diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ae717087c38c236a3a8eddcdc3269277d9c399c8..4aa0a2c7b7965bef8c476dfbf60f3aa25ebdc23e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d01dc8274b72bab0e40deb641932fa225a7599e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  - lint
+  image: "python:latest"
+  stage: lint
+  script:
+    - pip install pylint
+    - pylint src/main.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89d57ce8fff907ce37522e937ba9f12114ba0435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+disable = too-few-public-methods, too-many-branches, too-many-instance-attributes, import-error
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main.py b/src/main.py
index f2202b0a931453a6f8f4b5aa2419d56fac438037..d090159ee0eca24693b105b45662f8e474290fd0 100644
--- a/src/main.py
+++ b/src/main.py
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+""" Main file to compute findings in the raw data """
 import os.path
+import time
+from enum import Enum
 import pandas as pd
 import seaborn as sns
 import numpy as np
@@ -7,49 +11,69 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib import ticker
 from scipy.stats import pearsonr
-from enum import Enum
 from kPOD import k_pod
-import time
 ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 class Categories(Enum):
-    Dashboard = "Dashboard"
+    """
+    Enum for all product categories evaluated in this study
+    """
+    DASHBOARD = "Dashboard"
     LMS = "Learning Plattform"
-    Games = "Games"
+    GAMES = "Games"
     VR = "Virtual Reality"
 class Interviews:
     This class shows data points of every saved interview.
-    In this data frame is also saved how much time was taken for the questionnaire and some additional variables as you
-    can see here: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:results:variables
+    In this data frame is also saved how much time was taken for the questionnaire and some
+    additional variables as you can see
+    here: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:results:variables
     def __init__(self) -> None:
+        """ init Interviews and read out data_ueq.csv"""
-        self.df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'data', 'data_ueq.csv'), delimiter=';', quotechar='"', encoding='utf-16')
+        self.data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'data', 'data_ueq.csv'),
+                                delimiter=';',
+                                quotechar='"',
+                                encoding='utf-16')
     def __str__(self) -> str:
-        return f'{self.df.shape[0]} interviews'
-    def get_items_per_product_category(self, product_category_items):
-        return self.df[product_category_items]
+        """ shows how many interviews are in this instance """
+        return f'{self.data.shape[0]} interviews'
     def get_filtered(self, all_categories):
+        """
+        Removes unwanted or incomplete interviews, rename columns from .*_21 -> .*_01
+        :param all_categories: columns names for the categories
+        :return: Dataframe with cleaned interviews
+        """
         if isinstance(all_categories, ProductCategories):
-            cat_games = all_categories.get_items(Categories.Games)
+            # Get the category names related to games and LMS from the input object
+            cat_games = all_categories.get_items(Categories.GAMES)
             cat_lms = all_categories.get_items(Categories.LMS)
             # remove interviews which are not complete
-            unwanted_interviews = self.df[self.df[cat_games[0]].isnull() | self.df[cat_lms[0]].isnull()]
-            print(f'{unwanted_interviews.shape[0]} interviews have not completed the questionnaire.')
-            df_nonnull_interviews = self.df.drop(unwanted_interviews.index)
+            unwanted_interviews = self.data[
+                self.data[cat_games[0]].isnull() | self.data[cat_lms[0]].isnull()]
+            print(
+                f'{unwanted_interviews.shape[0]} interviews have not completed the questionnaire.')
+            df_nonnull_interviews = self.data.drop(unwanted_interviews.index)
             # remove interviews which are, based on indicators, not well answered
             df_too_fast_interviews = df_nonnull_interviews[
-                (df_nonnull_interviews['TIME_RSI'] > 2.0) | (df_nonnull_interviews['DEG_TIME'] > 150)]
-            print(f'{df_too_fast_interviews.shape[0]} interviews have completed too fast or too weird.')
