/** * This module representing a Context Widget. * * @module Widget * @fileOverview */ define(['MathUuid', 'callback', 'callbackList', 'attribute', 'attributeList', 'conditionList', 'subscriber', 'subscriberList'], function(MathUuid, Callback, CallbackList, Attribute, AttributeList, ConditionList, Subscriber, SubscriberList) { return (function() { /** * Constructor: Generates the ID and initializes the * Widget with attributes, callbacks and subscriber * that are specified in the provided functions. * * @abstract * @class Widget * @classdesc The Widget handles the access to sensors. * @requires MathUuid * @requires Callback * @requires CallbackList * @requires Attribute * @requires AttributeList * @requires ConditionList * @requires Subscriber * @requires SubscriberList * @requires Discoverer * @constructs Widget */ function Widget(discoverer, attributes) { var self = this; /** * Name of the Widget. * * @type {string} */ this.name = 'Widget'; /** * ID of the Widget. Will be generated. * * @type {string} */ this.id = Math.uuid(); /** * * @protected * @type {AttributeList} * @memberof Widget# * @desc All available Attributes and their values. */ this._outAttributes = new AttributeList(); /** * @alias oldAttributes * @protected * @type {AttributeList} * @memberof Widget# * @desc This temporary variable is used for storing the old attribute values. * So these can be used to check conditions. */ this._oldOutAttributes = new AttributeList(); /** * @alias constantAttributes * @protected * @type {AttributeList} * @memberof Widget# * @desc All available constant Attributes and their values. */ this._constantOutAttributes = new AttributeList(); /** * @alias callbacks * @protected * @type {CallbackList} * @memberof Widget# * @desc List of Callbacks. */ this._callbacks = new CallbackList(); /** * @alias subscribers * @protected * @type {SubscriberList} * @memberof Widget# * @desc List of Subscriber. */ this._subscribers = new SubscriberList(); /** * Associated discoverer. * * @type {Discoverer} * @private */ this._discoverer = discoverer; this._register(); this._init(attributes); return this; } /** * Returns the name of the widget. * * @public * @alias getName * @memberof Widget# * @returns {string} */ Widget.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; }; /** * Returns the id of the widget. * * @public * @alias getId * @memberof Widget# * @returns {string} */ Widget.prototype.getId = function() { return this.id; }; /** * Returns the type of this class, in this case * "Widget". * * @virtual * @public * @returns {string} */ //TODO: remove and replace with constructor comparison Widget.prototype.getType = function() { return 'Widget'; }; /** * Returns the available AttributeTypes. * * @public * @param {?AttributeList} [attributes] * @returns {AttributeList} */ Widget.prototype.getOutAttributes = function(attributes) { // test if attributeList is a list if (attributes && attributes instanceof AttributeList) { return this._outAttributes.getSubset(attributes); } else { return this._outAttributes; } }; /** * Returns the available ConstantAttributeTypes * (attributes that do not change). * * @public * @param {?AttributeList} attributes * @returns {AttributeList} */ Widget.prototype.getConstantOutAttributes = function(attributes) { if (attributes && attributes instanceof AttributeList) { return this._constantOutAttributes.getSubset(attributes); } else { return this._constantOutAttributes; } }; /** * Returns the last acquired attribute value with the given attribute type. * * @param {AttributeType} attributeType The attribute type to return the last value for. * @returns {*} */ Widget.prototype.getValueForAttributeWithTypeOf = function(attributeType) { return this.getOutAttributes().getAttributeWithTypeOf(attributeType).getValue(); }; /** * Returns the old Attributes. * * @private * @alias getOldAttributes * @memberof Widget# * @returns {AttributeList} */ Widget.prototype.getOldAttributes = function() { return this._oldOutAttributes; }; /** * Returns a list of callbacks that can be * subscribed to. * * @public * @alias getCallbacks * @memberof Widget# * @returns {CallbackList} */ Widget.prototype.getCallbackList = function() { return