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  1. Aug 18, 2015
  2. Jul 15, 2015
    • mirueger's avatar
      # updated discoverer to initialize components on the fly · 91c269da
      mirueger authored
      # updated to version without ease.js and with synonyms
      # [Aggregator] moved _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() to [Discoverer]
      + [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes()
      # [Discoverer] _getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributes() can initialize components if not already registered
      # [Interpreter] constructor Interpreter(discoverer, inAttributes, outAttributes)
      + [Interpreter] inOut
      # [Interpreter] _init()
      # [Interpreter] _initInterpreter()
      # [Interpreter] _initInAttributes()
      # [Interpreter] _initOutAttributes()
      # [Interpreter] _doesSatisfyTypeOf()
      # [Widget] constructor Widget(discoverer, outAttributes)
      + [Widget] inOut
      # [Widget] _initWidgetr()
      # [Widget] _initOutAttributes()
      # [Widget] _doesSatisfyTypeOf()
  3. Jun 02, 2015
  4. May 27, 2015
  5. May 22, 2015
  6. May 21, 2015
  7. May 05, 2015
  8. Apr 24, 2015
  9. Apr 23, 2015