diff --git a/dist/contactJS.js b/dist/contactJS.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 06193453c5549e0f59e455cb0f390e5c945bc231..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dist/contactJS.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6212 +0,0 @@
-(function (root, factory) {
-  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-    // AMD.
-    define(['easejs', 'jquery', 'MathUuid'],factory);
-  } else {
-    	root.contactJS = factory(root.easejs, root.$, root.MathUuid);
-  }
-}(this, function(easejs, $, MathUuid) {/**
- * almond 0.1.2 Copyright (c) 2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
- * Available via the MIT or new BSD license.
- * see: http://github.com/jrburke/almond for details
- */
-//Going sloppy to avoid 'use strict' string cost, but strict practices should
-//be followed.
-/*jslint sloppy: true */
-/*global setTimeout: false */
-var requirejs, require, define;
-(function (undef) {
-    var defined = {},
-        waiting = {},
-        config = {},
-        defining = {},
-        aps = [].slice,
-        main, req;
-    /**
-     * Given a relative module name, like ./something, normalize it to
-     * a real name that can be mapped to a path.
-     * @param {String} name the relative name
-     * @param {String} baseName a real name that the name arg is relative
-     * to.
-     * @returns {String} normalized name
-     */
-    function normalize(name, baseName) {
-        var baseParts = baseName && baseName.split("/"),
-            map = config.map,
-            starMap = (map && map['*']) || {},
-            nameParts, nameSegment, mapValue, foundMap,
-            foundI, foundStarMap, starI, i, j, part;
-        //Adjust any relative paths.
-        if (name && name.charAt(0) === ".") {
-            //If have a base name, try to normalize against it,
-            //otherwise, assume it is a top-level require that will
-            //be relative to baseUrl in the end.
-            if (baseName) {
-                //Convert baseName to array, and lop off the last part,
-                //so that . matches that "directory" and not name of the baseName's
-                //module. For instance, baseName of "one/two/three", maps to
-                //"one/two/three.js", but we want the directory, "one/two" for
-                //this normalization.
-                baseParts = baseParts.slice(0, baseParts.length - 1);
-                name = baseParts.concat(name.split("/"));
-                //start trimDots
-                for (i = 0; (part = name[i]); i++) {
-                    if (part === ".") {
-                        name.splice(i, 1);
-                        i -= 1;
-                    } else if (part === "..") {
-                        if (i === 1 && (name[2] === '..' || name[0] === '..')) {
-                            //End of the line. Keep at least one non-dot
-                            //path segment at the front so it can be mapped
-                            //correctly to disk. Otherwise, there is likely
-                            //no path mapping for a path starting with '..'.
-                            //This can still fail, but catches the most reasonable
-                            //uses of ..
-                            return true;
-                        } else if (i > 0) {
-                            name.splice(i - 1, 2);
-                            i -= 2;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                //end trimDots
-                name = name.join("/");
-            }
-        }
-        //Apply map config if available.
-        if ((baseParts || starMap) && map) {
-            nameParts = name.split('/');
-            for (i = nameParts.length; i > 0; i -= 1) {
-                nameSegment = nameParts.slice(0, i).join("/");
-                if (baseParts) {
-                    //Find the longest baseName segment match in the config.
-                    //So, do joins on the biggest to smallest lengths of baseParts.
-                    for (j = baseParts.length; j > 0; j -= 1) {
-                        mapValue = map[baseParts.slice(0, j).join('/')];
-                        //baseName segment has  config, find if it has one for
-                        //this name.
-                        if (mapValue) {
-                            mapValue = mapValue[nameSegment];
-                            if (mapValue) {
-                                //Match, update name to the new value.
-                                foundMap = mapValue;
-                                foundI = i;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (foundMap) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                //Check for a star map match, but just hold on to it,
-                //if there is a shorter segment match later in a matching
-                //config, then favor over this star map.
-                if (!foundStarMap && starMap && starMap[nameSegment]) {
-                    foundStarMap = starMap[nameSegment];
-                    starI = i;
-                }
-            }
-            if (!foundMap && foundStarMap) {
-                foundMap = foundStarMap;
-                foundI = starI;
-            }
-            if (foundMap) {
-                nameParts.splice(0, foundI, foundMap);
-                name = nameParts.join('/');
-            }
-        }
-        return name;
-    }
-    function makeRequire(relName, forceSync) {
-        return function () {
-            //A version of a require function that passes a moduleName
-            //value for items that may need to
-            //look up paths relative to the moduleName
-            return req.apply(undef, aps.call(arguments, 0).concat([relName, forceSync]));
-        };
-    }
-    function makeNormalize(relName) {
-        return function (name) {
-            return normalize(name, relName);
-        };
-    }
-    function makeLoad(depName) {
-        return function (value) {
-            defined[depName] = value;
-        };
-    }
-    function callDep(name) {
-        if (waiting.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-            var args = waiting[name];
-            delete waiting[name];
-            defining[name] = true;
-            main.apply(undef, args);
-        }
-        if (!defined.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-            throw new Error('No ' + name);
-        }
-        return defined[name];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Makes a name map, normalizing the name, and using a plugin
-     * for normalization if necessary. Grabs a ref to plugin
-     * too, as an optimization.
-     */
-    function makeMap(name, relName) {
-        var prefix, plugin,
-            index = name.indexOf('!');
-        if (index !== -1) {
-            prefix = normalize(name.slice(0, index), relName);
-            name = name.slice(index + 1);
-            plugin = callDep(prefix);
-            //Normalize according
-            if (plugin && plugin.normalize) {
-                name = plugin.normalize(name, makeNormalize(relName));
-            } else {
-                name = normalize(name, relName);
-            }
-        } else {
-            name = normalize(name, relName);
-        }
-        //Using ridiculous property names for space reasons
-        return {
-            f: prefix ? prefix + '!' + name : name, //fullName
-            n: name,
-            p: plugin
-        };
-    }
-    function makeConfig(name) {
-        return function () {
-            return (config && config.config && config.config[name]) || {};
-        };
-    }
-    main = function (name, deps, callback, relName) {
-        var args = [],
-            usingExports,
-            cjsModule, depName, ret, map, i;
-        //Use name if no relName
-        relName = relName || name;
-        //Call the callback to define the module, if necessary.
-        if (typeof callback === 'function') {
-            //Pull out the defined dependencies and pass the ordered
-            //values to the callback.
-            //Default to [require, exports, module] if no deps
-            deps = !deps.length && callback.length ? ['require', 'exports', 'module'] : deps;
-            for (i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
-                map = makeMap(deps[i], relName);
-                depName = map.f;
-                //Fast path CommonJS standard dependencies.
-                if (depName === "require") {
-                    args[i] = makeRequire(name);
-                } else if (depName === "exports") {
-                    //CommonJS module spec 1.1
-                    args[i] = defined[name] = {};
-                    usingExports = true;
-                } else if (depName === "module") {
-                    //CommonJS module spec 1.1
-                    cjsModule = args[i] = {
-                        id: name,
-                        uri: '',
-                        exports: defined[name],
-                        config: makeConfig(name)
-                    };
-                } else if (defined.hasOwnProperty(depName) || waiting.hasOwnProperty(depName)) {
-                    args[i] = callDep(depName);
-                } else if (map.p) {
-                    map.p.load(map.n, makeRequire(relName, true), makeLoad(depName), {});
-                    args[i] = defined[depName];
-                } else if (!defining[depName]) {
-                    throw new Error(name + ' missing ' + depName);
-                }
-            }
-            ret = callback.apply(defined[name], args);
-            if (name) {
-                //If setting exports via "module" is in play,
-                //favor that over return value and exports. After that,
-                //favor a non-undefined return value over exports use.
-                if (cjsModule && cjsModule.exports !== undef &&
-                    cjsModule.exports !== defined[name]) {
-                    defined[name] = cjsModule.exports;
-                } else if (ret !== undef || !usingExports) {
-                    //Use the return value from the function.
-                    defined[name] = ret;
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (name) {
-            //May just be an object definition for the module. Only
-            //worry about defining if have a module name.