this._callbacks; }; /** * Returns the specified callbacks that can be * subscribed to. * * @public * @alias getCallbacks * @memberof Widget# * @returns {Array} */ Widget.prototype.getCallbacks = function() { return this._callbacks.getItems(); }; Widget.prototype.queryServices = function() { return this.services; }; /** * Returns the Subscriber. * * @public * @alias getSubscriber * @memberof Widget# * @returns {SubscriberList} */ Widget.prototype.getSubscriber = function() { return this._subscribers; }; /** * Sets the name of the Widget. * * @protected * @alias setName * @memberof Widget# * @param {string} name Name of the Widget. */ Widget.prototype.setName = function(name) { if (typeof name === 'string') { this.name = name; } }; /** * Sets the id of the Widget. * * @protected * @alias setId * @memberof Widget# * @param {string} id Id of the Widget. */ Widget._setId = function(id) { if (typeof id === 'string') { this.id = id; } }; /** * Sets the AttributeValueList and also the associated * AttributeTypes. * * @protected * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} attributesOrArray List or Array of AttributeValues */ Widget.prototype._setOutAttributes = function(attributesOrArray) { this._outAttributes = new AttributeList().withItems(attributesOrArray); }; /** * Adds a new AttributeValue. If the given value is * not included in the list, the associated type will * be also added. Otherwise, only the value will be * updated. * * @public * @param {Attribute} attribute * @param {Boolean} multipleInstances */ Widget.prototype.addOutAttribute = function(attribute, multipleInstances) { multipleInstances = typeof multipleInstances == "undefined" ? false : multipleInstances; if (attribute instanceof Attribute) { if (!this._outAttributes.containsTypeOf(attribute)) { this._oldOutAttributes = this._outAttributes; attribute.setTimestamp(this.getCurrentTime()); this._outAttributes.put(attribute, multipleInstances); } } }; /** * Sets the ConstantAttributeValueList and also the * associated AttributeTypes. * * @protected * @alias setConstantOutAttributes * @memberof Widget# * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} constantAttributes List or Array of AttributeValues */ Widget.prototype._setConstantOutAttributes = function(constantAttributes) { var list = []; if (constantAttributes instanceof Array) { list = constantAttributes; } else if (Class.isA(AttributeValueList, constantAttributes)) { list = constantAttributes.getItems(); } for ( var i in list) { var constantAttribute = list[i]; if (Class.isA(AttributeValue, constantAttribute)) { constantAttribute.setTimestamp(this.getCurrentTime()); this.constantAttributes.put(constantAttribute); var type = new AttributeType().withName(constantAttribute.getName()) .withType(constantAttribute.getType()) .withParameters(constantAttribute.getParameters()); this.constantAttributeTypes.put(type); } } }; /** * Adds a new constantAttributeValue. If the given value is * not included in the list, the associated type will * be also added. Otherwise, only the value will be * updated. * * @protected * @param {Attribute} constantAttribute AttributeValue */ Widget.prototype._addConstantOutAttribute = function(constantAttribute) { if (Class.isA(AttributeValue, constantAttribute)) { if (!this.constantAttributes .contains(constantAttribute)) { var type = new AttributeType().withName(constantAttribute.getName()) .withType(constantAttribute.getType()) .withParameters(constantAttribute.getParameters()); this.constantAttributeTypes.put(type); } _attribute.setTimestamp(this.getCurrentTime()); this.constantAttributes.put(constantAttribute); } }; /** * Sets Callbacks. * * @protected * @alias setCallbacks * @memberof Widget# * @param {(CallbackList|Array)} callbacks List or Array of Callbacks. */ Widget.prototype._setCallbacks = function(callbacks) { var list = []; if (callbacks instanceof Array) { list = callbacks; } else if (callbacks instanceof CallbackList) { list = callbacks.getItems(); } for ( var i in list) { var callback = list[i]; if (callback instanceof Callback) { this.callbacks.put(callback); } } }; /** * Adds a new Callback. * * @protected * @alias addCallback * @memberof