+                (df_nonnull_interviews['TIME_RSI'] > 2.0) | (
+                        df_nonnull_interviews['DEG_TIME'] > 150)]
+            print(f'{df_too_fast_interviews.shape[0]} '
+                  f'interviews have completed too fast or too weird.')
             result = df_nonnull_interviews.drop(df_too_fast_interviews.index)
+            # Rename certain columns in the resulting DataFrame
             result = result.rename(columns={"EX08_21": "EX08_01", "EX08_22": "EX08_02",
                                             "EX08_23": "EX08_03", "EX08_24": "EX08_04",
                                             "EX08_25": "EX08_05", "EX08_26": "EX08_06",
@@ -63,107 +87,153 @@ class Interviews:
             print(f'{result.shape[0]} filtered interviews.')
             return result
+        return self.data
 class Rankings:
+    """
+    Wrapper class to have the scales in order of importance for their use cases
+    """
     def __init__(self):
-        self.author_dashboard = ['Nützlichkeit', 'Inhaltsqualität', 'Übersichtlichkeit', 'Vertrauenswürdigkeit',
-                                 'Vertrauen', 'Effizienz', 'Durchschaubarkeit', 'Anpassbarkeit', 'Steuerbarkeit',
-                                 'Intuitive Bedienung', 'Schönheit', 'Stimulation', 'Verbundenheit', 'Attraktivität',
-                                 'Wertigkeit', 'Originalität', 'Immersion', 'Identität', 'Haptik', 'Akustik']
-        self.author_VR = ['Stimulation', 'Attraktivität', 'Immersion', 'Steuerbarkeit', 'Intuitive Bedienung',
+        """
+        Init wrapper class with important scales
+        """
+        # scales from the author of the paper for dashboard
+        self.author_dashboard = ['Nützlichkeit', 'Inhaltsqualität', 'Übersichtlichkeit',
+                                 'Vertrauenswürdigkeit',
+                                 'Vertrauen', 'Effizienz', 'Durchschaubarkeit', 'Anpassbarkeit',
+                                 'Steuerbarkeit',
+                                 'Intuitive Bedienung', 'Schönheit', 'Stimulation', 'Verbundenheit',
+                                 'Attraktivität',
+                                 'Wertigkeit', 'Originalität', 'Immersion', 'Identität', 'Haptik',
+                                 'Akustik']
+        # scales from the author of the paper for VR
+        self.author_vr = ['Stimulation', 'Attraktivität', 'Immersion', 'Steuerbarkeit',
+                          'Intuitive Bedienung',
                           'Akustik', 'Durchschaubarkeit', 'Ãœbersichtlichkeit',
-                          'Inhaltsqualität', 'Schönheit', 'Vertrauenswürdigkeit', 'Vertrauen', 'Haptik',
-                          'Nützlichkeit', 'Originalität', 'Anpassbarkeit', 'Wertigkeit', 'Effizienz',
+                          'Inhaltsqualität', 'Schönheit', 'Vertrauenswürdigkeit', 'Vertrauen',
+                          'Haptik',
+                          'Nützlichkeit', 'Originalität', 'Anpassbarkeit', 'Wertigkeit',
+                          'Effizienz',
                           'Verbundenheit', 'Identität']
-        self.paper_LMS = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Nützlichkeit', 'Durchschaubarkeit', 'Übersichtlichkeit', 'Effizienz',
-                          'Intuitive Bedienung', 'Vertrauen', 'Steuerbarkeit', 'Stimulation', 'Anpassbarkeit',
+        # scales from the paper of Winter et al. 2017 for LMS
+        self.paper_lms = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Nützlichkeit', 'Durchschaubarkeit',
+                          'Ãœbersichtlichkeit', 'Effizienz',
+                          'Intuitive Bedienung', 'Vertrauen', 'Steuerbarkeit', 'Stimulation',
+                          'Anpassbarkeit',
                           'visuelle Ästhetik', 'Immersion',
                           'Originalität', 'Identität', 'Verbundenheit']
-        self.handbook_LMS = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Vertrauenswürdigkeit', 'Nützlichkeit', 'Übersichtlichkeit',
+        # scales from the Handbook of UEQ+v2 for LMS
+        self.handbook_lms = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Vertrauenswürdigkeit', 'Nützlichkeit',
+                             'Ãœbersichtlichkeit',
                              'Effizienz', 'Vertrauen', 'Steuerbarkeit']
-        self.latest_paper_LMS = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Nützlichkeit', 'Übersichtlichkeit', 'Durchschaubarkeit',
+        # scales from the paper of Kollmorgen et al. 2021 for LMS
+        self.latest_paper_lms = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Nützlichkeit', 'Übersichtlichkeit',
+                                 'Durchschaubarkeit',
                                  'Steuerbarkeit', 'Intuitive Bedienung',
-                                 'Vertrauen', 'Wertigkeit', 'Stimulation', 'Anpassbarkeit', 'visuelle Ästhetik',
+                                 'Vertrauen', 'Wertigkeit', 'Stimulation', 'Anpassbarkeit',