-            defined[name] = callback;
-        }
-    };
-    requirejs = require = req = function (deps, callback, relName, forceSync) {
-        if (typeof deps === "string") {
-            //Just return the module wanted. In this scenario, the
-            //deps arg is the module name, and second arg (if passed)
-            //is just the relName.
-            //Normalize module name, if it contains . or ..
-            return callDep(makeMap(deps, callback).f);
-        } else if (!deps.splice) {
-            //deps is a config object, not an array.
-            config = deps;
-            if (callback.splice) {
-                //callback is an array, which means it is a dependency list.
-                //Adjust args if there are dependencies
-                deps = callback;
-                callback = relName;
-                relName = null;
-            } else {
-                deps = undef;
-            }
-        }
-        //Support require(['a'])
-        callback = callback || function () {};
-        //Simulate async callback;
-        if (forceSync) {
-            main(undef, deps, callback, relName);
-        } else {
-            setTimeout(function () {
-                main(undef, deps, callback, relName);
-            }, 15);
-        }
-        return req;
-    };
-    /**
-     * Just drops the config on the floor, but returns req in case
-     * the config return value is used.
-     */
-    req.config = function (cfg) {
-        config = cfg;
-        return req;
-    };
-    define = function (name, deps, callback) {
-        //This module may not have dependencies
-        if (!deps.splice) {
-            //deps is not an array, so probably means
-            //an object literal or factory function for
-            //the value. Adjust args.
-            callback = deps;
-            deps = [];
-        }
-        waiting[name] = [name, deps, callback];
-    };
-    define.amd = {
-        jQuery: true
-    };
-define("../libs/almond/almond", function(){});
- * This module represents a RetrievalResult.
- * It contains the data that were retrieved from the database
- * 
- * @module RetrievalResult
- * @fileOverview
- */
-    function(easejs){
-    	var Class = easejs.Class;
-    	/**
-    	 * @class RetrievalResult
-    	 * @classdesc Contains the data that were retrieved from the database.
-    	 * @requires easejs
-    	 */
-		var RetrievalResult = Class('RetrievalResult',{
-			/**
-			 * @alias name
-			 * @private
-			 * @type {string}
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @desc Name of the retrieved Attribute.
-			 */
-			'private name' : '', 
-			/**
-			 * @alias timestamp
-			 * @private
-			 * @type {date}
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @desc Time of the retrieval.
-			 */
-			'private timestamp' : '',
-			/**
-			 * @alias values
-			 * @private
-			 * @type {AttributeValueList}
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @desc Retrieved Attributes.
-			 */
-			'private values' : [],
-			/**
-			 * Builder for name.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withName
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @param {String} _name name
-			 * @returns {RetrievalResult}
-			 */
-    		'public withName' : function(_name){
-    			this.setName(_name);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-    		/**
-			 * Builder for timestamp.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withTimestamp
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @param {String} _timestamp timestamp
-			 * @returns {RetrievalResult}
-			 */
-    		'public withTimestamp' : function(_timestamp){
-    			this.setTimestamp(_timestamp);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-    		/**
-			 * Builder for values.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withValues
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @param {Array} _values values
-			 * @returns {RetrievalResult}
-			 */
-    		'public withValues' : function(_values){
-    			this.setValues(_values);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-    		/**
-    		 * Returns the Attribute name.
-    		 * 
-    		 * @public
-    		 * @alias getName
-    		 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-    		 * @returns {string}
-    		 */
-			'public getName' : function(){
-				return this.name;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the retrieval time.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getTimestamp
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @returns {date}
-			 */
-			'public getTimestamp' : function(){
-				return this.timestamp;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the retrieved Attributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getValues
-			 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-			 * @returns {Array}
-			 */
-			'public getValues' : function(){
-				return this.values;
-			},
-			/**
-    		 * Sets the Attribute name.
-    		 * 
-    		 * @public
-    		 * @alias setName
-    		 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-    		 * @param {string} _name Name of the retrieved Attribute.
-    		 */
-			'public setName' : function(_name){
-				if(typeof _name === 'string'){
-					this.name = _name;
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-    		 * Sets the retrieval time.
-    		 * 
-    		 * @public
-    		 * @alias setTimestamp
-    		 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-    		 * @param {date} _timstamp Retrieval time.
-    		 */
-			'public setTimestamp' : function(_timesstamp){
-				if(_timesstamp instanceof Date){
-					this.type = _timesstamp;
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-    		 * Sets the retrieved values.
-    		 * 
-    		 * @public
-    		 * @alias setValues
-    		 * @memberof RetrievalResult#
-    		 * @param {Array} _values Retrieved Attributes.
-    		 */
-			'public setValues' : function(_values){
-				if(_values instanceof Array){
-					this.values = _values;
-				}
-			}
-			});
-		return RetrievalResult;
- * This module represents a List. 
- * It is an abstract Class.
- * 
- * @module AbstractList
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('abstractList',[ 'easejs' ], function(easejs) {
-	var AbstractClass = easejs.AbstractClass;
-	/**
-	 * @class AbstractList
-	 * @classdesc This class represents a list.
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 */
-	var AbstractList = AbstractClass('AbstractList', {
-		/**
-		 * @alias items
-		 * @protected
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @desc ItemList
-		 */
-		'protected items' : [],
-		/**
-		 * Builder for Item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withItems
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @param {*} list
-		 * @returns {*}
-		 */
-		'abstract public withItems' : [ 'list' ],
-		/**
-		 * Adds the specified item to the itemList.
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias put
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @param {*} item item that shoud be added
-		 */
-		'abstract public put' : [ 'item' ],
-		/**
-		 * Adds all items in the specified list to the
-		 * itemList.
-		 *  
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias putAll
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @param {*} list list of items that should be added
-		 */
-		'abstract public putAll' : [ 'list' ],
-		/**
-		 * Verifies whether the given item is included
-		 * in this list.
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias contains
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @param {*} item Item that should be checked.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'abstract public contains' : [ 'item' ],
-		/**
-		 * Compare the specified WidgetHandleList with this instance.
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias equals
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @param {*} list List that should be compared.
-		 */
-		'abstract public equals' : [ 'list' ],
-		/**
-		 * Returns the item for the specified key.
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getItem
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @param {string} _key key that should be searched for
-		 * @returns {*} 
-		 */
-		'virtual public getItem' : function(_key) {
-			return this.items[_key];
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes the item from this list for the specified key.
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias removeItem
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @param {string} _key key that should be searched for
-		 */
-		'public removeItem' : function(_key) {
-			if (this.containsKey(_key)) {
-				delete this.items[_key];				
-				this.counter--;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the keys of all items.
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getKeys
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @returns {Array}
-		 */
-		'public getKeys' : function() {
-			var listKeys = [];
-			for ( var key in this.items) {
-				listKeys.push(key);
-			}
-			return listKeys;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns all items.
-		 * @virtual
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getItems
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @returns {Array}
-		 */
-		'virtual public getItems' : function() {
-			return this.items;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the number of items that are included.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias size
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @returns {int}
-		 */
-		'public size' : function() {
-			return this.items.length;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Verifies whether the list is empty.
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias isEmpty
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public isEmpty' : function() {
-			return this.size() == 0;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Clears this list.
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias clear
-		 * @memberof AbstractList#
-		 */
-		'public clear' : function() {
-			this.items = [];
-		}
-	});
-	return AbstractList;
- * This module represents a Parameter.
- * Parameter specifies the Attributes to which they are associated.
- * 
- * @module Parameter
- * @fileOverview
- */
-    function(easejs){
-    	var Class = easejs.Class;
-    	/**
-		 * @class Parameter
-		 * @classdesc Parameter specifies the Attributes to that these are associated.
-		 * @requires easejs
-		 */
-		var Parameter = Class('Parameter',{
-			/**
-			 * @alias key
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {string}
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 */
-			'protected key' : '',
-			/**
-			 * @alias value
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {string}
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 */
-			'protected value' : '', 
-			/**
-			 * Builder for key.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withKey
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @param {String} _key Key
-			 * @returns {Parameter}
-			 */
-    		'public withKey' : function(_key){
-    			this.setKey(_key);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-    		/**
-			 * Builder for value.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withValue
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @param {String} _value Value
-			 * @returns {Parameter}
-			 */
-    		'public withValue' : function(_value){
-    			this.setValue(_value);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-    		/**
-			 * Returns the key.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getKey
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @returns {string}
-			 */
-			'public getKey' : function(){
-				return this.key;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the value.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getValue
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @returns {string}
-			 */
-			'public getValue' : function(){
-				return this.value;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets the key.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias setKey
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @param {string} _key Key
-			 */
-			'public setKey' : function(_key){
-				if(typeof _key === 'string'){
-					this.key = _key;
-                }
-            },
-			/**
-			 * Sets the value.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias setValue
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @param {string} _value Value
-			 */
-			'public setValue' : function(_value){
-				if(typeof _value === 'string'){
-					this.value = _value;
-                }
-            },
-			/**
-			 * Compares this instance with the given one.
-			 * 
-			 * @virtual
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias equals
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @param {Parameter} _parameter Parameter that should be compared.
-			 * @returns {boolean}
-			 */
-			'public equals' : function(_parameter) {
-				var ignoreValue = false;
-				if(Class.isA(Parameter, _parameter)){
-					if (_parameter.getValue() == "PV_INPUT" || this.getValue() == "PV_INPUT") {
-						return this.getKey() == _parameter.getKey();
-					} else {
-						return this.getKey() == _parameter.getKey() && this.getValue() == _parameter.getValue();
-					}
-                }
-                return false;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns an identifier that uniquely describes the parameter.
-			 * The identifier can be used to compare two parameters.
-			 * Format: [ParameterName:ParameterValue]
-			 *
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias toString
-			 * @memberof Parameter#
-			 * @returns {String}
-			 * @example [CP_UNIT:KILOMETERS]
-			 */
-            'public toString': function() {
-				return "["+this.key+":"+this.value+"]";
-            }
-		});
-        return Parameter;
- * This module represents a ParameterList. It is a subclass of AbstractList.
- * 
- * @module ParameterList
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('parameterList',[ 'easejs', 'abstractList', 'parameter' ],
-	function(easejs, AbstractList, Parameter) {
-		var Class = easejs.Class;
-		/**			 
-		 * @class ParameterList
-		 * @classdesc This class represents a list for Parameter.
-		 * @extends AbstractList
-		 * @requires easejs
-		 * @requires AbstractList
-		 * @requires Parameter
-		 */
-		var ParameterList = Class('ParameterList').extend(AbstractList, {
-			/**
-			 * @alias counter
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {integer}
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @desc Number of items.
-			 */
-			'protected counter' : 0,
-			/**
-			 * @alias items
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {ParameterList}
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @desc ItemList
-			 */
-			'protected items' : [],
-			/**
-			 * Builder for item list.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withItems
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @param {(ParameterList|Array)} _parameterList ParameterList
-			 * @returns {ParameterList}
-			 */
-			'public withItems' : function(_parameterList) {
-				if (_parameterList instanceof Array) {
-					this.items = _parameterList;
-				} else if (Class.isA(ParameterList, _parameterList)) {
-					this.items = _parameterList.getItems();
-				}
-				return this;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Adds the specified item to the item list.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias put
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @param {Parameter} _parameter ParameterList
-			 */
-			'public put' : function(_parameter) {
-				if (Class.isA(Parameter, _parameter)) {
-					if (!(this.contains(_parameter))) {
-						this.items.push(_parameter);
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Adds all items in the specified list to the item list.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias putAll
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @param {ParameterList} _parameterList ParameterList
-			 */
-			'public putAll' : function(_parameterList) {
-				var list = [];
-				if (_parameterList instanceof Array) {
-					list = _parameterList;
-				} else if (Class.isA(ParameterList,	_parameterList)) {
-					list = _parameterList.getItems();
-				}
-				for (var i in list) {
-					this.put(list[i]);
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Verifies whether the given item is contained in the list.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias contains
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @param {Parameter} _item Parameter that should be verified
-			 * @returns {boolean}
-			 */
-			'public contains' : function(_item) {
-				if (Class.isA(Parameter, _item)) {
-					for (var index in this.items) {
-						var tmp = this.items[index];
-						if (tmp.equals(_item)) {
-							return true;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				return false;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Compare the specified ParameterList with this instance. 
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias equals
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @param {ParameterList} _parameterList ParameterList that should be compared
-			 * @returns {boolean}
-			 */
-			'public equals' : function(_parameterList) {
-				if (Class.isA(ParameterList, _parameterList) && _parameterList.size() == this.size()) {
-					for (var index in _parameterList.getItems()) {
-						var theParameter = _parameterList.getItems()[index];
-						if (!this.contains(theParameter)) return false;
-					}
-					return true;
-				}
-				return false;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the objects of the list as JSON objects.
-			 *
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getItemsAsJson
-			 * @memberof ParameterList#
-			 * @returns {{}}
-			 */
-            'public getItemsAsJson': function() {
-                var parameters = {};
-                for (var key in this.items) {
-					var theParameter = this.items[key];
-                    parameters[theParameter.getKey()] = theParameter.getValue();
-                }
-                return parameters;
-            },
-			'public hasInputParameter': function() {
-				for (var index in this.items) {
-					var theParameter = this.items[index];
-					if (theParameter.getValue() == "PV_INPUT") return true;
-				}
-				return false;
-			}
-		});
-		return ParameterList;
-	});
- * This module represents an AttributeType.
- * AttributeTypes defines name, type (string, double,...) an associated parameter of an attribute.
- *
- * @module AttributeType
- * @fileOverview
- */
-        'parameterList'],
-    function(easejs,
-             ParameterList){
-        /**
-         * @class Attribute
-         * @classdesc AttributeValue extends AttributeTypes and adds the associated
-         *            value.
-         * @requires easejs
-         * @requires ParameterList
-         */
-        var Class = easejs.Class;
-        var Attribute = Class('Attribute',{
-            /**
-             * @alias name
-             * @protected
-             * @type {string}
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @desc Name of the Attribute
-             */
-            'protected name' : '',
-            /**
-             * @alias type
-             * @protected
-             * @type {string}
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @desc Defines the type of the Attribute (i.e String, Double,...)
-             */
-            'protected type' : '',
-            /**
-             * @alias parameterList
-             * @protected
-             * @type {ParameterList}
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @desc Name of the Attribute
-             */
-            'protected parameterList' : [],
-            /**
-             * @alias value
-             * @protected
-             * @type {string}
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             */
-            'protected value' : 'NO_VALUE',
-            /**
-             * @alias timestamp
-             * @protected
-             * @type {Date}
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             * @desc Time when the value was set.
-             */
-            'protected timestamp' : '',
-            /**
-             * Constructor: Initializes the ParameterList.
-             *
-             * @class AttributeType
-             * @classdesc AttributeTypes defines name, type (string, double,...) an associated parameter of an attribute.
-             * @requires easejs
-             * @requires ParameterList
-             * @constructs AttributeType
-             */
-            'public __construct' : function(){
-                this.parameterList = new ParameterList();
-            },
-            /**
-             * Builder for name.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias withName
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {String} _name Name
-             * @returns {AttributeType}
-             */
-            'public withName' : function(_name){
-                this.setName(_name);
-                return this;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Builder for type.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias withType
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {String} _type Type
-             * @returns {AttributeType}
-             */
-            'public withType' : function(_type){
-                this.setType(_type);
-                return this;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Builder for one parameter.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias withParameters
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {Parameter} _parameter Parameter
-             * @returns {AttributeType}
-             */
-            'public withParameter' : function(_parameter){
-                this.addParameter(_parameter);
-                return this;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Builder for parameterList.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias withParameters
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {(ParameterList|Array)} _parameterList ParameterList
-             * @returns {AttributeType}
-             */
-            'public withParameters' : function(_parameterList){
-                this.setParameters(_parameterList);
-                return this;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Builder for value.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias withValue
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             * @param {String} _value value
-             * @returns {AttributeValue}
-             */
-            'public withValue' : function(_value) {
-                this.setValue(_value);
-                this.setTimestamp(Date.now());
-                return this;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Builder for timestamp.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias withTimestamp
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             * @param {Date} _timestamp timestamp
-             * @returns {AttributeValue}
-             */
-            'public withTimestamp' : function(_timestamp) {
-                this.setTimestamp(_timestamp);
-                return this;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns the name.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getName
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @returns {string}
-             */
-            'public getName' : function(){
-                return this.name;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns the type.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getType
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @returns {string}
-             */
-            'public getType' : function(){
-                return this.type;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns the parameters.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getParameters
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @returns {ParameterList}
-             */
-            'public getParameters' : function(){
-                return this.parameterList;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Sets the name.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias setName
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {string} _name Name
-             */
-            'public setName' : function(_name){
-                if(typeof _name === 'string'){
-                    this.name = _name;
-                }
-            },
-            /**
-             * Sets the type.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias setType
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {string} _type Type
-             */
-            'public setType' : function(_type){
-                if(typeof _type === 'string'){
-                    this.type = _type;
-                }
-            },
-            /**
-             * Adds a parameter.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias addParameter
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {Parameter} _parameter Parameter
-             */
-            'public addParameter' : function(_parameter){
-                this.parameterList.put(_parameter);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Adds a list of Parameter.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias setParameters
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @param {ParameterList} _parameters ParameterList
-             */
-            'public setParameters' : function(_parameters){
-                this.parameterList.putAll(_parameters);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns true if the attribute is parameterized.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias hasParameters
-             * @memberof Attribute#
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public hasParameters' : function() {
-                return this.parameterList.size() > 0;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Sets the value.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias setValue
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             * @param {string} _value value
-             */
-            'public setValue' : function(_value) {
-                this.value = _value;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns the value.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getValue
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             * @returns {string}
-             */
-            'public getValue' : function() {
-                return this.value;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Sets the timestamp.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias setTimestamp
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             * @param {Date} _timestamp timestamp
-             */
-            'public setTimestamp' : function(_time) {
-                this.timestamp = _time;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns the timestamp.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getTimestamp
-             * @memberof AttributeValue#
-             * @returns {string}
-             */
-            'public getTimestamp' : function() {
-                return this.timestamp;
-            },
-            /**
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias hasInputParameter
-             * @memberof Attribute#
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public hasInputParameter': function() {
-                return this.hasParameters() && this.parameterList.hasInputParameter();
-            },
-            /**
-             * Compares this instance with the given one.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias equalsTypeOf
-             * @memberof Attribute#
-             * @param {Attribute} _attribute Attribute that should be compared.
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public equalsTypeOf' : function(_attribute) {
-                if (Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)) {
-                    if (this.getName() == _attribute.getName() && this.getType() == _attribute.getType() && this.getParameters().equals(_attribute.getParameters())) {
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            /**
-             *
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias equalsValueOf
-             * @memberof Attribute#
-             * @param _attribute
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public equalsValueOf' : function(_attribute) {
-                if (Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)) {
-                    if (this.equalsTypeOf(_attribute) && this.getValue() == _attribute.getValue()) {
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns an identifier that uniquely describes the attribute type and its parameters.
-             * The identifier can be used to compare two attribute types. <br/>
-             * Format: (AttributeName:AttributeType)#[FirstParameterName:FirstParameterValue]…
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias toString
-             * @memberof AttributeType#
-             * @returns {String}
-             */
-            'public toString': function(_typeOnly) {
-                var identifier = "("+this.name+":"+this.type+")";
-                if (this.hasParameters()) {
-                    identifier += "#";
-                    for (var index in this.parameterList.getItems()) {
-                        var theParameter = this.parameterList.getItems()[index];
-                        identifier += theParameter.toString();
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!_typeOnly) identifier += ":"+this.getValue();
-                return identifier;
-            }
-        });
-        return Attribute;
-    });
- * This module represents an AttributeList. It is a subclass of AbstractList.
- *
- * @module AttributeList
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('attributeList',['easejs', 'abstractList', 'attribute', 'parameterList' ],
-    function(easejs, AbstractList, Attribute, ParameterList) {
-        var Class = easejs.Class;
-        /**
-         * @class AttributeList
-         * @classdesc This class represents a list for Attribute.
-         * @extends AbstractList
-         * @requires easejs
-         * @requires AbstractList
-         * @requires Attribute
-         */
-        var AttributeList = Class('AttributeList').extend(AbstractList,	{
-            /**
-             * @alias items
-             * @protected
-             * @type {Array.<Attribute>}
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @desc ItemList
-             */
-            'protected items' : [],
-            /**
-             * Builder for item list.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias withItems
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {(AttributeList)} _attributeList AttributeList
-             * @returns {AttributeList}
-             */
-            'public withItems' : function(_attributeList) {
-                var list = [];
-                if (_attributeList instanceof Array) {
-                    list = _attributeList;
-                } else if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _attributeList)) {
-                    list = _attributeList.getItems();
-                }
-                this.items = list;
-                return this;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Adds the specified item to the itemList.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias put
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {AttributeType} _attribute AttributeType
-             * @param {boolean} _multipleInstances
-             */
-            'public put' : function(_attribute, _multipleInstances) {
-                _multipleInstances = typeof _multipleInstances == "undefined" ? false : _multipleInstances;
-                if (Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)) {
-                    if (_multipleInstances || !(this.containsTypeOf(_attribute))) {
-                        this.items.push(_attribute);
-                    } else {
-                        this.updateValue(_attribute);
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            /**
-             * Adds all items in the specified list to the
-             * itemList.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias putAll
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _attributeList AttributeList
-             */
-            'public putAll' : function(_attributeList) {
-                var list = [];
-                if (_attributeList instanceof Array) {
-                    list = _attributeList;
-                } else if (Class.isA(AttributeList,	_attributeList)) {
-                    list = _attributeList.getItems();
-                }
-                for ( var i in list) {
-                    this.put(list[i]);
-                }
-            },
-            /**
-             *
-             * @param {Attribute} _attribute
-             * @param {?boolean} _typeOnly
-             * @returns {*}
-             */
-            'public contains': function(_attribute, _typeOnly) {
-                _typeOnly = typeof _typeOnly == "undefined" ? false : _typeOnly;
-                return _typeOnly ? this.containsTypeOf(_attribute) : this.containsValueOf(_attribute);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Verifies whether the given item is included
-             * in this list.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias containsTypeOf
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {AttributeType} _attribute AttributeType that should be verified.
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public containsTypeOf' : function(_attribute) {
-                if (Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)) {
-                    for (var index in this.items) {
-                        var tmp = this.items[index];
-                        if (tmp.equalsTypeOf(_attribute)) {
-                            return true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Verifies whether the given item is included
-             * in the list.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias containsValueOf
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {Attribute} _attribute AttributeValue that should be verified.
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public containsValueOf' : function(_attribute) {
-                if (Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)) {
-                    for (var index in this.items) {
-                        var tmp = this.items[index];
-                        if (tmp.equalsValueOf(_attribute)) {
-                            return true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            'public equals': function(_attributeList, _typeOnly) {
-                _typeOnly = typeof _typeOnly == "undefined" ? false : _typeOnly;
-                return _typeOnly ? this.equalsTypesIn(_attributeList) : this.equalsValuesIn(_attributeList);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Compare the specified AttributeList with this instance.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias equalsTypesIn
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {AttributeList} _attributeList AttributeList that should be compared.
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public equalsTypesIn' : function(_attributeList) {
-                if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _attributeList)	&& _attributeList.size() == this.size()) {
-                    for (var index in _attributeList.getItems()) {
-                        var theAttributeType = _attributeList.getItems()[index];
-                        if (!this.containsTypeOf(theAttributeType)) return false;
-                    }
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Compare the specified AttributeList with
-             * this instance.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias equalsValuesIn
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {AttributeList} _attributeList AttributeList that should be compared.
-             * @returns {boolean}
-             */
-            'public equalsValuesIn' : function(_attributeList) {
-                if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _attributeList) && _attributeList.size() == this.size()) {
-                    for (var index in _attributeList.getItems()) {
-                        var theAttribute = _attributeList.getItems()[index];
-                        if (!this.containsValueOf(theAttribute)) return false;
-                    }
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns only this values that matches to the
-             * given type.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getSubset
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _attributeList Attributes that should be returned.
-             * @returns {AttributeList}
-             */
-            'public getSubset' : function(_attributeList) {
-                var response = new AttributeList();
-                var list = [];
-                if (_attributeList instanceof Array) {
-                    list = _attributeList;
-                } else if (Class.isA(AttributeList,	_attributeList)) {
-                    list = _attributeList.getItems();
-                }
-                for (var i in list) {
-                    var attribute = list[i];
-                    if (Class.isA(Attribute, attribute)) {
-                        var attribute = this.getAttributeWithTypeOf(attribute);
-                        if (typeof attribute != "NO_VALUE") {
-                            response.put(attribute);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return response;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns a subset without the given types.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getSubsetWithoutItems
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _attributeList AttributeTypes that should not be included
-             * @returns {AttributeList}
-             */
-            'public getSubsetWithoutItems' : function(_attributeList) {
-                var response = this;
-                var list = [];
-                if (_attributeList instanceof Array) {
-                    list = _attributeList;
-                } else if (Class.isA(AttributeList,	_attributeList)) {
-                    list = _attributeList.getItems();
-                }
-                for (var i in list) {
-                    var attribute = list[i];
-                    if (Class.isA(Attribute, attribute)) {
-                        response.removeAttributeWithTypeOf(attribute);
-                    }
-                }
-                return response;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Creates a clone of the current list.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias clone
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @returns {AttributeList}
-             */
-            'public clone': function(_typeOnly) {
-                var newList = new AttributeList();
-                for (var index in this.items) {
-                    var oldAttribute = this.items[index];
-                    var newAttribute = new Attribute().withName(oldAttribute.getName()).withType(oldAttribute.getType()).withParameters(oldAttribute.getParameters());
-                    if (!_typeOnly) newAttribute.setValue(oldAttribute.getValue());
-                    newList.put(newAttribute);
-                }
-                return newList;
-            },
-            'public removeAttributeWithTypeOf': function(_attribute, _allOccurrences) {
-                _allOccurrences = typeof _allOccurrences == "undefined" ? false : _allOccurrences;
-                for (var index in this.items) {
-                    var theAttribute = this.items[index];
-                    if (theAttribute.equalsTypeOf(_attribute)) {
-                        this.items.splice(index, 1);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (_allOccurrences && this.contains(_attribute)) this.removeAttributeWithTypeOf(_attribute, _allOccurrences);
-            },
-            'public hasAttributesWithInputParameters': function() {
-                for (var index in this.items) {
-                    var theAttribute = this.items[index];
-                    if (theAttribute.hasInputParameter()) return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            'public getAttributesWithInputParameters': function() {
-                var list = new AttributeList();
-                for (var index in this.items) {
-                    var theAttribute = this.items[index];
-                    if (theAttribute.hasInputParameter()) list.put(theAttribute);
-                }
-                return list;
-            },
-            /**
-             * Returns the attribute value that matches the provided attribute type.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getValueForAttributeWithTypeOf
-             * @memberof AttributeList#
-             * @param {AttributeType} _attribute
-             * @returns {Attribute}
-             */
-            'public getValueForAttributeWithTypeOf': function(_attribute) {
-                return this.getAttributeWithTypeOf(_attribute).getValue();
-            },
-            'public getAttributeWithTypeOf': function(_attribute) {
-                for (var index in this.getItems()) {
-                    var theAttribute = this.getItems()[index];
-                    if (theAttribute.equalsTypeOf(_attribute)) return theAttribute;
-                }
-            },
-            'public updateValue': function(_attribute) {
-                for (var index in this.items) {
-                    var theAttribute = this.items[index];
-                    if (theAttribute.equalsTypeOf(_attribute)) this.items[index] = _attribute;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        return AttributeList;
- * This module representing a Storage.
- * The Storage handles the access to the database.
- * 
- * @module Widget
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('storage',['easejs', 'attribute', 'attributeList',
-        'retrievalResult', 'parameter', 'parameterList'],
- 	function( easejs, Attribute, AttributeList,
- 			RetrievalResult, Parameter, ParameterList){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
-	var Storage =  Class('Storage',		
-	{
-		/**
-		 * @alias attributeNames
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Array}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Names of all stored Attributes (tableNames as string).
-		 */
-		'private attributeNames' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @alias attributes
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {RetrievalResult}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Data of a retrieval.
-		 */
-		'private attributes' : '',
-		/**
-		 * @alias data
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {AttributeList}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Cache before storing the new data in the database.
-		 */
-		'private data' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @alias dataCount
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Integer}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Names of all stored Attributes.
-		 */
-		'private dataCount' : '',
-		/**
-		 * @alias lastFlush
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Date}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Time of the last flush.
-		 */
-		'private lastFlush' : '',
-		/**
-		 * @alias  timeCondition
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Integer}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Condition (ms) at which point of time data are supposed to be flushed. 
-		 * If the value is more than the value of 'timeCondition' ago, data should be 
-		 * flushed again. The initial value is two hours.
-		 */
-		'private timeCondition' : 7200000,
-		/**
-		 * @alias countCondition
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Number}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Condition at which point of time data are supposed to be flushed. 
-		 * If at least 'countCondition' attributes are collected data will be flushed. 
-		 * Initial value is 5.
-		 */
-		'private countCondition' : 5,
-		/**
-		 * @alias db
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Database}
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @desc Associated database.
-		 */
-		'private db' : '',
-		/**
-		 * Constructor: Initializes the database and all return values.
-		 * 
-		 * @class Storage
-		 * @classdesc Storage handles the access to the database.
-		 * @requires easejs
-		 * @requires Attribute
-		 * @requires AttributeList
-		 * @requires Parameter
-		 * @requires ParameterList
-		 * @requires RetrievalResult
-		 * @constructs Storage
-		 */
-		'public __construct' : function(_name, _time, _counter){
-			this.initStorage(_name);
-			this.attributes = new RetrievalResult();
-			this.data = new AttributeList();
-			this.dataCount = 0;
-			this.lastFlush = new Date();
-			if(_time && _time === parseInt(_time) && _time!=0)
-				this.timeCondition = _time;
-			if(_counter && _counter === parseInt(_counter) && _counter != 0)
-				this.countCondition = _counter;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the last retrieved Attributes.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getCurrentData
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @returns {RetrievalResult} 
-		 */		
-		'public getCurrentData' : function(){
-			return this.attributes;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the names of all stored Attributes (tableNames as string).
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getAttributesOverview
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @returns {Array} 
-		 */	
-		'public getAttributesOverview' : function(){
-			return this.attributeNames;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Initializes a new database.
-		 * 
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias initStorage
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {String} _name Name of the database.
-		 */
-		'private initStorage' : function(_name){
-			if(!window.openDatabase) {
-		        console.log('Databases are not supported in this browser.');
-			}else{
-				this.db = window.openDatabase(_name, "1.0", "DB_" + _name, 1024*1024);
-				console.log('initStorage: ' + _name);
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Creates a new table. A table contains the values of one AttributeType.
-		 * So the name is the AttributeName.
-		 * 
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias createTable
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {String} _attribute tableName (should be the attributeName)
-		 * @param {?function} _function For alternative actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-		 */
-		'private createTable' : function(_attribute, _function){
-			if(this.db){
-				var tableName = this.tableName(_attribute);
-				var statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "' + tableName + '" (value_, type_, created_)';
-				console.log('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "' + tableName + '"');
-				if(_function && typeof(_function) == 'function'){
-					this.db.transaction(function(tx){tx.executeSql(statement);}, this.errorCB, _function);	
-				} else {
-					this.db.transaction(function(tx){tx.executeSql(statement);}, this.errorCB, this.successCB);			
-				}
-				if(!this.attributeNames.indexOf(_attribute.getName()) > -1){
-					this.attributeNames.push(tableName);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Inserts value into a table. The name of the given Attribute
-		 * identifies the table. 
-		 * 
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias insertIntoTable
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {Attribute} _attribute Attribute that should be stored.
-		 * @param {?function} _function For alternative actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-		 */	
-		'private insertIntoTable' : function(_attribute, _function){
-			if(this.db && _attribute && Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)){
-				var tableName = this.tableName(_attribute);
-				var statement = 'INSERT INTO "' + tableName
-									 + '" (value_, type_, created_) VALUES ("'
-									 + _attribute.getValue() + '", "'
-									 + _attribute.getType() + '", "'
-									 + _attribute.getTimestamp() + '")';
-				console.log('INSERT INTO "'+tableName+'" VALUES ('+_attribute.getValue()+", "+_attribute.getType()+", "+_attribute.getTimestamp());
-				if(_function && typeof(_function) == 'function'){
-					this.db.transaction(function(tx){tx.executeSql(statement);}, this.errorCB, _function);	
-				} else {
-					this.db.transaction(function(tx){tx.executeSql(statement);}, this.errorCB, this.successCB);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * error function 
-		 * 
-		 * @callback
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias errorCB
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 */	
-		'private errorCB' : function(err) {
-		    console.log("Error processing SQL: "+err.message);
-		},
-		/**
-		 * success function 
-		 * 
-		 * @callback
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias successCB
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 */	
-		'private successCB' : function() {
-		    console.log("SQL processed successfully!");
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the attributeNames array. 
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getAttributeNames
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {?function} _function For alternative actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-		 */	
-		'public getAttributeNames' : function(_function){
-			if(this.db){
-				var self = this;
-				this.db.transaction(function(_tx){self.queryTables(_tx,self, _function);},
-		    						function(error){self.errorCB(error);} );
-			}		    
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the attributeNames array. Is used in getAttributeNames(). 
-		 * 
-		 * @callback
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias queryTables
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {*} _tx
-		 * @param {@this} self
-		 * @param {?function} _function For alternative actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-		 */	
-		'private queryTables' : function(_tx, self, _function){
-			var statement = "SELECT * from sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'";
-			_tx.executeSql(statement, [], function(_tx,results){self.queryTableSuccess(_tx,results,self, _function);}, 
-						function(error){self.errorCB(error);});	
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Success function for queryTable. 
-		 * 
-		 * @callback
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias queryTableSucces
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {*} _tx
-		 * @param {*} results
-		 * @param {@this} self
-		 */	
-		'private queryTableSuccess' : function(_tx, results, self, _function){
-			self.attributeNames = [];
-			var len = results.rows.length;
-			for(var i=0; i<len; i++){
-				var table = results.rows.item(i).name;
-				if(table.indexOf("DatabaseInfoTable") == -1){
-					self.attributeNames.push(results.rows.item(i).name);
-				}
-			}
-			if(_function && typeof(_function) == 'function'){
-				_function();
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Verifies if a table for an attribute exists. 
-		 * 
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias tableExists
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {(AttributeValue|String)} _attribute Attribute or name for the verification.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */	
-		'private tableExists' : function(_attribute){
-			if(Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)){
-				var name = this.tableName(_attribute);
-				return this.attributeNames.indexOf(name) > -1;				
-			} else if(typeof _attribute === 'string'){
-				return this.attributeNames.indexOf(_attribute) > -1;	
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Retrieves a table and sets the RetrievalResult. 
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias retrieveAttributes
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {String} _tableName Name for the table that should be retrieved.
-		 * @param {?function} _function For additional actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-		 */	
-		'public retrieveAttributes' : function(_tableName, _function){
-			console.log("retrieveAttributes from "+_tableName);
-			if(this.db){
-				var self = this;	
-				self.flushStorage();
-				this.db.transaction(function(_tx) {
-					self.queryValues(_tx,_tableName,self, _function);
-				}, function(error) {
-					self.errorCB(error);
-				});
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Query function for given attribute. 
-		 * 
-		 * @callback
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias queryValues
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {*} _tx 
-		 * @param {String} _tableName Name for the table that should be retrieved.
-		 * @param {@this} self
-		 * @param {?function} _function For additional actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-		 */	
-		'private queryValues' : function(_tx, _tableName, self, _function){
-			if(self.tableExists(_tableName)){
-				console.log('SELECT * FROM "' +_tableName+"'");
-				var statement = 'SELECT * FROM "' + _tableName+'"';
-				_tx.executeSql(statement, [], 
-					function(_tx,results){self.queryValuesSuccess(_tx,results,_tableName, self, _function);}, 
-					function(error){self.errorCB(error);});			
-			} else {
-				console.log('Table "'+_tableName+'" unavailable');
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Success function for retrieveAttributes(). 
-		 * Puts the retrieved data in RetrievalResult object.
-		 * 
-		 * @callback
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias queryValuesSucces
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {*} _tx
-		 * @param {*} results
-		 * @param {String} _tableName Name of the searched attribute.
-		 * @param self
-         * @param {?function} _function For additional actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-		 */	
-		'private queryValuesSuccess' : function(_tx, results,_tableName, self, _function){
-			var len = results.rows.length;
-			var attributeList = [];
-			var attributeName = this.resolveAttributeName(_tableName);
-			var parameterList = this.resolveParameters(_tableName);
-			for(var i=0; i<len; i++){
-				var attribute = new Attribute().
-								withName(attributeName).withValue(results.rows.item(i).value_).
-								withType(results.rows.item(i).type_).
-								withTimestamp(results.rows.item(i).created_).
-								withParameters(parameterList);
-				attributeList.push(attribute);
-			}
-			self.attributes = new RetrievalResult().withName(_tableName)
-													.withTimestamp(new Date())
-													.withValues(attributeList);
-			if(_function && typeof(_function) == 'function'){
-				_function();
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Stores the given Attribute.
-		 * If the flush condition does not match, 
-		 * the data is first added to the local cache before.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias store
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {AttributeValue} _attributeValue Value that should be stored.
-		 */		
-		'public store' : function(_attributeValue){
-			this.addData(_attributeValue);
-			if(this.checkFlushCondition){
-				this.flushStorage();
-				this.resetForFlush();
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds data to the local cache. 
-		 * The cache is used to decrease the database access.
-		 * 
-		 * @private 
-		 * @alias addData
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {Attribute} _attribute Value that should be stored.
-		 */		
-		'private addData' : function(_attribute){
-			if(Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)){
-				this.data.put(_attribute);
-				this.dataCount++;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Verifies the flush conditions.
-		 * 
-		 * @private 
-		 * @alias checkFlushCondition
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */	
-		'private checkFlushCondition' : function(){
-			if(this.dataCount > this.countCondition){
-				return true;
-			}
-			var currentDate = new Date();
-			if((currentDate.getTime() - lastFlush.getTime()) < this.timeCondition ){
-				return true;
-			} //2 stunden??
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Clears the local cache.
-		 * 
-		 * @private 
-		 * @alias resetForFlush
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 */	
-		'private resetForFlush' : function(){
-			this.data = new AttributeList();
-			this.dataCount = 0;
-			this.lastFlush = new Date();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Stores all data from the local cache to the database.
-		 * 
-		 * @private 
-		 * @alias flushStorage
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 */
-		'private flushStorage' : function(){
-			var self = this;
-			if(self.data.size() == 0){
-				return;
-			}
-			for(var i in self.data.getItems()){
-				var item = self.data.getItems()[i];
-				if(!self.tableExists(item)){
-					self.createTable(item, function(){self.insertIntoTable(item);});
-				} else {
-					self.insertIntoTable(item);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the time condition for flush.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setTimeCondition
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {integer} _time time in ms
-		 */
-		'public setTimeCondition' : function(_time){
-			this.timeCondition = _time;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the counter for flush.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setCountCondition
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {integer} _counter counter
-		 */
-		'public setCountCondition' : function(_counter){
-			this.countCondition = _counter;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the current time condition for flush.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getTimeCondition
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @returns {integer}
-		 */
-		'public getTimeCondition' : function(){
-			return this.timeCondition;
-		},
-		/**
-		 *  Returns the current count condition for flush.
-		 * 
-		 * @public 
-		 * @alias getCountCondition
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @returns{integer}
-		 */
-		'public getCountCondition' : function(){
-			return this.countCondition;
-		},
-		/****************************
-		 * 			Helper			*
-		 ****************************/
-		/**
-		 * Builds the tableName for the given attribute.
-		 * 
-		 * @private 
-		 * @alias tableName
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {AttributeValue} _attribute Attribute that should be stored.
-		 * @returns{String}
-		 */
-		'private tableName' : function(_attribute){
-			return _attribute.toString(true);
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Extracts the attributeName form the table name.
-		 * 
-		 * @private 
-		 * @alias resolveAttributeName
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {String} _tableName Table name that should be resolved.
-		 * @returns{String}
-		 */
-		'private resolveAttributeName' : function(_tableName){
-			var resolvedTableName = _tableName.split('__');
-            return resolvedTableName[0];
-		},
-		/** Extracts the parameters form the table name.
-		 * 
-		 * @private 
-		 * @alias resolveParameters
-		 * @memberof Storage#
-		 * @param {String} _tableName Table name that should be resolved.
-		 * @returns{String}
-		 */
-		'private resolveParameters' : function(_tableName){
-			var resolvedTableName = _tableName.split('__');
-			var parameterList = new ParameterList();
-			for(var i = 1; i < resolvedTableName.length; i++ ){
-				var resolvedParameter =  resolvedTableName[i].split('_');
-				var parameter= new Parameter().withKey(resolvedParameter[0]).withValue(resolvedParameter[1]);
-				parameterList.put(parameter);
-			}
-			return parameterList;
-		}
-	});
-	return Storage;
- * This module represents a Callback.
- * Callbacks defines events for sending data to subscribers
- * 
- * @module Callback
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('callback',['easejs', 'attribute', 'attributeList'],
- 	function(easejs, Attribute, AttributeList){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
-	var Callback = Class('Callback',
-	{
-		/**
-		 * @alias name
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {string}
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @desc Name of the Callback (i.e. Update).
-		 */
-		'private name' : '', 
-		/**
-		 * @alias attributeTypes
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {AttributeTypeList}
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @desc Associated Attributes that will be send to Subscriber.
-		 */
-		'private attributeTypes' : [], 
-		/**
-		 * Constructor: Initializes the AttributeTypeList.
-		 * 
-		 * @class Callback
-		 * @classdesc Callbacks defines events for sending data to subscribers.
-		 * 			The data to be sent, are specified in the attributeTypeList.
-		 * @requires easejs
-		 * @requires ParameterList
-		 * @requires AttributeType
-		 * @requires AttributeTypeList
-		 * @constructs Callback
-		 */
-		'public __construct': function()
-        {
-			this.attributeTypes = new AttributeList();
-        },
-        /**
-		 * Builder for name.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withName
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @param {String} _name Name
-		 * @returns {Callback}
-		 */
-		'public withName' : function(_name){
-			this.setName(_name);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for AttributeTypes.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withAttributeTypes
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @param {(AttributeTypeList|Array)} _attributeTypes attributeTypes
-		 * @returns {Callback}
-		 */
-		'public withAttributeTypes' : function(_attributeTypes){
-			this.setAttributeTypes(_attributeTypes);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the name.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getName
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'public getName' : function(){
-			return this.name;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the name.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setName
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @param {string} _name Name
-		 */
-		'public setName' : function(_name){
-			if(typeof _name === 'string'){
-				this.name = _name;
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the associated attributes (only the types).
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getAttributeTypes
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @returns {AttributeTypeList}
-		 */
-		'public getAttributeTypes' : function(){
-			return this.attributeTypes;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds a list of AttributeTypes.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setAttributeTypes
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @param {AttributeList} _attributes AttributeTypeList
-		 */
-		'public setAttributeTypes' : function(_attributes){
-			var list = [];
-			if(_attributes instanceof Array){
-				list = _attributes;
-			} else if (Class.isA( AttributeList, _attributes)) {
-				list = _attributes.getItems();
-			}
-			for(var i in list){
-				var theAttribute = list[i];
-				if(Class.isA(Attribute, theAttribute)){
-					this.attributeTypes.put(theAttribute);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds an attribute to AttributeTypeList.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias addAttributeType
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @param {AttributeType} _attribute AttributeType
-		 */
-		'public addAttributeType' : function(_attribute){
-			if(Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute )){
-				if(!this.attributeTypes.containsTypeOf(_attribute)){
-					this.attributeTypes.put(_attribute);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes an attribute from AttributeTypeList.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias removeAttributeType
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @param {AttributeType} _attributeType AttributeType
-		 */
-		'public removeAttributeType' : function(_attributeType){
-			if(Class.isA(Attribute, _attributeType )){
-				this.attributeTypes.removeItem(_attributeType.getName());
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Compares this instance with the given one.
-		 * 
-		 * @virtual
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias equals
-		 * @memberof Callback#
-		 * @param {Callback} _callback Callback that should be compared
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public equals' : function(_callback) {				
-			if(Class.isA(Callback, _callback)){
-				if(_callback.getName() == this.getName()
-					&& _callback.getAttributeTypes().equals(this.getAttributeTypes())){
-					return true;
-				};
-			};
-			return false;
-		},
-		});
-	return Callback;
- * This module represents an CallbackList. It is a subclass of AbstractList.
- * 
- * @module CallbackList
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('callbackList',['easejs', 'abstractList', 'callback'],
- 	function(easejs, AbstractList, Callback){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
- 	/**
-	 * @class CallbackList
-	 * @classdesc This class represents a list for Callback.
-	 * @extends AbstractList
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 * @requires AbstractList
-	 * @requires Callback
-	 */
-	var CallbackList = Class('CallbackList').extend(AbstractList,{
-		/**
-		 * @alias counter
-		 * @protected
-		 * @type {integer}
-		 * @memberof CallbackList#
-		 * @desc Number of items.
-		 */
-		'protected counter' : 0,
-		/**
-		 * @alias items
-		 * @protected
-		 * @type {CallbackList}
-		 * @memberof CallbackList#
-		 * @desc ItemList.
-		 */
-		'protected items' : [],
-		/**
-		 * Builder for item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withItems
-		 * @memberof CallbackList#
-		 * @param {(CallbackList|Array)} _callbackList CallbackList
-		 * @returns {CallbackList}
-		 */
-		'public withItems': function(_callbackList){
-			if (_callbackList instanceof Array) {
-				this.items = _callbackList;
-			} else if (Class.isA(CallbackList, _callbackList)) {
-				this.items = _callbackList.getItems();
-			}
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds the specified item to the itemList.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias put
-		 * @memberof CallbackList#
-		 * @param {Callback} _callback Callback
-		 */
-		'public put' : function(_callback){
-			if (Class.isA(Callback, _callback)) {
-				if (!(this.contains(_callback))) {
-					this.items.push(_callback);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds all items in the specified list to this
-		 * itemList
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias putAll
-		 * @memberof CallbackList#
-		 * @param {(CallbackList|Array)} _callbackList CallbackList
-		 */
-		'public putAll' : function(_callbackList){
-			var list = [];
-			if (_callbackList instanceof Array) {
-				list = _callbackList;
-			} else if (Class.isA(CallbackList,	_callbackList)) {
-				list = _callbackList.getItems();
-			}
-			for (var i in list) {
-				this.put(list[i]);
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Verifies whether the given item is included
-		 * in this list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias contains
-		 * @memberof CallbackList#
-		 * @param {Callback} _callback CallbackType that should be verified.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public contains' : function(_callback){
-			if (Class.isA(Callback, _callback)) {
-				for (var index in this.items) {
-					var tmp = this.items[index];
-					if (tmp.equals(_callback)) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Compare the specified CallbackList with this instance.
