diff --git a/Code/alldirparticlefilt.py b/Code/alldirparticlefilt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index be75817018dd56254ec2d9e123346397157202f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Code/alldirparticlefilt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-# In[ ]:
-#new particle filter for full vision robot
-# In[ ]:
-# In[14]:
-import numpy as np
-import math
-import copy
-import random
-# In[15]:
-gridsize = 10
-# In[26]:
-class particle:
-    def __init__(self,x,y,phi,pmap = {}):
-        self.xpos = x
-        self.ypos = y
-        self.angle = phi
-        self.map = copy.deepcopy(pmap)
-        self.weight = 1
-    def incorporate_localmap(self,localmap):
-        #incorporating given local map into the global map
-        #loop over localmap
-        N = len(localmap)
-        for i in range(N):
-            for j in range(N):
-                #only use localmap entries that are actually measured (!=0)
-                if localmap[i][j] != 0:
-                    #convert local i,j to global
-                    local_x = (i+1/2)*gridsize - N*gridsize/2
-                    local_y = (j+1/2)*gridsize - N*gridsize/2
-                    globalmap_x = self.xpos + local_x * math.cos(self.angle) - local_y * math.sin(self.angle)
-                    globalmap_y = self.ypos + local_x * math.sin(self.angle) + local_y * math.cos(self.angle)
-                    globalgrid = (int(math.floor(globalmap_x/gridsize)),int(math.floor(globalmap_y/gridsize)))
-                    #update global map, if cell never observed before create entry
-                    if globalgrid in self.map:
-                        self.map[globalgrid] += localmap[i][j]
-                    else:
-                        self.map[globalgrid] = localmap[i][j]
-    def map_weigh(self,localmap):
-        #calculate probability of localmap corresponding to global map at particle position 
-        #find overlapping cells calc m_bar
-        N = len(localmap)
-        overlap = []
-        m_bar = 0
-        for i in range(N):
-            for j in range(N):
-                local_x = (i+1/2)*gridsize - N*gridsize/2
-                local_y = (j+1/2)*gridsize - N*gridsize/2
-                globalmap_x = self.xpos + local_x * math.cos(self.angle) - local_y * math.sin(self.angle)
-                globalmap_y = self.ypos + local_x * math.sin(self.angle) + local_y * math.cos(self.angle)
-                globalgrid = (int(math.floor(globalmap_x/gridsize)),int(math.floor(globalmap_y/gridsize)))
-                if globalgrid in self.map:
-                    m_bar += self.map[globalgrid] + localmap[i][j] 
-                    overlap.append(((i,j),globalgrid))
-        #calculate correlation between the two maps (only if there is an overlap)
-        if len(overlap) > 0:
-            m_bar = m_bar/(2*len(overlap))            
-            sum_1 = 0
-            sum_2 = 0
-            sum_3 = 0
-            for ((i,j),(k,l)) in overlap:
-                sum_1 += (self.map[(k,l)]-m_bar)*(localmap[i][j]-m_bar)
-                sum_2 += (self.map[(k,l)]-m_bar)**2
-                sum_3 += (localmap[i][j]-m_bar)**2
-            correlation = sum_1/math.sqrt(sum_2*sum_3)
-            self.weight *= max(0,correlation)
-    def sample_motion(self, velocity, angular_velocity):
-        #sample motion for a velocity motion model
-        #delta_t needs to be normalized to 1!