Widget# * @param {Callback} callback List or Array of AttributeValues. */ Widget.prototype._addCallback = function(callback) { if (callback instanceof Callback) { this._callbacks.put(callback); } }; Widget.prototype._setServices = function(services) { this.services = services; }; /** * Sets SubscriberList. * * @protected * @alias setSubscriber * @memberof Widget# * @param {(SubscriberList|Array)} subscribers List or Array of Subscriber. */ Widget.prototype._setSubscriber = function(subscribers) { var list = []; if (subscribers instanceof Array) { list = subscribers; } else if (subscribers instanceof SubscriberList) { list = subscribers.getItems(); } for ( var i in list) { var singleSubscriber = list[i]; if (singleSubscriber instanceof Subscriber) { this._subscribers.put(singleSubscriber); } } }; /** * Adds a new Subscriber. * * @public * @param {?Subscriber} subscriber Subscriber */ Widget.prototype.addSubscriber = function(subscriber) { if (subscriber && subscriber instanceof Subscriber) { this._subscribers.put(subscriber); } }; /** * Removes the specified Subscriber. * * @public * @param {Subscriber} subscriberId Subscriber */ Widget.prototype.removeSubscriber = function(subscriberId) { this._subscribers.removeSubscriberWithId(subscriberId); }; /** * Returns the current time. * * @private * @returns {Date} */ Widget.prototype.getCurrentTime = function() { return new Date(); }; /** * Verifies whether the specified attributes is a * provided Attribute. * * @protected * @alias isOutAttribute * @memberof Widget# * @param {Attribute} attribute * @returns {boolean} */ Widget.prototype._isOutAttribute = function(attribute) { return !!this._outAttributes.containsTypeOf(attribute); }; /** * Initializes the provided Attributes. * * @abstract * @protected */ Widget.prototype._initOutAttributes = function() { throw new Error("Call to abstract function '_initOutAttributes'!"); }; /** * Initializes the provided ConstantAttributes. * * @abstract * @protected */ Widget.prototype._initConstantOutAttributes = function() { throw new Error("Abstract function!"); }; /** * Initializes the provided Callbacks. * * @abstract * @protected */ Widget.prototype._initCallbacks = function() { throw new Error("Abstract function!"); }; /** * Function for initializing. Calls all initFunctions * and will be called by the constructor. * * @protected */ Widget.prototype._init = function(attributes) { this._initOutAttributes(); this._initConstantOutAttributes(); this._initCallbacks(); this.didFinishInitialization(attributes); }; /** * Method will be invoked after the initialization of the widget finished. * Can be overridden by inheriting classes to take action after initialization. * * @public * @virtual * @param attributes */ Widget.prototype.didFinishInitialization = function(attributes) { }; /** * Notifies other components and sends the attributes. * * @virtual * @public */ Widget.prototype.notify = function() { var callbacks = this.getCallbacks(); for (var i in callbacks) { this.sendToSubscriber(callbacks[i]); } }; /** * Queries the associated sensor and updates the attributes with new values. * Must be overridden by the subclasses. Overriding subclasses can call * this.__super(_function) to invoke the provided callback function. * * @virtual * @public * @param {?function} callback For alternative actions, because an asynchronous function can be used. */ Widget.prototype.sendToSubscriber = function(callback) { if (callback && typeof(callback) == 'function') { callback(); } }; /** * * @abstract * @param callback */ Widget.prototype.queryGenerator = function (callback) { throw "Call to abstract method 'queryGenerator'."; }; /** * * @param response * @param callback * @protected */ Widget.prototype._sendResponse = function(response, callback) { this.putData(response); this.notify(); if (callback && typeof(callback) == 'function') { callback(); } }; /** * Updates the attributes by calling queryGenerator. * * @public * @alias updateWidgetInformation * @memberof Widget# * @param {?function} callback For alternative actions, because an asynchronous function can be used. * */ Widget.prototype.updateWidgetInformation = function(callback) { this.queryGenerator(callback); }; /** * Updates