From 37310e1572e7b83e7401814aa2e1b4ccb41f77f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dorian Stoll <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:26:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] nas-ft: fortran: Import from provided reference

Using class C parameters for now
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/Makefile        |   40 +
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/README          |    5 +
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/blk_par.h       |    4 +
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft.f90          | 1133 +++++++++++++++++
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft_data.f90     |  189 +++
 .../nas-ft/fortran/        |    3 +
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/npbparams.h     |   32 +
 .../nas-ft/fortran/print_results.f90          |  136 ++
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/randi8.f90      |   67 +
 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/timers.f90      |  171 +++
 10 files changed, 1780 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/Makefile
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/README
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/blk_par.h
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft.f90
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft_data.f90
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/npbparams.h
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/print_results.f90
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/randi8.f90
 create mode 100644 src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/timers.f90

diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/Makefile b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e4b0b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+include ../config/make.def
+include ../sys/make.common
+OBJS = ft.o ft_data.o ${COMMON}/${RAND}.o ${COMMON}/print_results.o \
+       ${COMMON}/timers.o ${COMMON}/wtime.o
+${PROGRAM}: config
+	@ver=$(VERSION); bfac=`echo $$ver|sed -e 's/^blk//' -e 's/^BLK//'`; \
+	if [ x$$ver != x$$bfac ] ; then		\
+		${MAKE} BLKFAC=$${bfac:-32} exec;	\
+	else					\
+		${MAKE} exec;			\
+	fi
+exec: $(OBJS)
+	${FCOMPILE} $<
+blk_par.h: FORCE
+	sed -e 's/=0/=$(BLKFAC)/' blk_par0.h > blk_par.h_wk
+	@ if ! `diff blk_par.h_wk blk_par.h > /dev/null 2>&1`; then \
+	mv -f blk_par.h_wk blk_par.h; else rm -f blk_par.h_wk; fi
+ft.o:		ft.f90  ft_data.o
+ft_data.o:	ft_data.f90  npbparams.h blk_par.h
+	- rm -f *.o *~ mputil* *.mod
+	- rm -f ft npbparams.h core blk_par.h
+	- if [ -d rii_files ]; then rm -r rii_files; fi
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/README b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd6d3b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This code implements the time integration of a three-dimensional
+partial differential equation using the Fast Fourier Transform.
+The code uses Fortran 90 module to specify data fields. So, a compiler
+supports Fortran 90 is required.
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/blk_par.h b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/blk_par.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4251e495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/blk_par.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+      integer fftblock_default, fftblockpad_default
+      parameter (fftblock_default=32,  &
+     &           fftblockpad_default=fftblock_default+2)
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft.f90 b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc8ba00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,1133 @@
+!                                                                         !
+!        N  A  S     P A R A L L E L     B E N C H M A R K S  3.4         !
+!                                                                         !
+!                       O p e n M P     V E R S I O N                     !
+!                                                                         !
+!                                   F T                                   !
+!                                                                         !
+!                                                                         !
+!    This benchmark is an OpenMP version of the NPB FT code.              !
+!    It is described in NAS Technical Report 99-011.                      !
+!                                                                         !
+!    Permission to use, copy, distribute and modify this software         !
+!    for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.  We           !
+!    request, however, that all derived work reference the NAS            !
+!    Parallel Benchmarks 3.4. This software is provided "as is"           !
+!    without express or implied warranty.                                 !
+!                                                                         !
+!    Information on NPB 3.4, including the technical report, the          !
+!    original specifications, source code, results and information        !
+!    on how to submit new results, is available at:                       !
+!                                                                         !
+!                          !
+!                                                                         !
+!    Send comments or suggestions to                    !
+!                                                                         !
+!          NAS Parallel Benchmarks Group                                  !
+!          NASA Ames Research Center                                      !
+!          Mail Stop: T27A-1                                              !
+!          Moffett Field, CA   94035-1000                                 !
+!                                                                         !
+!          E-mail:                                      !
+!          Fax:     (650) 604-3957                                        !
+!                                                                         !
+! Authors: D. Bailey
+!          W. Saphir
+!          H. Jin
+! FT benchmark
+      program ft
+! Module ft_fields defines main arrays (u0, u1, u2) in the problem
+      use ft_data
+      use ft_fields
+      implicit none
+      integer i
+      integer iter
+      double precision total_time, mflops
+      logical verified
+      character class
+! Run the entire problem once to make sure all data is touched. 
+! This reduces variable startup costs, which is important for such a 
+! short benchmark. The other NPB 2 implementations are similar. 
+      do i = 1, t_max
+         call timer_clear(i)
+      end do
+      call alloc_space
+      call setup()
+      call init_ui(u0, u1, twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+      call compute_indexmap(twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+      call compute_initial_conditions(u1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+      call fft_init (dims(1))
+      call fft(1, u1, u0)
+! Start over from the beginning. Note that all operations must
+! be timed, in contrast to other benchmarks. 