-        #see probabilistic robotics page 124
-        #mean values for displacement
-        delta_rot1 = math.atan2(new_mean[1]-self.ypos,new_mean[0]-self.xpos) - self.angle
-        delta_trans = np.sqrt(((self.xpos-new_mean[0])**2)+((self.ypos-new_mean[1])**2))
-        if delta_trans == 0:
-            delta_rot1 = 0
-        delta_rot2 = new_mean[2] - self.angle - delta_rot1
-        if delta_rot2 > PI:
-            delta_rot2 -= 2*PI
-        #error parameters
-        alpha_1 = 0.0001 #influence of velocity on velocity uncertainty
-        alpha_2 = 0.0001 #influence of angular velocity on velocity uncertainty
-        alpha_3 = 0.0001 #influence of velocity on angular velocity uncertainty
-        alpha_4 = 0.0001 #influence of angular velocity on angular velocity uncertainty
-        #an additional angle will be added to account for non circular motion
-        alpha_5 = 0.000001 #influence of velocity on additional angle uncertainty
-        alpha_6 = 0.000001 #influence of angular velocity on additional angle uncertainty
-        #sample with gaussians
-        sample_vel = random.gauss(velocity=locity, np.sqrt(alpha_1*velocity**2+alpha_2*angular_velocity**2))
-        sample_angvel = random.gauss(angular_velocity, np.sqrt(alpha_3*velocity**2 + alpha_4 * angular_velocity**2))
-        sample_addangle = random.gauss(0, np.sqrt(alpha_5*velocity**2+alpha_6*angular_velocity**2))
-        if angular_velocity != 0 and abs(sample_angvel) >= 0.01:
-            #apply motion
-            self.xpos += -sample_vel/sample_angvel*math.sin(self.angle) + sample_vel/sample_angvel*math.sin(self.angle*sample_angvel)
-            self.ypos += sample_vel/sample_angvel*math.cos(self.angle) - sample_vel/sample_angvel*math.cos(self.angle*sample_angvel)
-            self.angle += sample_angvel+sample_addangle
-        else:
-            #motion for very small angular velocity, to avoid division by near 0 values
-            self.xpos += sample_vel*math.cos(self.angle)
-            self.ypos += sample_vel*math.sin(self.angle)
-            self.angle += sample_angvel+sample_addangle
-# In[ ]:
-# ### Particle Filter functions
-# - Propagation
-# - Weighing
-# - Resampling
-# In[ ]:
-#moving all particles
-#change is wheel1-,wheel2-voltage time from executed movement
-def move_particles(allparticles,wheelleft,wheelright,delta_t=1):
-    wheeldist = 18 #distance between left/right wheel in cm
-    speed = 10 #distance a wheel at max voltage 1 rotates in one delta_t
-    #mean speed:
-    mean_speed = delta_t*speed*(wheelright+wheelleft)/2
-    #angular velocity
-    alpha_speed = (wheelright-wheelleft)*delta_t*speed/wheeldist
-    for i in range(len(allparticles)):
-        allparticles[i].sample_motion(mean_speed, alpha_speed)
-#using localmap on particle by first weighing it and than incorporating it
-def weigh_and_map_particles(allparticles,localmap):
-    for i in range(len(allparticles)):
-        allparticles[i].map_weigh(localmap)
-        allparticles[i].incorporate_localmap(localmap)
-#resampling particles in accordance to their weights
-def resampling(allparticles):
-    new_particles = []
-    #normalizing weight    
-    normweight = 0
-    for i in range(len(allparticles)):
-        normweight += allparticles[i]
-    rand = 0
-    for i in range(len(allparticles)):
-        #draw random between 0,1
-        rand = random.random()
-        j = 0
-        sum_weights = allparticles[0].weight/normweight
-        while rand>sum_weights:
-            j += 1
-            sum_weights += allparticles[j].weight/normweight
-        new_particles.append(particle(allparticles[j].xpos,allparticles[j].ypos,allparticles[j].angle,allparticles[j].map)))
-    return new_particles
-#one particle filter step:
-def particle_filter(allparticles,localmap,wheelleft,wheelright,delta_t=1):
-    #propagate
-    move_particles(allparticles,wheelleft,wheelright,delta_t)
-    #incorporate and map
-    weigh_and_map_particles(allparticles,localmap)
-    #esampled
-    newparticles = resampling(allparticles)
-    return newparticles
-# In[ ]:
-# In[27]:
-#a = particle(0,0,0)
-#localmap = np.ones((10,10))
-# In[28]:
-# In[7]:
-#a = []
-#for ((i,j),(k,l)) in a:
-#    print(i,j,k,l)
-# In[3]:
-# In[ ]: