diff --git a/data/materials/README.txt b/data/materials/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07060bf0705749b02bc9625526aba91022b46c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/materials/README.txt
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+Files in the 'wp3-exps-1-2.zip' archive contain materials for two experiments as part of WP3 in the C02 project (SFB 1287).
+Files are stored using the directory structure
+with subdirectories:
+<experiment>	: [exp1, exp2]
+<study>		: [prestudy, study]
+<materials> 	: [onexp, opensesame, stimuli]
+In the 'onexp' directories are the zip files used to upload the experiments to the OnExp platform.
+In the 'opensesame' directories are the files used to run the experiments with OpenSesame in the lab.
+In the 'stimuli' directories are the stimuli spreadsheets for the experiments. 
+OnExp is free software (GNU General Public License) hosted at the Universität Göttingen:
+  Website: https://onexp.textstrukturen.uni-goettingen.de/ 
+  Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20200603015215/https://onexp.textstrukturen.uni-goettingen.de/
+OpenSesame is free software (GPLv3) for experiment creation.
+  Website: https://osdoc.cogsci.nl/
+  Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20200802191650/https://osdoc.cogsci.nl/