stages: - build build: stage: build image: texlive/texlive:latest before_script: - echo "machine login $SETTINGS__GITLAB_USER password $SETTINGS__GITLAB_USER_TOKEN protocol https" >>~/.netrc - chmod 0600 ~/.netrc - git config --global credential.helper netrc # GitLab is not able to connect to the apt-get repository # This seems to be a problem with docker, which I can’t fix. # As a workaround don’t use the firacode font for now. #- apt-get update && apt-get -y install fonts-firacode - export http_proxy="" - export https_proxy="" - export HTTP_proxy="" - export HTTPS_proxy="" - export FTP_proxy="" - export NO_proxy=", *" script: - cd ${FOLDER} - lualatex --shell-escape ${FILE} - biber ${FILE} - lualatex --shell-escape ${FILE} - lualatex --shell-escape ${FILE} - cd .. artifacts: paths: - "**/*.pdf" parallel: matrix: # List all to-be-built projects here - FOLDER: "proposal" FILE: "proposal" - FOLDER: "thesis" FILE: "thesis"