+                                 'visuelle Ästhetik',
-        self.new_LMS = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Inhaltsseriosität', 'Vertrauen', 'Effizienz', 'Nützlichkeit',
+        # scales from the paper of the authors for LMS
+        self.new_lms = ['Inhaltsqualität', 'Inhaltsseriosität', 'Vertrauen', 'Effizienz',
+                        'Nützlichkeit',
                         'Steuerbarkeit', 'Ãœbersichtlichkeit',
-                        'Intuitive Bedienung', 'Anpassbarkeit', 'Wertigkeit', 'Attraktivität', 'visuelle Ästhetik',
+                        'Intuitive Bedienung', 'Anpassbarkeit', 'Wertigkeit', 'Attraktivität',
+                        'visuelle Ästhetik',
                         'Stimulation', 'Akustik', 'Identität',
                         'Verbundenheit', 'Originalität', 'Haptik', 'Immersion']
-        self.paper_games = ['Immersion', 'Stimulation', 'visuelle Ästhetik', 'Originalität', 'Steuerbarkeit',
+        # scales from the paper of Winter et al. 2017 for Games
+        self.paper_games = ['Immersion', 'Stimulation', 'visuelle Ästhetik', 'Originalität',
+                            'Steuerbarkeit',
                             'Durchschaubarkeit', 'Intuitive Bedienung',
-                            'Verbundenheit', 'Ãœbersichtlichkeit', 'Effizienz', 'Wertigkeit', 'Anpassbarkeit',
+                            'Verbundenheit', 'Ãœbersichtlichkeit', 'Effizienz', 'Wertigkeit',
+                            'Anpassbarkeit',
                             'Identität', 'Inhaltsqualität', 'Nützlichkeit']
+        # scales from the Handbook of UEQ+v2 for Games
         self.handbook_games = ['Immersion', 'Stimulation', 'Originalität', 'Intuitive Bedienung']
-        self.latest_paper_games = ['Stimulation', 'Originalität', 'visuelle Ästhetik', 'Steuerbarkeit',
+        # scales from the paper of Kollmorgen et al. 2021 for Games
+        self.latest_paper_games = ['Stimulation', 'Originalität', 'visuelle Ästhetik',
+                                   'Steuerbarkeit',
                                    'Intuitive Bedienung',
-                                   'Originalität', 'Effizienz', 'Wertigkeit', 'Vertrauen', 'Anpassbarkeit',
+                                   'Originalität', 'Effizienz', 'Wertigkeit', 'Vertrauen',
+                                   'Anpassbarkeit',
-        self.new_games = ['Stimulation', 'Immersion', 'Vertrauen', 'Steuerbarkeit', 'Durchschaubarkeit',
+        # scales from the paper of the authors for Games
+        self.new_games = ['Stimulation', 'Immersion', 'Vertrauen', 'Steuerbarkeit',
+                          'Durchschaubarkeit',
                           'Intuitive Bedienung', 'Originalität',
-                          'visuelle Ästhetik', 'Effizienz', 'Übersichtlichkeit', 'Wertigkeit', 'Anpassbarkeit',
+                          'visuelle Ästhetik', 'Effizienz', 'Übersichtlichkeit', 'Wertigkeit',
+                          'Anpassbarkeit',
                           'Inhaltsseriosität', 'Akustik', 'Inhaltsqualität',
                           'Verbundenheit', 'Haptik', 'Identität', 'Nützlichkeit']
     def get_all_rankings(self):
-        return {'LMS from paper': self.paper_LMS,
-                'LMS from handbook': self.handbook_LMS,
-                'LMS from latest paper': self.latest_paper_LMS,
-                'LMS from our study': self.new_LMS,
+        """
+        gets all rankings
+        :return: key-value list with all scales
+        """
+        return {'LMS from paper': self.paper_lms,
+                'LMS from handbook': self.handbook_lms,
+                'LMS from latest paper': self.latest_paper_lms,
+                'LMS from our study': self.new_lms,
                 'games from paper': self.paper_games,
                 'games from handbook': self.handbook_games,
                 'games from latest paper': self.latest_paper_games,
                 'games from our study': self.new_games}
-class Variables:
-    """
-    Gives an explanation of every variable used in the questionnaire.
-    """
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'data', 'variables_ueq.csv'), delimiter=';', quotechar='"', encoding='utf-16')
-    def get_groups(self):
-        return self.df[['VAR', 'LABEL']][7:12]
 class Values:
     Gives an explanation of every given value in the interviews
     def __init__(self) -> None:
+        """
+        init values and read out variables_ueq.csv
+        """
-        self.df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'data', 'variables_ueq.csv'), delimiter=';', quotechar='"', encoding='utf-16')
+        self.data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'data', 'variables_ueq.csv'),
+                                delimiter=';', quotechar='"',
+                                encoding='utf-16')
 class ProductCategories:
     Product categories are the core of this evaluation.