+      do i = 1, t_max
+         call timer_clear(i)
+      end do
+      call timer_start(T_total)
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_setup)
+      call compute_indexmap(twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+      call compute_initial_conditions(u1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+      call fft_init (dims(1))
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_setup)
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_fft)
+      call fft(1, u1, u0)
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_fft)
+      do iter = 1, niter
+         if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_evolve)
+         call evolve(u0, u1, twiddle, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+         if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_evolve)
+         if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_fft)
+!         call fft(-1, u1, u2)
+         call fft(-1, u1, u1)
+         if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_fft)
+         if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_checksum)
+!         call checksum(iter, u2, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+         call checksum(iter, u1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3))
+         if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_checksum)
+      end do
+      call verify(nx, ny, nz, niter, verified, class)
+      call timer_stop(t_total)
+      total_time = timer_read(t_total)
+      if( total_time .ne. 0. ) then
+         mflops = 1.0d-6*ntotal_f *  &
+     &             (14.8157+7.19641*log(ntotal_f)  &
+     &          +  (5.23518+7.21113*log(ntotal_f))*niter)  &
+     &                 /total_time
+      else
+         mflops = 0.0
+      endif
+      call print_results('FT', class, nx, ny, nz, niter,  &
+     &  total_time, mflops, '          floating point', verified,  &
+     &  npbversion, compiletime, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7)
+      if (timers_enabled) call print_timers()
+      end
+      subroutine init_ui(u0, u1, twiddle, d1, d2, d3)
+! touch all the big data
+      implicit none
+      integer d1, d2, d3
+      double complex   u0(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex   u1(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double precision twiddle(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      integer i, j, k
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k) collapse(2)
+      do k = 1, d3
+         do j = 1, d2
+            do i = 1, d1
+               u0(i,j,k) = 0.d0
+               u1(i,j,k) = 0.d0
+               twiddle(i,j,k) = 0.d0
+            end do
+         end do
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine evolve(u0, u1, twiddle, d1, d2, d3)
+! evolve u0 -> u1 (t time steps) in fourier space
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer d1, d2, d3
+      double complex   u0(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex   u1(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double precision twiddle(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      integer i, j, k
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k) collapse(2)
+      do k = 1, d3
+         do j = 1, d2
+            do i = 1, d1
+               u0(i,j,k) = u0(i,j,k) * twiddle(i,j,k)
+               u1(i,j,k) = u0(i,j,k)
+            end do
+         end do
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine compute_initial_conditions(u0, d1, d2, d3)
+! Fill in array u0 with initial conditions from 
+! random number generator 
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer d1, d2, d3
+      double complex u0(d1+1, d2, d3)
+      integer k, j
+      double precision x0, start, an, dummy, starts(nz)
+      start = seed
+! Jump to the starting element for our first plane.
+      call ipow46(a, 0, an)
+      dummy = randlc(start, an)
+      call ipow46(a, 2*nx*ny, an)
+      starts(1) = start
+      do k = 2, dims(3)
+         dummy = randlc(start, an)
+         starts(k) = start
+      end do
+! Go through by z planes filling in one square at a time.
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(k,j,x0)
+      do k = 1, dims(3) 
+         x0 = starts(k)
+         do j = 1, dims(2) 
+            call vranlc(2*nx, x0, a, u0(1, j, k))
+         end do
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ipow46(a, exponent, result)
+! compute a^exponent mod 2^46
+      implicit none
+      double precision a, result, dummy, q, r
+      integer exponent, n, n2
+      external randlc
+      double precision randlc
+! Use
+!   a^n = a^(n/2)*a^(n/2) if n even else
+!   a^n = a*a^(n-1)       if n odd
+      result = 1
+      if (exponent .eq. 0) return
+      q = a
+      r = 1
+      n = exponent
+      do while (n .gt. 1)
+         n2 = n/2
+         if (n2 * 2 .eq. n) then
+            dummy = randlc(q, q) 
+            n = n2
+         else
+            dummy = randlc(r, q)
+            n = n-1
+         endif
+      end do
+      dummy = randlc(r, q)
+      result = r
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine setup
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+!$    integer  omp_get_max_threads
+!$    external omp_get_max_threads
+      debug = .FALSE.
+      call check_timer_flag( timers_enabled )
+      write(*, 1000)
+      niter = niter_default
+      write(*, 1001) nx, ny, nz
+      write(*, 1002) niter
+!$    write(*, 1003) omp_get_max_threads()
+      write(*, *)
+ 1000 format(//,' NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB3.4-OMP)',  &
+     &          ' - FT Benchmark', /)
+ 1001 format(' Size                : ', i4, 'x', i4, 'x', i4)
+ 1002 format(' Iterations                  :', i7)
+ 1003 format(' Number of available threads :', i7)
+      dims(1) = nx
+      dims(2) = ny
+      dims(3) = nz
+! Set up info for blocking of ffts and transposes.  This improves
+! performance on cache-based systems. Blocking involves
+! working on a chunk of the problem at a time, taking chunks
+! along the first, second, or third dimension. 
+! - In cffts1 blocking is on 2nd dimension (with fft on 1st dim)
+! - In cffts2/3 blocking is on 1st dimension (with fft on 2nd and 3rd dims)
+! Since 1st dim is always in processor, we'll assume it's long enough 
+! (default blocking factor is 16 so min size for 1st dim is 16)
+! The only case we have to worry about is cffts1 in a 2d decomposition. 
+! so the blocking factor should not be larger than the 2nd dimension. 
+      fftblock = fftblock_default
+      fftblockpad = fftblockpad_default
+      if (fftblock .ne. fftblock_default) fftblockpad = fftblock+3
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine compute_indexmap(twiddle, d1, d2, d3)
+! compute function from local (i,j,k) to ibar^2+jbar^2+kbar^2 
+! for time evolution exponent. 
