function [mouse_x, mouse_y, fix_x, fix_y] = currentTrial(img, delay, filter, w, wRect, screenNumber, backgroundcolor) try % Setup default aperture size. ms = 200; % Fovea contains filtered image foveaimage = filterImage(img, filter); % Periphery contains original image peripheryimage = img; % Build texture for fovea foveatex = Screen('MakeTexture', w, foveaimage); tRect = Screen('Rect', foveatex); % Build texture for periphery nonfoveatex = Screen('MakeTexture', w, peripheryimage); [ctRect, dx, dy] = CenterRect(tRect, wRect); % Set cursor to center and hide it [a, b] = RectCenter(wRect); SetMouse(a, b, screenNumber); HideCursor; buttons = 0; % Make this program important priorityLevel=MaxPriority(w); Priority(priorityLevel); % Wait until all keys on keyboard are released: KbReleaseWait; % Init old mouse position mxold = 0; myold = 0; % Create luminance and alpha matrix as a mask to blend the filtered and % the original image into each other [x, y] = meshgrid(-ms:ms, -ms:ms); maskblob = ones(2*ms+1, 2*ms+1, 2); % Fill alpha layer with gaussian xsd = ms / 2.2; ysd = ms / 2.2; maskblob(:, :, 2) = 1 - exp(-((x / xsd).^2)-((y / ysd).^2)); % Build a single transparency mask texture: masktex = Screen('MakeTexture', w, maskblob); % Show image imageTexture = Screen('MakeTexture', w, img); Screen('DrawTexture', w, imageTexture); % Get timestamp of first show t0 = Screen('Flip', w); % Init stillTime. stillTime is used to measure the time without % movement > distance threshold stillTime = 0; % Init vectors for mouse coordinates mouse_x = []; mouse_y = []; % Init vectors for fixation point coordinates fix_x = []; fix_y = []; % Init flag. If we already have an image blurred at the fixation % point, we only want to redraw it if there is a movement > distance % threshold. Otherwise, we want to stay the blur in place to record % seccadic movements. isFiltered = 0; while 1 % Query current mouse cursor position [mx, my, buttons] = GetMouse; % Record mouse coordinates mouse_x(end+1) = mx; mouse_y(end+1) = my; % Calculate euclidean distance between old and new position dist = eDist(mxold, myold, mx, my); % We only want "big" movements to be considered a change of fixation % point. Smaller movements will be recorded as seccadic if dist > 15 stillTime = 0; % Check if already filtered isFiltered = 0; % Clear everything Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, [1, 1, 1, 1]); Screen('FillRect', w, backgroundcolor); % Draw Screen('DrawTexture', w, nonfoveatex, [], ctRect); % Flip t0Still = Screen('Flip', w); else % Check if we already exceeded delay tStill = GetSecs() - t0Still; if tStill >= delay && isFiltered == 0 % Set flag isFiltered = 1; % Append coordinates fix_x(end+1) = mx; fix_y(end+1) = my; % Define area to be filtered myrect = [mx - ms, my - ms, mx + ms + 1, my + ms + 1]; % Clip accordingly dRect = ClipRect(myrect, ctRect); sRect = OffsetRect(dRect, -dx, -dy); % Valid destination? if ~IsEmptyRect(dRect) % Draw alpha mask. Opacity is zero at the center of our % aperture. It increases according to the gaussian % function until it reaches 1 (full opacity) % Clear everything to background color, not using % blending [1, 1, 1, 1] means RGBA channels. Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, [1, 1, 1, 1]); Screen('FillRect', w, backgroundcolor); % Still no blending, draw mask into alpha channel. Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, [0, 0, 0, 1]); Screen('DrawTexture', w, masktex, [], myrect); % Draw non filtered image. It is drawn according to the % alpha value (GL_DST_ALPHA constant). Alpha mask is % not modified because now we only write to RGB % [1,1,1,0] Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ZERO, [1, 1, 1, 0]); Screen('DrawTexture', w, nonfoveatex, [], ctRect); % Draw filtered image, but with inverted alpha value, % meaning that we draw where we did not draw before % (GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA constant). Again only write % to RGB. Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE, [1, 1, 1, 0]); Screen('DrawTexture', w, foveatex, sRect, dRect); % Display Screen('Flip', w); end end end % Keep track of last gaze position: mxold = mx; myold = my; % We wait 1 ms each loop-iteration so that we % don't overload the system in realtime-priority: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.001); % Break if time elapsed from first display is >= 5. if GetSecs() - t0 >= 5.0 break; end % Abort keypress or mouse-click or if longer than 5 seconds if KbCheck | find(buttons) break; end end catch % Recover from exception sca; ShowCursor; Priority(0); psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end %try..catch.. % Close textures so they do not linger in memory Screen('Close', foveatex); Screen('Close', nonfoveatex); Screen('Close', masktex); return; end