     The goal is to evaluate which items are important for the product categories.
-    In the created dict in items every product category is connected with the used code and names of their items.
+    In the created dict in items every product category is connected with the used code and names
+    of their items.
     def __init__(self) -> None:
+        """
+        init product categories and build item codes to filter them in the raw data
+        """
         self.items = {
-            Categories.Dashboard: {
+            Categories.DASHBOARD: {
                 'code': 'EX01'
-            Categories.Games: {
+            Categories.GAMES: {
                 'code': 'EX05'
             Categories.LMS: {
@@ -175,23 +245,42 @@ class ProductCategories:
         # create the tokens to access every item in a product category
-        for key in self.items.keys():
-            self.items[key]['items'] = [self.items[key]['code'] + "_" + "{:02d}".format(i) for i in range(1, 21)]
+        for key in self.items.keys():  # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary, consider-using-dict-items
+            self.items[key]['items'] = [f"{self.items[key]['code']}_{i:02d}" for i in range(1, 21)]
+    def get_items(self, product_cat):
+        """
+        get items by a specific product category
+        :param product_cat: product category which is used for filtering the items
+        :return: all items used for this product category
+        """
+        return self.items[product_cat]['items']
-    def get_items(self, key):
-        return self.items[key]['items']
+def save_plot(plot, plot_name):
+    """
+    saves the plot into results folder
-def save_plot(plot, path):
+    :param plot: plot data object
+    :param plot_name: filename in which this plot is saved
+    """
     dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '..', 'results'))
     if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
-    saved_path = os.path.join(dir_path, path + '.png')
+    saved_path = os.path.join(dir_path, plot_name + '.png')
     print("saved plot to " + saved_path)
     plot.savefig(fname=saved_path, dpi='figure', format='png')
 def replace_cryptic_names(columns):
+    """
+    replace the cryptic short keys from the raw data table into a human-readable scale name
+    :param columns: columns with cryptics_names
+    :return: a list with human-readable scales
+    """
     new_columns = list(columns)
     for i in range(len(columns)):
         if "_01" in new_columns[i]:
@@ -211,7 +300,8 @@ def replace_cryptic_names(columns):
         elif "_08" in new_columns[i]:
             new_columns[i] = 'Originalität'  # sixth scale in handbook - OR in Paper
         elif "_09" in new_columns[i]:
-            new_columns[i] = 'visuelle Ästhetik'  # seventh scale in handbook - SC (Schönheit) in Paper
+            # seventh scale in handbook - SC (Schönheit) in Paper
+            new_columns[i] = 'visuelle Ästhetik'
         elif "_10" in new_columns[i]:
             new_columns[i] = 'Identität'  # first left out scale in handbook - ID in Paper
         elif "_11" in new_columns[i]:
@@ -239,6 +329,13 @@ def replace_cryptic_names(columns):
 def translate_scales(scales, short=False):
+    """
+    translate german scales into english
+    :param scales: german scales
+    :param short: if a shortform of a scale is needed
+    :return: translated scales
+    """
     scales = list(scales)
     result = scales
     translations = {
@@ -286,72 +383,116 @@ def translate_scales(scales, short=False):
             'Akustik': "Aco",
             'Inhaltsseriosität': "ToC"
-    for i in range(len(scales)):
-        result[i] = translations[scales[i]]
+    for i, scala in enumerate(scales):
+        result[i] = translations[scala]
     return result
-def filter_columns_by_value(df_category, value):
-    filtered_columns = df_category.columns[value]
-    df_category_area = df_category[filtered_columns]
+def filter_columns_by_value(data, value):
+    """
+    filters a given dataframe by a value
+    :param data: to be filtered dataframe
+    :param value: filter condition or value to be filtered for
+    :return: filtered dataframe
+    """
+    filtered_columns = data.columns[value]
+    df_category_area = data[filtered_columns]
     return df_category_area
 class Plotter:
+    """
+    In this object are all plotting functions welcome
+    """
-    def __init__(self, df, pc) -> None:
+    def __init__(self, data, cat) -> None:
+        """
+        init Plotter object with used dataframe and product categories
+        :param data: interview data
+        :param cat: used product categories
+        """
-        self.df = df
-        self.pc = pc
+        self.data = data
+        self.cat = cat
         self.plotted = 0
     def filter_by_gender(self, gender):
-        if gender == 'male':
-            return self.df[self.df['DE02'] == 1]
-        elif gender == 'female':
-            return self.df[self.df['DE02'] == 2]
-        else:
-            return self.df
+        """
+        filters the data frame by a specific gender
-    def plot_groups(self, variable_labels):
-        df_groups = self.df[['DE01_01', 'DE01_02', 'DE01_03', 'DE01_04', 'DE01_05']] - 1
+        :param gender: specific gender to be filtered for
+        :return: filtered dataframe
+        """
+        if gender == 'male':
+            return self.data[self.data['DE02'] == 1]
+        if gender == 'female':
+            return self.data[self.data['DE02'] == 2]
+        return self.data
+    def plot_groups(self):
+        """
+        plots the data for the Academic Community
+        :return: the plot
+        """
+        df_groups = self.data[['DE01_01', 'DE01_02', 'DE01_03', 'DE01_04', 'DE01_05']] - 1
         df_groups.columns = ['Stu', 'Teach', 'Res', 'Tech', 'Out']
-        sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid")
-        df_groups_sum = pd.DataFrame(df_groups.sum(), columns=['Sum']).sort_values(by='Sum', ascending=False)
-        ax = sns.barplot(data=df_groups_sum, palette="Blues_d", errorbar=None, y="Sum", x=df_groups_sum.index)
-        ax.set(title='Academic Community (Multiple Choice)')
-        ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5))
-        for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
+        df_groups_sum = pd.DataFrame(df_groups.sum(), columns=['Sum']).sort_values(by='Sum',
+                                                                                   ascending=False)
+        axes = sns.barplot(data=df_groups_sum, palette="Blues_d", errorbar=None, y="Sum",
+                           x=df_groups_sum.index)
+        axes.set(title='Academic Community (Multiple Choice)')
+        axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5))
+        # Increase the font size for the x and y tick labels
+        for tick in axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
-        for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
+        for tick in axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
+        sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid")
-        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         save_plot(plt, 'demographics_communities')
+        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         return plt
     def plot_gender(self):
-        df_gender = self.df['DE02'] \
+        """
+        plots the gender data
+        :return: the plot
+        """
+        df_gender = self.data['DE02'] \
             .replace(1, 'male') \
             .replace(2, 'female') \
             .replace(3, 'diverse') \
             .replace(-1, 'not mentioned')
-        # print(df_gender.sum())
         df_gender_count = pd.DataFrame(df_gender.value_counts(normalize=False))
-        sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid")
-        ax = sns.barplot(data=df_gender_count, palette="Blues_d", errorbar=None, y="count",
-                         x=df_gender_count.index.values)
-        ax.set(title='Gender')
-        for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
+        axes = sns.barplot(data=df_gender_count, palette="Blues_d", errorbar=None, y="count",
+                           x=df_gender_count.index.values)
+        axes.set(title='Gender')
+        # Increase the font size for the x and y tick labels
+        for tick in axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
-        for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
+        for tick in axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
-        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
+        sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid")
         save_plot(plt, 'demographics_gender')
+        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         return plt
     def plot_faculty(self):
-        df_faculty = self.df['DE03'] \
+        """
+        plots the data to which UP faculty every participant belongs to
+        :return: the plot
+        """
+        df_faculty = self.data['DE03'] \
             .replace(1, 'Jur') \
             .replace(2, 'Phil') \
             .replace(3, 'HuWi') \
@@ -363,33 +504,54 @@ class Plotter:
             .replace(9, 'Other') \
             .replace(-1, 'kA') \
             .replace(-9, 'nB')
-        ax = sns.countplot(x=df_faculty, palette="Blues_d")
-        ax.set(title='Fakultät')
-        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
+        axes = sns.countplot(x=df_faculty, palette="Blues_d")
+        axes.set(title='Fakultät')
         save_plot(plt, 'demographics_disciplines')
+        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         return plt
     def plot_disciplines(self):
-        df_faculty = self.df['DE04'] \
+        """
+        plots to which discipline every participant belongs to based on the DFG disciplines
+        :return: the plot
+        """
+        df_faculty = self.data['DE04'] \