the Attributes by external components. * * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} attributes Data that should be entered. */ Widget.prototype.putData = function(attributes) { var list = []; if (attributes instanceof Array) { list = attributes; } else if (attributes instanceof AttributeList) { list = attributes.getItems(); } for ( var i in list) { var theAttribute = list[i]; if (theAttribute.type === Attribute && this.isOutAttribute(theAttribute)) { this.addOutAttribute(theAttribute); } } }; /** * Returns all available AttributeValues, Attributes and ConstantAttributes. * * @public * @returns {AttributeList} */ Widget.prototype.queryWidget = function() { var response = new AttributeList(); response.putAll(this.getOutAttributes()); response.putAll(this.getConstantOutAttributes()); return response; }; /** * Updates and returns all available AttributeValues, * Attributes and ConstantAtrributes. * * @public * @alias updateAndQueryWidget * @memberof Widget# * @param {?function} callback For alternative actions, because an asynchronous function can be used. * @returns {?AttributeList} */ Widget.prototype.updateAndQueryWidget = function(callback) { if(callback && typeof(callback) === 'function'){ this.queryGenerator(callback); } else { this.queryGenerator(); return this.queryWidget(); } }; /** * Sends all Attributes, specified in the given callback, * to components which are subscribed to this Callback. * * @protected * @param {string} callback Name of the searched Callback. */ Widget.prototype._sendToSubscriber = function(callback) { if (callback && callback instanceof Callback) { var subscriberList = this._subscribers.getItems(); for (var i in subscriberList) { var subscriber = subscriberList[i]; if (subscriber.getSubscriptionCallbacks().contains(callback)) { if(this.dataValid(subscriber.getConditions())){ var subscriberInstance = this._discoverer.getComponent(subscriber.getSubscriberId()); var callSubset = callback.getAttributeTypes(); var subscriberSubset = subscriber.getAttributesSubset(); var data = this.outAttributes.getSubset(callSubset); if (subscriberSubset && subscriberSubset.size() > 0) { data = data.getSubset(subscriberSubset); } } if (data) { subscriberInstance.putData(data); } } } } }; /** * Verifies if the attributes match to the specified conditions in case any exists. * * @private * @alias dataValid * @memberof Widget# * @param {string} conditions List of Conditions that will be verified. * @returns {boolean} */ Widget.prototype._dataValid = function(conditions) { if (conditions instanceof ConditionList) { return true; } if (!conditions.isEmpty()) { var items = _condition.getItems(); for (var i in items) { var condition = items[i]; var conditionAttributeType = condition.getAttributeType(); var conditionAttributeTypeList = new AttributeTypeList() .withItems(new Array(conditionAttributeType)); var newValue = this.getAttributes().getSubset(conditionAttributeTypeList); var oldValue = this.getOldAttributes.getSubset(conditionAttributeTypeList); return condition.compare(newValue, oldValue); } } return false; }; /** * Runs the context acquisition constantly in an interval. * Can be called by init. * * @virtual * @protected * @param {Number} interval Interval in ms */ Widget.prototype._intervalRunning = function(interval) { var self = this; if (interval === parseInt(interval)) { setInterval(function() {self.queryGenerator();}, interval); } }; /** * Sets the associated Discoverer and registers to that. * * @public * @param {Discoverer} _discoverer Discoverer */ Widget.prototype.setDiscoverer = function(_discoverer) { if (!this._discoverer) { this._discoverer = _discoverer; this.register(); } }; /** * Registers the component to the associated Discoverer. * * @protected */ Widget.prototype._register = function() { if (this._discoverer) { this._discoverer.registerNewComponent(this); } }; /** * Returns true if the widget can satisfy the requested attribute type. * * @public * @param {AttributeType} attribute * @returns {boolean} */ Widget.prototype.doesSatisfyTypeOf = function(attribute) { return this._outAttributes.containsTypeOf(attribute); }; return Widget; })(); } );