters hydraulic_model 0 infiltration_rate 0.000000 inflow -1.000000 <double*-1>Sets the total water discharge provided to the model with a spatial distribution (i.e., probability) given by the rainfall map input_name EROS input_sediment_concentration 0.000000 input_sediment_equilibrium 0 input_sediment_fluctuations 0.000000 isostatic_factor 0.000000 isostatic_length 1.000000 isostatic_offset 0.000000 landslide_cohesion_(m) 0.000000 <double>cohesion in meter landslide_dynamic_slope 0.150000 <double>dynamic friction slope landslide_friction_angle 0.523600 <double>friction angle in radian landslide_runout_diffusion_coefficient 1.000000 <double>Coefficient D that defines the probability P of landslide runout to move in one or another direction (P is proportional to the local slope to the power D) landsliding 0 <int>a flag to know if landsliding is on (1:on, 0:off) lateral_deposition_coefficient|fluvial 0.000000 lateral_deposition_coefficient|hillslope 0.000000 lateral_deposition_model 1 lateral_erosion_coefficient|fluvial 0.000000 lateral_erosion_coefficient|hillslope 0.000000 lateral_erosion_inbend 1.000000 <double*1.>erosion coefficient for inbed directions lateral_erosion_max|fluvial 10000000000.000000 lateral_erosion_max|hillslope 10000000000.000000 lateral_erosion_model 1 <constant,bedslope*>model of lateral erosion= constant/0: prop. to bed erosion; bedslope/1(default): prop. to bed erosion by bank slope; 2: prop. to bed erosion by flow heigth (q^0.5); 3: prop. to bed erosion by bank slope by flow heigth (q^0.5) lateral_erosion_outbend 1.000000 <double*1.>erosion coefficient for outbed directions lateral_erosion_straight 1.000000 <double*1.>erosion coefficient for straight directions lateral_neighbor_number 1 mode 0 mode_stage -1 model 0 <eros*,floodos,fast_floodos>type of model to run= 0/eros (default); 1/floodos nowrite 2097175 particle_initial_distance 0 particle_injection_final_time 0.000000 particle_injection_starting_time 0.000000 particle_number 0 particle_trapping_distance 3 pause 0 point poisson_coefficient 5 <int*5>The Poisson coefficient (k) is used to calculate discharge: Q=k*(precipiton volume)/dtk; his is the time interval between the current precipiton and the previous k-th precipiton. precipiton_lakes -1 precipiton_steps_maximum -1 precipiton_volume_maximum 2.000000 print 0 <none*,mass_balance>specify the extra parameters that will be printed during the run printtu 1 <int*1>sets the reccurrence interval between two screen prints (default=1TU) process_transition_model -1 <unique*,flow,area,max>set the transition between erosion processes= 0/unique: a unique process=fluvial; 1/flow: a critical flow with value (e.g., process_model=flow:1e4); 2/area: a critical area with value; 3/max:3/max: the most efficient process regarding to erosion rates process_transition_value -1.000000 <double>set the transition value (obsolete, should be done by process_model) rainfall_multiplier 1.000000 <double*1.>multiplication coefficient for the rainfall map random_seed -1 <int*-1>seed for the random generator. When it is equal to -1 (the default value), the seed is chosen randomly by the computer sea_level -9999.000000 <double*-9999>sealevel applied during the run. Can also be fixed from time to time by a sealevel file. sediment_density 2000.000000 sediment_erodibility|fluvial 0.000000 sediment_erodibility|hillslope 0.000000 sediment_grain_size|fluvial -1.000000 <double>Sediment grain size (used to calculate Shields parameters and critical stress sediment_grain_size|hillslope -1.000000 <double>Sediment grain size (used to calculate Shields parameters and critical stress sediment_overefficiency|fluvial -1.000000 sediment_overefficiency|hillslope -1.000000 sediment_shields_parameter|fluvial -1.000000 <double>Sediment Shields parameter sediment_shields_parameter|hillslope -1.000000 <double>Sediment Shields parameter sediment_threshold|fluvial 0.000000 sediment_threshold|hillslope 0.000000 smooth_coef 0.980000 <double*0.98>smoothing parameter associated to the smoothing function smooth_function 0 <no*,linear,quadratic,exponential,log,harmonic>smoothing function to calculate time averages splash_coefficient 0.000000 <double*0.>hillslope splash diffusion coefficient in [length]�/[time] stationary_max 5 stationary_mode 0 stationary_volume 0.000000 stress_model 1 <rghs or rgqs>fix the way to calculate stress with two options. If rghs(or 0), stress = rho*g*h*s; if rgqs(or 1), stress= rho*g*q^m*s^n with m and n dependent on the friction model strike-slip_line 0.000000 strike-slip_rate 0.000000 strike-slip_sense 0 threads -1 <int*-1>maximum number of threads used by Eros thrust_angle_(in_degrees) 0.000000 thrust_length 0.000000 thrust_position 0.000000 thrust_rate 0.000000 thrust_sense 0 thrust_uplift 0.000000 thrust_width 0.000000 time_begin 0.000000 <double>starting time (excluding the init phase) time_draw -1.000000 time_end -1.000000 <double>final time time_extension 1.000000 <double>time extension = ratio between the (event-based) hydraulic time and the geomorphic time time_init 0.000000 time_init_begin 0.000000 <double> volume at the beginning of the water level initialization phase given as a ratio of time:step time_init_end 0.000000 <double> volume at the end of the water level initialization phase given as a ratio of time:step time_init_op 0 <op>the way the step is decreased (*: logarithmically, +: arithmetically) time_init_step 0.000000 <double>number of step to decrease the precipiton volume by a factor of 10 in the initialization phase time_init_tu 1 <int>the number of TU before changing the precipiton volume during the initialization stage time_step -1.000000 <double>time step or precipiton volume during calculation - time:step=XXX:option, the option can be time, volume, TU or hydro time_step_max -1.000000 <double>largest time step or precipiton volume during calculation time_step_min -1.000000 <double>smallest time step or precipiton volume during calculation time_unit 1.000000 <double*1.>unit for time scale, if the time scale of model parameters is different from that recorder topographic_noise 0.000000 trace_begin -1.000000 trace_end -1.000000 trace_format 0 <int*0>format of the precipiton trace file= 0/text/txt; 1/bin/binary trace_step -1.000000 tu_coefficient 1.000000 <double*1.>sets the number of rain pixels sampled during 1 TU TU_coefficient=val:option with option: grid(=default), min, or median tu_mode 0 Tells if the TU_number is constant during the simulation (=constant/0) or varies to maintain a constant rainfall volume (=volume/1) tu_surface -1 The cell number reference that defines TU: grid, rain, rain_min, rain_median undersea_coefficient 0.000000 <double*0.>deposition coefficient applied to the deposition length for precipiton below sea level (length*=coef). If 0 (default value), no deposition occurs and the precipiton stops. update_epsilon 0.000000 <double*0.>coef that fixes the smallest time lapse required to update flow uplift_multiplier -9999.000000 uplift_point 0 write 2097175 Hope you are happy with Eros