             .replace(1, 'Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften') \
             .replace(2, 'Lebenswissenschaften') \
             .replace(3, 'Naturwissenschaften') \
             .replace(4, 'Ingenieurwissenschaften') \
             .replace(-1, 'kA') \
             .replace(-9, 'nB')
-        ax = sns.countplot(x=df_faculty, palette="pastel")
-        ax.set(title='Disciplines')
-        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
+        axes = sns.countplot(x=df_faculty, palette="pastel")
+        axes.set(title='Disciplines')
         save_plot(plt, 'demographics_disciplines')
+        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         return plt
     def plot_item(self, category_title, area, max_count=20, gender='all'):
-        category_items = self.pc.get_items(category_title)
+        """
+        plot the scales by its importance
+        :param category_title: title for the plot
+        :param area: the area of the scales which needs to be plotted (top, mid, low, all)
+        :param max_count: Limit the number of columns to plot
+        :param gender: filter by gender
+        :return: the plot
+        """
+        category_items = self.cat.get_items(category_title)
+        # Filter the DataFrame based on gender, if applicable
         if gender == 'all':
-            df_category = self.df[category_items]
+            df_category = self.data[category_items]
             df_category = self.filter_by_gender(gender)[category_items]
+        # Filter the DataFrame into top, mid, low area
         if area == 'top':
             df_category_area = filter_columns_by_value(df_category, df_category.mean() >= 4)
         elif area == 'mid':
@@ -401,22 +563,36 @@ class Plotter:
             df_category_area = filter_columns_by_value(df_category, df_category.mean() >= 0)
             df_category_area = df_category
         df_category_area.columns = replace_cryptic_names(df_category_area.columns)
-        df_category_area = df_category_area.reindex(df_category_area.mean().sort_values(ascending=False).index, axis=1)
+        # Reorder the columns based on the mean of their values, sorted in descending order
+        df_category_area = df_category_area.reindex(
+            df_category_area.mean().sort_values(ascending=False).index, axis=1)
         df_category_area = df_category_area.iloc[:, : max_count]
-        ax = sns.barplot(data=df_category_area, palette="Blues_d", orient='h', errorbar="sd")
-        ax.set(title=category_title.value + ' - ' + area)
+        axes = sns.barplot(data=df_category_area, palette="Blues_d", orient='h', errorbar="sd")
+        axes.set(title=category_title.value + ' - ' + area)
-        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         save_plot(plt, 'items_' + category_title.value + '_' + area + '_' + gender)
+        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         return plt
     def plot_boxes(self, category_title, max_count=5):
-        df_category_area = self.df[self.pc.get_items(category_title)]
+        """
+        creates a boxplot
+        :param category_title: title for the plot
+        :param max_count: Limit the number of columns to plot
+        :return: the plot
+        """
+        df_category_area = self.data[self.cat.get_items(category_title)]
         df_category_area.columns = replace_cryptic_names(df_category_area.columns)
         # choose 5 most relevant scales (highest mean)
-        df_category_area = df_category_area.reindex(df_category_area.mean().sort_values(ascending=False).index, axis=1)
+        df_category_area = df_category_area.reindex(
+            df_category_area.mean().sort_values(ascending=False).index, axis=1)
         df_category_area = df_category_area.iloc[:, : max_count]
         # make a nice plot surrounding
@@ -426,71 +602,86 @@ class Plotter:
         # plot the plot
-        boxprops = dict(linestyle='-', facecolor='k', linewidth=3, color='k')
-        medianprops = dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=3, color='b')
-        meanprops = dict(color='b')
-        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-        ax.axhspan(4, 7, facecolor='green', alpha=0.2)
-        ax.axhspan(1, 4, facecolor='red', alpha=0.2)
-        ax.grid(axis='y')
-        ax.boxplot(df_category_area, showmeans=True, showfliers=True, patch_artist=True,
-                   boxprops=boxprops, medianprops=medianprops, meanprops=meanprops)
-        ax.set_ylim(0.5, 7.5)
-        ax.set_xticks([tick + 1 for tick in range(len(df_category_area.columns))],
-                      labels=translate_scales(df_category_area.columns, True), rotation=0)
-        ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top')
-        ax.xaxis.tick_top()
-        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
+        boxprops = {'linestyle': '-', 'facecolor': 'k', 'linewidth': 3, 'color': 'k'}
+        medianprops = {'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 3, 'color': 'b'}
+        meanprops = {'color': 'b'}