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer d1, d2, d3
+      double precision twiddle(d1+1, d2, d3)
+      integer i, j, k, kk, kk2, jj, kj2, ii
+      double precision ap
+! basically we want to convert the fortran indices 
+!   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
+! to 
+!   0 1 2 3 -4 -3 -2 -1
+! The following magic formula does the trick:
+! mod(i-1+n/2, n) - n/2
+      ap = - 4.d0 * alpha * pi *pi
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,kk,kk2,jj,kj2,ii)  &
+!$omp&  collapse(2)
+      do k = 1, dims(3)
+         do j = 1, dims(2)
+            kk =  mod(k-1+nz/2, nz) - nz/2
+            kk2 = kk*kk
+            jj = mod(j-1+ny/2, ny) - ny/2
+            kj2 = jj*jj+kk2
+            do i = 1, dims(1)
+               ii = mod(i-1+nx/2, nx) - nx/2
+               twiddle(i,j,k) = dexp(ap*dble(ii*ii+kj2))
+            end do
+         end do
+      end do
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine print_timers()
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer i
+      double precision t, t_m
+      character*25 tstrings(T_max)
+      data tstrings / '          total ',  &
+     &                '          setup ',  &
+     &                '            fft ',  &
+     &                '         evolve ',  &
+     &                '       checksum ',  &
+     &                '           fftx ',  &
+     &                '           ffty ',  &
+     &                '           fftz ' /
+      t_m = timer_read(T_total)
+      if (t_m .le. 0.0d0) t_m = 1.0d0
+      do i = 1, t_max
+         t = timer_read(i)
+         write(*, 100) i, tstrings(i), t, t*100.0/t_m
+      end do
+ 100  format(' timer ', i2, '(', A16,  ') :', F9.4, ' (',F6.2,'%)')
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fft(dir, x1, x2)
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer dir
+      double complex x1(ntotalp), x2(ntotalp)
+      double complex y1(fftblockpad_default*maxdim),  &
+     &               y2(fftblockpad_default*maxdim)
+! note: args x1, x2 must be different arrays
+! note: args for cfftsx are (direction, layout, xin, xout, scratch)
+!       xin/xout may be the same and it can be somewhat faster
+!       if they are
+      if (dir .eq. 1) then
+         call cffts1(1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
+         call cffts2(1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
+         call cffts3(1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x2, y1, y2)
+      else
+         call cffts3(-1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
+         call cffts2(-1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x1, y1, y2)
+         call cffts1(-1, dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), x1, x2, y1, y2)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine cffts1(is, d1, d2, d3, x, xout, y1, y2)
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer is, d1, d2, d3, logd1
+      double complex x(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex xout(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex y1(fftblockpad, d1), y2(fftblockpad, d1)
+      integer i, j, k, jj, jn
+      logd1 = ilog2(d1)
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_fftx)
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,jj,y1,y2,jn)  &
+!$omp&  shared(is,logd1,d1) collapse(2)
+      do k = 1, d3
+         do jn = 0, d2/fftblock - 1
+!         do jj = 0, d2 - fftblock, fftblock
+            jj = jn*fftblock
+            do j = 1, fftblock
+               do i = 1, d1
+                  y1(j,i) = x(i,j+jj,k)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+            call cfftz (is, logd1, d1, y1, y2)
+            do j = 1, fftblock
+               do i = 1, d1
+                  xout(i,j+jj,k) = y1(j,i)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_fftx)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine cffts2(is, d1, d2, d3, x, xout, y1, y2)
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer is, d1, d2, d3, logd2
+      double complex x(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex xout(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex y1(fftblockpad, d2), y2(fftblockpad, d2)
+      integer i, j, k, ii, in
+      logd2 = ilog2(d2)
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_ffty)
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,ii,y1,y2,in)  &
+!$omp&  shared(is,logd2,d2) collapse(2)
+      do k = 1, d3
+        do in = 0, d1/fftblock - 1
+!        do ii = 0, d1 - fftblock, fftblock
+           ii = in*fftblock
+           do j = 1, d2
+              do i = 1, fftblock
+                 y1(i,j) = x(i+ii,j,k)
+              enddo
+           enddo
+           call cfftz (is, logd2, d2, y1, y2)
+           do j = 1, d2
+              do i = 1, fftblock
+                 xout(i+ii,j,k) = y1(i,j)
+              enddo
+           enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_ffty)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine cffts3(is, d1, d2, d3, x, xout, y1, y2)
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer is, d1, d2, d3, logd3
+      double complex x(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex xout(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      double complex y1(fftblockpad, d3), y2(fftblockpad, d3)
+      integer i, j, k, ii, in
+      logd3 = ilog2(d3)
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_start(T_fftz)
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,j,k,ii,y1,y2,in)  &
+!$omp&  shared(is) collapse(2)
+      do j = 1, d2
+        do in = 0, d1/fftblock - 1
+!        do ii = 0, d1 - fftblock, fftblock
+           ii = in*fftblock
+           do k = 1, d3
+              do i = 1, fftblock
+                 y1(i,k) = x(i+ii,j,k)
+              enddo
+           enddo
+           call cfftz (is, logd3, d3, y1, y2)
+           do k = 1, d3
+              do i = 1, fftblock
+                 xout(i+ii,j,k) = y1(i,k)
+              enddo
+           enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      if (timers_enabled) call timer_stop(T_fftz)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fft_init (n)
+! compute the roots-of-unity array that will be used for subsequent FFTs. 
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer m,n,nu,ku,i,j,ln
+      double precision t, ti
+!   Initialize the U array with sines and cosines in a manner that permits
+!   stride one access at each FFT iteration.
+      nu = n
+      m = ilog2(n)
+      u(1) = m
+      ku = 2
+      ln = 1
+      do j = 1, m
+         t = pi / ln
+         do i = 0, ln - 1
+            ti = i * t
+            u(i+ku) = dcmplx (cos (ti), sin(ti))
+         enddo
+         ku = ku + ln
+         ln = 2 * ln
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine cfftz (is, m, n, x, y)
+!   Computes NY N-point complex-to-complex FFTs of X using an algorithm due
+!   to Swarztrauber.  X is both the input and the output array, while Y is a 
+!   scratch array.  It is assumed that N = 2^M.  Before calling CFFTZ to 
+!   perform FFTs, the array U must be initialized by calling CFFTZ with IS 
+!   set to 0 and M set to MX, where MX is the maximum value of M for any 
+!   subsequent call.
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer is,m,n,i,j,l,mx
+      double complex x, y
+      dimension x(fftblockpad,n), y(fftblockpad,n)
+!   Check if input parameters are invalid.
+      mx = u(1)
+      if ((is .ne. 1 .and. is .ne. -1) .or. m .lt. 1 .or. m .gt. mx)    &
+     &  then
+        write (*, 1)  is, m, mx
+ 1      format ('CFFTZ: Either U has not been initialized, or else'/    &
+     &    'one of the input parameters is invalid', 3I5)
+        stop
+      endif
+!   Perform one variant of the Stockham FFT.
+      do l = 1, m, 2
+        call fftz2 (is, l, m, n, fftblock, fftblockpad, u, x, y)
+        if (l .eq. m) goto 160
+        call fftz2 (is, l + 1, m, n, fftblock, fftblockpad, u, y, x)
+      enddo
+      goto 180
+!   Copy Y to X.
+ 160  do j = 1, n
+        do i = 1, fftblock
+          x(i,j) = y(i,j)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+ 180  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fftz2 (is, l, m, n, ny, ny1, u, x, y)
+!   Performs the L-th iteration of the second variant of the Stockham FFT.
+      implicit none
+      integer is,k,l,m,n,ny,ny1,n1,li,lj,lk,ku,i,j,i11,i12,i21,i22
+      double complex u,x,y,u1,x11,x21
+      dimension u(n), x(ny1,n), y(ny1,n)
+!   Set initial parameters.