+        axes = fig.add_subplot(111)
+        axes.axhspan(4, 7, facecolor='green', alpha=0.2)
+        axes.axhspan(1, 4, facecolor='red', alpha=0.2)
+        axes.grid(axis='y')
+        axes.boxplot(df_category_area, showmeans=True, showfliers=True, patch_artist=True,
+                     boxprops=boxprops, medianprops=medianprops, meanprops=meanprops)
+        axes.set_ylim(0.5, 7.5)
+        axes.set_xticks([tick + 1 for tick in range(len(df_category_area.columns))],
+                        labels=translate_scales(df_category_area.columns, True), rotation=0)
+        axes.xaxis.set_label_position('top')
+        axes.xaxis.tick_top()
         save_plot(plt, 'box_' + category_title.value)
+        self.plotted = self.plotted + 1
         return plt
-    def m_scatter(self, x, y, ax=None, m=None, **kw):
-        import matplotlib.markers as mmarkers
-        if not ax: ax = plt.gca()
-        sc = ax.scatter(x, y, **kw)
-        if (m is not None) and (len(m) == len(x)):
-            paths = []
-            for marker in m:
-                if isinstance(marker, mmarkers.MarkerStyle):
-                    marker_obj = marker
-                else:
-                    marker_obj = mmarkers.MarkerStyle(marker)
-                path = marker_obj.get_path().transformed(
-                    marker_obj.get_transform())
-                paths.append(path)
-            sc.set_paths(paths)
-        return sc
 class Statistics:
-    def __init__(self, df, pc) -> None:
+    """
+    Object in which all static calculation happens
+    """
+    def __init__(self, data, cat) -> None:
+        """
+        init for statistics
+        :param data: interview data
+        :param cat: product categories
+        """
-        self.df = df
-        self.pc = pc
+        self.data = data
+        self.cat = cat
     def ranking_of_scales(self, ranked_list):
-        all_scales = replace_cryptic_names(self.pc.get_items(Categories.VR))  # does not matter which category
+        """
+        This method takes a list of ranked scales as input and
+        returns a list containing the rank of each scale in the VR category.
+        :param ranked_list:
+        :return: ordered vector
+        """
+        all_scales = replace_cryptic_names(self.cat.get_items(Categories.VR))  # not VR specific
         order_vector = list(all_scales)
         j = 0
+        # For each scale determine its rank in the ranked_list and store it in order_vector
         for scale in all_scales:
             rank = float("nan")
-            for i in range(len(ranked_list)):
-                if scale == ranked_list[i]:
+            for i, ranked_element in enumerate(ranked_list):
+                if scale == ranked_element:
                     rank = i
             order_vector[j] = rank
             j += 1
         return order_vector
     def difference_of_distance_of_ranked_scales(self, list_1, list_2):
+        """
+        distance vector of the lists; creates ranking and measures the distance
+        :param list_1:
+        :param list_2:
+        :return: distance vector between both lists
+        """
         order_vector_1 = self.ranking_of_scales(list_1)
         order_vector_2 = self.ranking_of_scales(list_2)
         distance_vector = abs(np.subtract(order_vector_1, order_vector_2))
         return distance_vector
     def similarity_by_ranked_scales(self, all_rankings):
+        """
+        compute the similarities of all scales
+        :param all_rankings: ranked scales
+        :return: comparison matrix
+        """
         result_vector = pd.DataFrame([],
-                                     columns=['rate', 'distance', 'similarity', 'comparison'], index=[0])
+                                     columns=['rate', 'distance', 'similarity', 'comparison'],
+                                     index=[0])
         for title_first, vector_first in all_rankings.items():
             for title_second, vector_second in all_rankings.items():
@@ -513,7 +704,14 @@ class Statistics:
         return result_vector.sort_values(by=['rate'])
     def kpod_clustering(self, all_rankings):
-        col_names = ['source'] + (replace_cryptic_names(self.pc.get_items(Categories.VR)))
+        """
+        cluster rankings based on the kpod algorithm
+        :param all_rankings: ranked scales
+        :return: each scale with a value between 0 and 1
+        """
+        col_names = ['source'] + (replace_cryptic_names(self.cat.get_items(Categories.VR)))
         df_result_vector = pd.DataFrame([], columns=col_names, index=[0])
         for title, ranking in all_rankings.items():
             order_vector = self.ranking_of_scales(ranking)
@@ -522,8 +720,10 @@ class Statistics:
         df_result_vector.set_index('source', drop=True, inplace=True)
         # cluster data with very sparse data using kPOD by Chi JT, Chi EC, Baraniuk RG (2016).
-        # “-POD: A Method for -Means Clustering of Missing Data.” The American Statistician, 70, 91–99.
-        # doi: 10.1080/00031305.2015.1086685, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00031305.2015.1086685.
+        # “-POD: A Method for -Means Clustering of Missing Data.”
+        # The American Statistician, 70, 91–99.
+        # doi: 10.1080/00031305.2015.1086685,
+        # http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00031305.2015.1086685.
         # 50 suggested clusters are gathered and the mean gets displayed
@@ -531,58 +731,66 @@ class Statistics:
         if result_assignment[0] == 0:
             result_assignment = abs(np.subtract(result_assignment, 1))
         iteration_count = 5
-        for i in range(iteration_count):
+        for _ in range(iteration_count):
             iterate_kpod = k_pod(df_result_vector[1:], 2)[0]
             if iterate_kpod[0] == 0:
                 iterate_kpod = abs(np.subtract(iterate_kpod, 1))
             result_assignment = result_assignment + iterate_kpod
         result_assignment = result_assignment / (iteration_count + 1)
-        df_result = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([list(df_result_vector.index[1:]), list(result_assignment)]),
-                                 columns=['source', 'group'])
+        df_result = pd.DataFrame(
+            np.transpose([list(df_result_vector.index[1:]), list(result_assignment)]),
+            columns=['source', 'group'])
         df_result.set_index('source', inplace=True)
         return df_result
     def calc_corr(self):
+        """
+        calculates correlation between different product categories
+        :return: correlation matrix
+        """
         df_means_dashboard = pd.DataFrame(
-            {"dashboard": self.df[self.pc.get_items(Categories.Dashboard)].mean()})
-        df_means_lms = pd.DataFrame({"lms": self.df[self.pc.get_items(Categories.LMS)].mean()})
-        df_means_games = pd.DataFrame({"games": self.df[self.pc.get_items(Categories.Games)].mean()})
-        df_means_vr = pd.DataFrame({"vr": self.df[self.pc.get_items(Categories.VR)].mean()})
+            {"dashboard": self.data[self.cat.get_items(Categories.DASHBOARD)].mean()})
+        df_means_lms = pd.DataFrame({"lms": self.data[self.cat.get_items(Categories.LMS)].mean()})
+        df_means_games = pd.DataFrame(
+            {"games": self.data[self.cat.get_items(Categories.GAMES)].mean()})
+        df_means_vr = pd.DataFrame({"vr": self.data[self.cat.get_items(Categories.VR)].mean()})
         df_means_dashboard.index = replace_cryptic_names(df_means_dashboard.index)
         df_means_lms.index = replace_cryptic_names(df_means_lms.index)
         df_means_games.index = replace_cryptic_names(df_means_games.index)
         df_means_vr.index = replace_cryptic_names(df_means_vr.index)
-        df_all_means = pd.concat([df_means_lms, df_means_dashboard, df_means_games, df_means_vr], axis=1)
+        df_all_means = pd.concat([df_means_lms, df_means_dashboard, df_means_games, df_means_vr],
+                                 axis=1)
         result = df_all_means.corr()
         pval = df_all_means.corr(method=lambda x, y: pearsonr(x, y)[1]) - np.eye(*result.shape)
-        p = pval.applymap(lambda x: ''.join(['*' for t in [.05, .01, .001] if x <= t]))
-        return result.round(2).astype(str) + p
-    def welch(self):
-        return
+        pval_with_corr_stars = pval.applymap(
+            lambda x: ''.join(['*' for t in [.05, .01, .001] if x <= t]))
+        return result.round(2).astype(str) + pval_with_corr_stars
     def mean_time(self):
-        return self.df["TIME_SUM"].mean()
+        """
+        determines the mean time spent with the questionnaire
-def setup_dataframes():
-    return Interviews(), Variables(), Values(), ProductCategories(), Rankings()
+        :return: mean time
+        """
+        return self.data["TIME_SUM"].mean()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     print('---------- Creating plots --------------')
-    interview, variables, values, product_categories, rankings = setup_dataframes()
+    interview, values, product_categories, rankings = Interviews(), Values(), \
+                                                      ProductCategories(), Rankings()
     df_filtered = interview.get_filtered(product_categories)
     statistics = Statistics(df_filtered, product_categories)
     plotter = Plotter(df_filtered, product_categories)
-    print('average time to complete the questionnaire: ' + time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(statistics.mean_time())))
+    print('average time to complete the questionnaire: ' + time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(
+        statistics.mean_time())))
-    plotter.plot_groups(variables.get_groups())
+    plotter.plot_groups()