+      n1 = n / 2
+      lk = 2 ** (l - 1)
+      li = 2 ** (m - l)
+      lj = 2 * lk
+      ku = li + 1
+      do i = 0, li - 1
+        i11 = i * lk + 1
+        i12 = i11 + n1
+        i21 = i * lj + 1
+        i22 = i21 + lk
+        if (is .ge. 1) then
+          u1 = u(ku+i)
+        else
+          u1 = dconjg (u(ku+i))
+        endif
+!   This loop is vectorizable.
+        do k = 0, lk - 1
+          do j = 1, ny
+            x11 = x(j,i11+k)
+            x21 = x(j,i12+k)
+            y(j,i21+k) = x11 + x21
+            y(j,i22+k) = u1 * (x11 - x21)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      integer function ilog2(n)
+      implicit none
+      integer n, nn, lg
+      if (n .eq. 1) then
+         ilog2=0
+         return
+      endif
+      lg = 1
+      nn = 2
+      do while (nn .lt. n)
+         nn = nn*2
+         lg = lg+1
+      end do
+      ilog2 = lg
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine checksum(i, u1, d1, d2, d3)
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer i, d1, d2, d3
+      double complex u1(d1+1,d2,d3)
+      integer j, q,r,s
+      double complex chk
+      chk = (0.0,0.0)
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i,q,r,s) reduction(+:chk)
+      do j=1,1024
+         q = mod(j, nx)+1
+         r = mod(3*j,ny)+1
+         s = mod(5*j,nz)+1
+         chk=chk+u1(q,r,s)
+      end do
+      chk = chk/ntotal_f
+      write (*, 30) i, chk
+ 30   format (' T =',I5,5X,'Checksum =',1P2D22.12)
+      sums(i) = chk
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine verify (d1, d2, d3, nt, verified, class)
+      use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only : ieee_is_nan
+      use ft_data
+      implicit none
+      integer d1, d2, d3, nt
+      character class
+      logical verified
+      integer i
+      double precision err, epsilon
+!   Reference checksums
+      double complex csum_ref(25)
+      class = 'U'
+      epsilon = 1.0d-12
+      verified = .FALSE.
+      if (d1 .eq. 64 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 64 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 64 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 6) then
+!   Sample size reference checksums
+         class = 'S'
+         csum_ref(1) = dcmplx(5.546087004964D+02, 4.845363331978D+02)
+         csum_ref(2) = dcmplx(5.546385409189D+02, 4.865304269511D+02)
+         csum_ref(3) = dcmplx(5.546148406171D+02, 4.883910722336D+02)
+         csum_ref(4) = dcmplx(5.545423607415D+02, 4.901273169046D+02)
+         csum_ref(5) = dcmplx(5.544255039624D+02, 4.917475857993D+02)
+         csum_ref(6) = dcmplx(5.542683411902D+02, 4.932597244941D+02)
+      else if (d1 .eq. 128 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 128 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 32 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 6) then
+!   Class W size reference checksums
+         class = 'W'
+         csum_ref(1) = dcmplx(5.673612178944D+02, 5.293246849175D+02)
+         csum_ref(2) = dcmplx(5.631436885271D+02, 5.282149986629D+02)
+         csum_ref(3) = dcmplx(5.594024089970D+02, 5.270996558037D+02)
+         csum_ref(4) = dcmplx(5.560698047020D+02, 5.260027904925D+02)
+         csum_ref(5) = dcmplx(5.530898991250D+02, 5.249400845633D+02)
+         csum_ref(6) = dcmplx(5.504159734538D+02, 5.239212247086D+02)
+      else if (d1 .eq. 256 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 256 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 128 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 6) then
+!   Class A size reference checksums
+         class = 'A'
+         csum_ref(1) = dcmplx(5.046735008193D+02, 5.114047905510D+02)
+         csum_ref(2) = dcmplx(5.059412319734D+02, 5.098809666433D+02)
+         csum_ref(3) = dcmplx(5.069376896287D+02, 5.098144042213D+02)
+         csum_ref(4) = dcmplx(5.077892868474D+02, 5.101336130759D+02)
+         csum_ref(5) = dcmplx(5.085233095391D+02, 5.104914655194D+02)
+         csum_ref(6) = dcmplx(5.091487099959D+02, 5.107917842803D+02)
+      else if (d1 .eq. 512 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 256 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 256 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 20) then
+!   Class B size reference checksums
+         class = 'B'
+         csum_ref(1)  = dcmplx(5.177643571579D+02, 5.077803458597D+02)
+         csum_ref(2)  = dcmplx(5.154521291263D+02, 5.088249431599D+02)
+         csum_ref(3)  = dcmplx(5.146409228649D+02, 5.096208912659D+02)
+         csum_ref(4)  = dcmplx(5.142378756213D+02, 5.101023387619D+02)
+         csum_ref(5)  = dcmplx(5.139626667737D+02, 5.103976610617D+02)
+         csum_ref(6)  = dcmplx(5.137423460082D+02, 5.105948019802D+02)
+         csum_ref(7)  = dcmplx(5.135547056878D+02, 5.107404165783D+02)
+         csum_ref(8)  = dcmplx(5.133910925466D+02, 5.108576573661D+02)
+         csum_ref(9)  = dcmplx(5.132470705390D+02, 5.109577278523D+02)
+         csum_ref(10) = dcmplx(5.131197729984D+02, 5.110460304483D+02)
+         csum_ref(11) = dcmplx(5.130070319283D+02, 5.111252433800D+02)
+         csum_ref(12) = dcmplx(5.129070537032D+02, 5.111968077718D+02)
+         csum_ref(13) = dcmplx(5.128182883502D+02, 5.112616233064D+02)
+         csum_ref(14) = dcmplx(5.127393733383D+02, 5.113203605551D+02)
+         csum_ref(15) = dcmplx(5.126691062020D+02, 5.113735928093D+02)
+         csum_ref(16) = dcmplx(5.126064276004D+02, 5.114218460548D+02)
+         csum_ref(17) = dcmplx(5.125504076570D+02, 5.114656139760D+02)
+         csum_ref(18) = dcmplx(5.125002331720D+02, 5.115053595966D+02)
+         csum_ref(19) = dcmplx(5.124551951846D+02, 5.115415130407D+02)
+         csum_ref(20) = dcmplx(5.124146770029D+02, 5.115744692211D+02)
+      else if (d1 .eq. 512 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 512 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 512 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 20) then
+!   Class C size reference checksums
+         class = 'C'
+         csum_ref(1)  = dcmplx(5.195078707457D+02, 5.149019699238D+02)
+         csum_ref(2)  = dcmplx(5.155422171134D+02, 5.127578201997D+02)
+         csum_ref(3)  = dcmplx(5.144678022222D+02, 5.122251847514D+02)
+         csum_ref(4)  = dcmplx(5.140150594328D+02, 5.121090289018D+02)
+         csum_ref(5)  = dcmplx(5.137550426810D+02, 5.121143685824D+02)
+         csum_ref(6)  = dcmplx(5.135811056728D+02, 5.121496764568D+02)
+         csum_ref(7)  = dcmplx(5.134569343165D+02, 5.121870921893D+02)
+         csum_ref(8)  = dcmplx(5.133651975661D+02, 5.122193250322D+02)
+         csum_ref(9)  = dcmplx(5.132955192805D+02, 5.122454735794D+02)
+         csum_ref(10) = dcmplx(5.132410471738D+02, 5.122663649603D+02)
+         csum_ref(11) = dcmplx(5.131971141679D+02, 5.122830879827D+02)
+         csum_ref(12) = dcmplx(5.131605205716D+02, 5.122965869718D+02)
+         csum_ref(13) = dcmplx(5.131290734194D+02, 5.123075927445D+02)
+         csum_ref(14) = dcmplx(5.131012720314D+02, 5.123166486553D+02)
+         csum_ref(15) = dcmplx(5.130760908195D+02, 5.123241541685D+02)
+         csum_ref(16) = dcmplx(5.130528295923D+02, 5.123304037599D+02)
+         csum_ref(17) = dcmplx(5.130310107773D+02, 5.123356167976D+02)
+         csum_ref(18) = dcmplx(5.130103090133D+02, 5.123399592211D+02)
+         csum_ref(19) = dcmplx(5.129905029333D+02, 5.123435588985D+02)
+         csum_ref(20) = dcmplx(5.129714421109D+02, 5.123465164008D+02)
+      else if (d1 .eq. 2048 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 1024 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 1024 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 25) then
+!   Class D size reference checksums
+         class = 'D'
+         csum_ref(1)  = dcmplx(5.122230065252D+02, 5.118534037109D+02)
+         csum_ref(2)  = dcmplx(5.120463975765D+02, 5.117061181082D+02)
+         csum_ref(3)  = dcmplx(5.119865766760D+02, 5.117096364601D+02)
+         csum_ref(4)  = dcmplx(5.119518799488D+02, 5.117373863950D+02)
+         csum_ref(5)  = dcmplx(5.119269088223D+02, 5.117680347632D+02)
+         csum_ref(6)  = dcmplx(5.119082416858D+02, 5.117967875532D+02)
+         csum_ref(7)  = dcmplx(5.118943814638D+02, 5.118225281841D+02)
+         csum_ref(8)  = dcmplx(5.118842385057D+02, 5.118451629348D+02)
+         csum_ref(9)  = dcmplx(5.118769435632D+02, 5.118649119387D+02)
+         csum_ref(10) = dcmplx(5.118718203448D+02, 5.118820803844D+02)
+         csum_ref(11) = dcmplx(5.118683569061D+02, 5.118969781011D+02)
+         csum_ref(12) = dcmplx(5.118661708593D+02, 5.119098918835D+02)
+         csum_ref(13) = dcmplx(5.118649768950D+02, 5.119210777066D+02)
+         csum_ref(14) = dcmplx(5.118645605626D+02, 5.119307604484D+02)
+         csum_ref(15) = dcmplx(5.118647586618D+02, 5.119391362671D+02)
+         csum_ref(16) = dcmplx(5.118654451572D+02, 5.119463757241D+02)
+         csum_ref(17) = dcmplx(5.118665212451D+02, 5.119526269238D+02)
+         csum_ref(18) = dcmplx(5.118679083821D+02, 5.119580184108D+02)
+         csum_ref(19) = dcmplx(5.118695433664D+02, 5.119626617538D+02)
+         csum_ref(20) = dcmplx(5.118713748264D+02, 5.119666538138D+02)
+         csum_ref(21) = dcmplx(5.118733606701D+02, 5.119700787219D+02)
+         csum_ref(22) = dcmplx(5.118754661974D+02, 5.119730095953D+02)
+         csum_ref(23) = dcmplx(5.118776626738D+02, 5.119755100241D+02)
+         csum_ref(24) = dcmplx(5.118799262314D+02, 5.119776353561D+02)
+         csum_ref(25) = dcmplx(5.118822370068D+02, 5.119794338060D+02)
+      else if (d1 .eq. 4096 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 2048 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 2048 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 25) then
+!   Class E size reference checksums
+         class = 'E'
+         csum_ref(1)  = dcmplx(5.121601045346D+02, 5.117395998266D+02)
+         csum_ref(2)  = dcmplx(5.120905403678D+02, 5.118614716182D+02)
+         csum_ref(3)  = dcmplx(5.120623229306D+02, 5.119074203747D+02)
+         csum_ref(4)  = dcmplx(5.120438418997D+02, 5.119345900733D+02)
+         csum_ref(5)  = dcmplx(5.120311521872D+02, 5.119551325550D+02)
+         csum_ref(6)  = dcmplx(5.120226088809D+02, 5.119720179919D+02)
+         csum_ref(7)  = dcmplx(5.120169296534D+02, 5.119861371665D+02)
+         csum_ref(8)  = dcmplx(5.120131225172D+02, 5.119979364402D+02)
+         csum_ref(9)  = dcmplx(5.120104767108D+02, 5.120077674092D+02)
+         csum_ref(10) = dcmplx(5.120085127969D+02, 5.120159443121D+02)
+         csum_ref(11) = dcmplx(5.120069224127D+02, 5.120227453670D+02)
+         csum_ref(12) = dcmplx(5.120055158164D+02, 5.120284096041D+02)
+         csum_ref(13) = dcmplx(5.120041820159D+02, 5.120331373793D+02)
+         csum_ref(14) = dcmplx(5.120028605402D+02, 5.120370938679D+02)
+         csum_ref(15) = dcmplx(5.120015223011D+02, 5.120404138831D+02)
+         csum_ref(16) = dcmplx(5.120001570022D+02, 5.120432068837D+02)
+         csum_ref(17) = dcmplx(5.119987650555D+02, 5.120455615860D+02)
+         csum_ref(18) = dcmplx(5.119973525091D+02, 5.120475499442D+02)
+         csum_ref(19) = dcmplx(5.119959279472D+02, 5.120492304629D+02)
+         csum_ref(20) = dcmplx(5.119945006558D+02, 5.120506508902D+02)
+         csum_ref(21) = dcmplx(5.119930795911D+02, 5.120518503782D+02)
+         csum_ref(22) = dcmplx(5.119916728462D+02, 5.120528612016D+02)
+         csum_ref(23) = dcmplx(5.119902874185D+02, 5.120537101195D+02)
+         csum_ref(24) = dcmplx(5.119889291565D+02, 5.120544194514D+02)
+         csum_ref(25) = dcmplx(5.119876028049D+02, 5.120550079284D+02)
+      else if (d1 .eq. 8192 .and.  &
+     &    d2 .eq. 4096 .and.  &
+     &    d3 .eq. 4096 .and.  &
+     &    nt .eq. 25) then
+!   Class F size reference checksums
+         class = 'F'
+         csum_ref( 1) = dcmplx(5.119892866928D+02, 5.121457822747D+02)
+         csum_ref( 2) = dcmplx(5.119560157487D+02, 5.121009044434D+02)
+         csum_ref( 3) = dcmplx(5.119437960123D+02, 5.120761074285D+02)
+         csum_ref( 4) = dcmplx(5.119395628845D+02, 5.120614320496D+02)
+         csum_ref( 5) = dcmplx(5.119390371879D+02, 5.120514085624D+02)
+         csum_ref( 6) = dcmplx(5.119405091840D+02, 5.120438117102D+02)
+         csum_ref( 7) = dcmplx(5.119430444528D+02, 5.120376348915D+02)
+         csum_ref( 8) = dcmplx(5.119460702242D+02, 5.120323831062D+02)
+         csum_ref( 9) = dcmplx(5.119492377036D+02, 5.120277980818D+02)
+         csum_ref(10) = dcmplx(5.119523446268D+02, 5.120237368268D+02)
+         csum_ref(11) = dcmplx(5.119552825361D+02, 5.120201137845D+02)
+         csum_ref(12) = dcmplx(5.119580008777D+02, 5.120168723492D+02)
+         csum_ref(13) = dcmplx(5.119604834177D+02, 5.120139707209D+02)
+         csum_ref(14) = dcmplx(5.119627332821D+02, 5.120113749334D+02)
+         csum_ref(15) = dcmplx(5.119647637538D+02, 5.120090554887D+02)
+         csum_ref(16) = dcmplx(5.119665927740D+02, 5.120069857863D+02)
+         csum_ref(17) = dcmplx(5.119682397643D+02, 5.120051414260D+02)
+         csum_ref(18) = dcmplx(5.119697238718D+02, 5.120034999132D+02)
+         csum_ref(19) = dcmplx(5.119710630664D+02, 5.120020405355D+02)
+         csum_ref(20) = dcmplx(5.119722737384D+02, 5.120007442976D+02)
+         csum_ref(21) = dcmplx(5.119733705802D+02, 5.119995938652D+02)
+         csum_ref(22) = dcmplx(5.119743666226D+02, 5.119985735001D+02)
+         csum_ref(23) = dcmplx(5.119752733481D+02, 5.119976689792D+02)
+         csum_ref(24) = dcmplx(5.119761008382D+02, 5.119968675026D+02)
+         csum_ref(25) = dcmplx(5.119768579280D+02, 5.119961575929D+02)
+      endif
+      if (class .ne. 'U') then
+         do i = 1, nt
+            err = abs( (sums(i) - csum_ref(i)) / csum_ref(i) )
+            if (ieee_is_nan(err) .or. (err .gt. epsilon)) goto 100
+         end do
+         verified = .TRUE.
+ 100     continue
+      endif
+      if (class .ne. 'U') then
+         if (verified) then
+            write(*,2000)
+ 2000       format(' Result verification successful')
+         else
+            write(*,2001)
+ 2001       format(' Result verification failed')
+         endif
+      endif
+      print *, 'class = ', class
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft_data.f90 b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft_data.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f17d49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ft_data.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+!  ft_data module
+      module ft_data
+      include 'npbparams.h'
+! total number of grid points with padding
+      integer(kind2) nxp, ntotalp
+      parameter (nxp=nx+1)
+      parameter (ntotalp=nxp*ny*nz)
+      double precision ntotal_f
+      parameter (ntotal_f=dble(nx)*ny*nz)
+! If processor array is 1x1 -> 0D grid decomposition
+! Cache blocking params. These values are good for most
+! RISC processors.  
+! FFT parameters:
+!  fftblock controls how many ffts are done at a time. 
+!  The default is appropriate for most cache-based machines
+!  On vector machines, the FFT can be vectorized with vector
+!  length equal to the block size, so the block size should
+!  be as large as possible. This is the size of the smallest
+!  dimension of the problem: 128 for class A, 256 for class B and
+!  512 for class C.
+      include 'blk_par.h'
+!      integer fftblock_default, fftblockpad_default
+!      parameter (fftblock_default=32, fftblockpad_default=34)
+      integer fftblock, fftblockpad
+! we need a bunch of logic to keep track of how
+! arrays are laid out. 
+! Note: this serial version is the derived from the parallel 0D case
+! of the ft NPB.
+! The computation proceeds logically as
+! set up initial conditions
+! fftx(1)
+! transpose (1->2)
+! ffty(2)
+! transpose (2->3)
+! fftz(3)
+! time evolution
+! fftz(3)
+! transpose (3->2)
+! ffty(2)
+! transpose (2->1)
+! fftx(1)
+! compute residual(1)
+! for the 0D, 1D, 2D strategies, the layouts look like xxx
+!            0D        1D        2D
+! 1:        xyz       xyz       xyz
+! the array dimensions are stored in dims(coord, phase)
+      integer dims(3)
+      integer T_total, T_setup, T_fft, T_evolve, T_checksum,  &
+     &        T_fftx, T_ffty,  &
+     &        T_fftz, T_max
+      parameter (T_total = 1, T_setup = 2, T_fft = 3,  &
+     &           T_evolve = 4, T_checksum = 5,  &
+     &           T_fftx = 6,  &
+     &           T_ffty = 7,  &
+     &           T_fftz = 8, T_max = 8)
+      logical timers_enabled
+      external timer_read
+      double precision timer_read
+      external ilog2
+      integer ilog2
+      external randlc
+      double precision randlc
+! other stuff
+      logical debug, debugsynch
+      double precision seed, a, pi, alpha
+      parameter (seed = 314159265.d0, a = 1220703125.d0,  &
+     &  pi = 3.141592653589793238d0, alpha=1.0d-6)
+! roots of unity array
+! relies on x being largest dimension?
+      double complex u(nxp)
+! for checksum data
+      double complex sums(0:niter_default)
+! number of iterations
+      integer niter
+      end module ft_data
+!  ft_fields module
+      module ft_fields
+! u0, u1, u2 are the main arrays in the problem. 
+! Depending on the decomposition, these arrays will have different 
+! dimensions. To accomodate all possibilities, we allocate them as 
+! one-dimensional arrays and pass them to subroutines for different 
+! views
+!  - u0 contains the initial (transformed) initial condition
+!  - u1 and u2 are working arrays
+!  - twiddle contains exponents for the time evolution operator. 
+      double complex, allocatable ::  &
+     &                 u0(:), pad1(:),  &
+     &                 u1(:), pad2(:)
+!     >                 u2(:)
+      double precision, allocatable :: twiddle(:)
+! Large arrays are in module so that they are allocated on the
+! heap rather than the stack. This module is not
+! referenced directly anywhere else. Padding is to avoid accidental 
+! cache problems, since all array sizes are powers of two.
+      end module ft_fields
+      subroutine alloc_space
+! allocate space dynamically for data arrays
+      use ft_data, only : ntotalp
+      use ft_fields
+      implicit none
+      integer ios
+      allocate (  &
+     &          u0(ntotalp), pad1(3),  &
+     &          u1(ntotalp), pad2(3),  &
+!     >          u2(ntotalp),
+     &          twiddle(ntotalp),  &
+     &          stat = ios)
+      if (ios .ne. 0) then
+         write(*,*) 'Error encountered in allocating space'
+         stop
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..448ac42b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+6   ! number of iterations
+2   ! layout type. 0 = 0d, 1 = 1d, 2 = 2d
+2 4 ! processor layout. 0d must be "1 1"; 1d must be "1 N"
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/npbparams.h b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/npbparams.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..254a5b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/npbparams.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+! CLASS = C
+!  This file is generated automatically by the setparams utility.
+!  It sets the number of processors and the class of the NPB
+!  in this directory. Do not modify it by hand.
+        integer nx, ny, nz, maxdim, niter_default
+        parameter (nx=512, ny=512, nz=512, maxdim=512)
+        parameter (niter_default=20)
+        integer kind2
+        parameter (kind2=4)
+        logical  convertdouble
+        parameter (convertdouble = .false.)
+        character compiletime*11
+        parameter (compiletime='13 Jun 2024')
+        character npbversion*5
+        parameter (npbversion='3.4.2')
+        character cs1*8
+        parameter (cs1='gfortran')
+        character cs2*5
+        parameter (cs2='$(FC)')
+        character cs3*6
+        parameter (cs3='(none)')
+        character cs4*6
+        parameter (cs4='(none)')
+        character cs5*12
+        parameter (cs5='-O3 -fopenmp')
+        character cs6*9
+        parameter (cs6='$(FFLAGS)')
+        character cs7*6
+        parameter (cs7='randi8')
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/print_results.f90 b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/print_results.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6be545c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/print_results.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+      subroutine print_results(name, class, n1, n2, n3, niter,  &
+     &               t, mops, optype, verified, npbversion,  &
+     &               compiletime, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7)
+      implicit none
+      character(len=*) name
+      character class
+      integer   n1, n2, n3, niter, j
+      double precision t, mops
+      character optype*24, size*15
+      logical   verified
+      character(len=*) npbversion, compiletime,  &
+     &              cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7
+      integer   num_threads, max_threads
+!$    integer omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_max_threads
+!$    external omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_max_threads
+      max_threads = 0
+!$    max_threads = omp_get_max_threads()
+!     figure out number of threads used
+      num_threads = 0
+!$omp parallel shared(num_threads)
+!$omp master
+!$    num_threads = omp_get_num_threads()
+!$omp end master
+!$omp end parallel
+         write (*, 2) name
+ 2       format(//, ' ', A, ' Benchmark Completed.')
+         write (*, 3) Class
+ 3       format(' Class           = ', 12x, a12)
+!   If this is not a grid-based problem (EP, FT, CG), then
+!   we only print n1, which contains some measure of the
+!   problem size. In that case, n2 and n3 are both zero.
+!   Otherwise, we print the grid size n1xn2xn3
+         if ((n2 .eq. 0) .and. (n3 .eq. 0)) then
+            if (name(1:2) .eq. 'EP') then
+               write(size, '(f15.0)' ) 2.d0**n1
+               j = 15
+               if (size(j:j) .eq. '.') j = j - 1
+               write (*,42) size(1:j)
+ 42            format(' Size            = ',9x, a15)
+            else
+               write (*,44) n1
+ 44            format(' Size            = ',12x, i12)
+            endif
+         else
+            write (*, 4) n1,n2,n3
+ 4          format(' Size            =  ',9x, i4,'x',i4,'x',i4)
+         endif
+         write (*, 5) niter
+ 5       format(' Iterations      = ', 12x, i12)
+         write (*, 6) t
+ 6       format(' Time in seconds = ',12x, f12.2)
+         if (num_threads .gt. 0) write (*,7) num_threads
+ 7       format(' Total threads   = ', 12x, i12)
+         if (max_threads .gt. 0) write (*,8) max_threads
+ 8       format(' Avail threads   = ', 12x, i12)
+         if (num_threads .ne. max_threads) write (*,88) 
+ 88      format(' Warning: Threads used differ from threads available')
+         write (*,9) mops
+ 9       format(' Mop/s total     = ',12x, f12.2)
+         if (num_threads .gt. 0) write (*,10) mops/float( num_threads )
+ 10      format(' Mop/s/thread    = ', 12x, f12.2)        
+         write(*, 11) optype
+ 11      format(' Operation type  = ', a24)
+         if (verified) then 
+            write(*,12) '  SUCCESSFUL'
+         else
+            write(*,12) 'UNSUCCESSFUL'
+         endif
+ 12      format(' Verification    = ', 12x, a)
+         write(*,13) npbversion
+ 13      format(' Version         = ', 12x, a12)
+         write(*,14) compiletime
+ 14      format(' Compile date    = ', 12x, a12)
+         write (*,121) cs1
+ 121     format(/, ' Compile options:', /,  &
+     &          '    FC           = ', A)
+         write (*,122) cs2
+ 122     format('    FLINK        = ', A)
+         write (*,123) cs3
+ 123     format('    F_LIB        = ', A)
+         write (*,124) cs4
+ 124     format('    F_INC        = ', A)
+         write (*,125) cs5
+ 125     format('    FFLAGS       = ', A)
+         write (*,126) cs6
+ 126     format('    FLINKFLAGS   = ', A)
+         write(*, 127) cs7
+ 127     format('    RAND         = ', A)
+         write (*,130)
+ 130     format(//' Please send all errors/feedbacks to:'//  &
+     &            ' NPB Development Team'/  &
+     &            ''//)
+! 130     format(//' Please send the results of this run to:'//
+!     >            ' NPB Development Team '/
+!     >            ' Internet:'/
+!     >            ' '/
+!     >            ' If email is not available, send this to:'//
+!     >            ' MS T27A-1'/
+!     >            ' NASA Ames Research Center'/
+!     >            ' Moffett Field, CA  94035-1000'//
+!     >            ' Fax: 650-604-3957'//)
+         return
+         end
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/randi8.f90 b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/randi8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8932eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/randi8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+      double precision function randlc(x, a)
+!   This routine returns a uniform pseudorandom double precision number in the
+!   range (0, 1) by using the linear congruential generator
+!   x_{k+1} = a x_k  (mod 2^46)
+!   where 0 < x_k < 2^46 and 0 < a < 2^46.  This scheme generates 2^44 numbers
+!   before repeating.  The argument A is the same as 'a' in the above formula,
+!   and X is the same as x_0.  A and X must be odd double precision integers
+!   in the range (1, 2^46).  The returned value RANDLC is normalized to be
+!   between 0 and 1, i.e. RANDLC = 2^(-46) * x_1.  X is updated to contain
+!   the new seed x_1, so that subsequent calls to RANDLC using the same
+!   arguments will generate a continuous sequence.
+      implicit none
+      double precision x, a
+      integer(kind=8) i246m1, Lx, La
+      double precision d2m46
+      parameter(d2m46=0.5d0**46)
+      parameter(i246m1=INT(Z'00003FFFFFFFFFFF',8))
+      Lx = X
+      La = A
+      Lx   = iand(Lx*La,i246m1)
+      randlc = d2m46*dble(Lx)
+      x    = dble(Lx)
+      return
+      end
+      implicit none
+      integer n, i
+      double precision x, a, y(*)
+      integer(kind=8) i246m1, Lx, La
+      double precision d2m46
+! This doesn't work, because the compiler does the calculation in 32
+! bits and overflows. No standard way (without f90 stuff) to specify
+! that the rhs should be done in 64 bit arithmetic. 
+!      parameter(i246m1=2**46-1)
+      parameter(d2m46=0.5d0**46)
+      parameter(i246m1=INT(Z'00003FFFFFFFFFFF',8))
+      Lx = X
+      La = A
+      do i = 1, N
+         Lx   = iand(Lx*La,i246m1)
+         y(i) = d2m46*dble(Lx)
+      end do
+      x    = dble(Lx)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/timers.f90 b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/timers.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a50de94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/benchmarks/nas-ft/fortran/timers.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+      module timers
+      double precision start(64), elapsed(64)
+!$omp threadprivate(start, elapsed)
+      double precision, external :: elapsed_time
+      end module timers
+      subroutine timer_clear(n)
+      use timers
+      implicit none
+      integer n
+      elapsed(n) = 0.0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine timer_start(n)
+      use timers
+      implicit none
+      integer n
+      start(n) = elapsed_time()
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine timer_stop(n)
+      use timers
+      implicit none
+      integer n
+      double precision t, now
+      now = elapsed_time()
+      t = now - start(n)
+      elapsed(n) = elapsed(n) + t
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function timer_read(n)
+      use timers
+      implicit none
+      integer n
+      timer_read = elapsed(n)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function elapsed_time()
+      implicit none
+!$    external         omp_get_wtime
+!$    double precision omp_get_wtime
+      double precision t
+      logical          mp
+! ... Use the OpenMP timer if we can (via C$ conditional compilation)
+      mp = .false.
+!$    mp = .true.
+!$    t = omp_get_wtime()
+      if ( then
+! This function must measure wall clock time, not CPU time. 
+! Since there is no portable timer in Fortran (77)
+! we call a routine compiled in C (though the C source may have
+! to be tweaked). 
+         call wtime(t)
+! The following is not ok for "official" results because it reports
+! CPU time not wall clock time. It may be useful for developing/testing
+! on timeshared Crays, though. 
+!        call second(t)
+      endif
+      elapsed_time = t
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine check_timer_flag( timeron )
+      implicit none
+      logical timeron
+      integer nc, ios
+      character(len=20) val
+      timeron = .false.
+! ... Check environment variable "NPB_TIMER_FLAG"
+      call get_environment_variable('NPB_TIMER_FLAG', val, nc, ios)
+      if (ios .eq. 0) then
+         if (nc .le. 0) then
+            timeron = .true.
+         else if (val(1:1) .ge. '1' .and. val(1:1) .le. '9') then
+            timeron = .true.
+         else if (val .eq. 'on' .or. val .eq. 'ON' .or.  &
+     &            val .eq. 'yes' .or. val .eq. 'YES' .or.  &
+     &            val .eq. 'true' .or. val .eq. 'TRUE') then
+            timeron = .true.
+         endif
+      else
+! ... Check if the "timer.flag" file exists
+         open (unit=2, file='timer.flag', status='old', iostat=ios)
+         if (ios .eq. 0) then
+            close(2)
+            timeron = .true.
+         endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end