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias equals
-		 * @memberof CallbackList#
-		 * @param {CallbackList} _callbackList CallbackList that should be compared.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public equals' : function(_callbackList){
-			if (Class.isA(CallbackList, _callbackList) && _callbackList.size() == this.size()) {
-				for (var index in _callbackList.getItems()) {
-					var theCallback = _callbackList.getItems()[index];
-					if (!this.contains(theCallback)) return false;
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	});
-	return CallbackList;
- * This module represents an interface for ConditionMethod. 
- * 
- * @module ConditionMethod
- * @fileOverview
- */
- 	function(easejs){
- 	var Interface = easejs.Interface;
- 	/**
-	 * @class ConditionMethod
-	 * @classdesc This interface defines the interface for conditionMethod.
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 */
-	var ConditionMethod = Interface('ConditionMethod',
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Processes the method.
-		 * .
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias process
-		 * @memberof ConditionMethod#
-		 * @param {*} reference Comparison value, if one is required.
-		 * @param {*} firstValue Value (from an attribute) that should be compared. 
-		 * @param {*} secondValue Value (from an attribute) for comparison, if one is required.
-		 */
-		'public process': ['reference', 'firstValue', 'secondValue'],
-		});
-	return ConditionMethod;
- * This module represents a Condition. 
- * Condition specifies subscriptions. 
- * The associated attributes are only sent, if the condition applies. 
- * 
- * @module Condition
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('condition',['easejs','attribute', 'conditionMethod'],
- 	function(easejs, Attribute, ConditionMethod){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
- 	/**
-	 * @class Condition
-	 * @classdesc Condition for subscribed Attributes.
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 * @requires AttributeType
-	 * @requires AttributeValue
-	 * @rewuires ConditionMethod
-	 */
-	var Condition = Class('Condition',
-	{
-		/**
-		 * @alias name
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {string}
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @desc Name of the Condition.
-		 */
-		'private name' :'',
-		/**
-		 * @alias attributeType
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {AttributeType}
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @desc AttributeType that should be checked.
-		 */
-		'private attributeType' : '', 
-		/**
-		 * @alias comparisonMethod
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {ConditionMethod}
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @desc Method for comparison.
-		 */
-		'private comparisonMethod' : '',
-		/**
-		 * @alias referenceValue
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {*}
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @desc Comparison value.
-		 */
-		'private referenceValue' : '',
-		/**
-		 * Builder for name.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withName
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {String} _name Name
-		 * @returns {Condition}
-		 */
-		'public withName' : function(_name){
-			this.setName(_name);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for AttributeType.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withAttributeType
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {AttributeType} _attributeType Attributes that would be verified.
-		 * @returns {Condition}
-		 */
-		'public withAttributeType' : function(_attributeType){
-			this.setAttributeType(_attributeType);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for comparison method.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withComparisonMethod
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {ConditionMethod} _comparisonMethod method for comparison
-		 * @returns {Condition}
-		 */
-		'public withComparisonMethod' : function(_comparisonMethod){
-			this.setComparisonMethod(_comparisonMethod);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for comparison value.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withReferenceValue
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {String} _referenceValue comparisonValue
-		 * @returns {Condition}
-		 */
-		'public withReferenceValue' : function(_referenceValue){
-			this.setReferenceValue(_referenceValue);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the name.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setName
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {string} _name Name
-		 */
-		'public setName' : function(_name){
-			if(typeof _name === 'string'){
-				this.name = _name;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the attributeType.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setAttributeType
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {Attribute} _attribute AttributeType
-		 */
-		'public setAttributeType' : function(_attribute){
-			if(Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)){
-				this.attributeType = _attribute;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the ComparisonMethod.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setComparisonMethod
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {ConditionMethod} _comparisonMethod comparison Method
-		 */
-		'public setComparisonMethod' : function(_comparisonMethod){
-			if(Class.isA(ConditionMethod,_comparisonMethod)){
-				this.comparisonMethod = _comparisonMethod;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the referenceValue.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setReferenceValue
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {*} _referenceValue comparison value
-		 */
-		'public setReferenceValue' : function(_referenceValue){
-			this.referenceValue = _referenceValue;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the name.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getName
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'public getName' : function(){
-			return this.name;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the AttributeType.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getAttributeType
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @returns {AttributeType}
-		 */
-		'public getAttributeType' : function(){
-			return this.attributeType;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the comparison method.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getComparisonMethod
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @returns {ConditionMethod}
-		 */
-		'public getComparisonMethod' : function(){
-			return this.comparisonMethod;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the comparison value.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getReferenceValue
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @returns {*}
-		 */
-		'public getReferenceValue' : function(){
-			return this.referenceValue;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Processes the comparison.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias compare
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {Attribute} _newAttributeValue new Attribute that should be compared
-		 * @param {Attribute} _oldAttributeValue old Attribute
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public compare' : function(_newAttributeValue, _oldAttributeValue){
-			if(!this.attributeType.equalsTypeOf(_newAttributeValue)&& !this.attributeType.equalsTypeOf(_oldAttributeValue)){
-				return false;
-			}
-			if(!this.comparisonMethod){
-				return false;
-			}
-			if(Class.isA(Attribute, _newAttributeValue) && Class.isA(Attribute, _oldAttributeValue)){
-				return this.comparisonMethod.process(this.referenceValue, _newAttributeValue.getValue(), _oldAttributeValue.getValue());
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Compares this instance with the given one.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias equals
-		 * @memberof Condition#
-		 * @param {Condition} _condition Condition that should be compared
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public equals' : function(_condition) {				
-			if(Class.isA(Condition, _condition)){
-				if(_condition.getName() == this.getName()
-						&& _condition.getReferenceValue() == this.getReferenceValue()
-						&& _condition.getAttributeType().equalsTypeOf(this.attributeType)
-						&& _condition.getComparisonMethod() === this.comparisonMethod){
-					return true;
-				};
-			};
-			return false;
-		},
-		});
-	return Condition;
- * This module represents a ConditionList. It is a subclass of AbstractList.
- * 
- * @module ConditionList
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('conditionList',['easejs','abstractList', 'condition'],
- 	function(easejs, AbstractList, Condition){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
- 	/**
-	 * @class ConditionList
-	 * @classdesc This class represents a list for Conditions.
-	 * @extends AbstractList
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 * @requires AbstractList
-	 * @requires Condition
-	 */
-	var ConditionList = Class('ConditionList').
-						extend(AbstractList,{
-		/**
-		* @alias counter
-		* @protected
-		* @type {integer}
-		* @memberof ConditionList#
-		* @desc Number of items.
-		*/
-		'protected counter' : 0,
-		/**
-		 * @alias items
-		 * @protected
-		 * @type {ConditioList}
-		 * @memberof ConditionList#
-		 * @desc ItemList
-		 */
-		'protected items' : [],
-		/**
-		 * Builder for item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withItems
-		 * @memberof ConditionList#
-		 * @param {(ConditionList|Array)} _conditionList ConditionList
-		 * @returns {ConditionList}
-		 */
-		'public withItems': function(_conditionList){
-			if (_conditionList instanceof Array) {
-				this.items = _conditionList;
-			} else if (Class.isA(ConditionList, _conditionList)) {
-				this.items = _conditionList.getItems();
-			}
-			return this;
-		},		
-		/**
-		 * Adds the specified item to the item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias put
-		 * @memberof ConditionList#
-		 * @param {Condition} _condition Condition
-		 */
-		'public put' : function(_condition){
-			if (Class.isA(Condition, _condition)) {
-				if (!(this.contains(_condition))) {
-					this.items.push(_condition);}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds all items in the specified list to the
-		 * item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias putAll
-		 * @memberof ConditionList#
-		 * @param {(ConditioneList|Array)} _conditionList ConditionList
-		 */
-		'public putAll' : function(_conditionList){
-			var list = [];
-			if (_conditionList instanceof Array) {
-				list = _conditionList;
-			} else if (Class.isA(ConditionList,	_conditionList)) {
-				list = _conditionList.getItems();
-			}
-			for (var i in list) {
-				this.put(list[i]);
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Verifies whether the given item is included
-		 * in this list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias contains
-		 * @memberof ConditionList#
-		 * @param {Condition} _condition Condition that should be verified.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public contains' : function(_condition){
-			if (Class.isA(Condition, _condition)) {
-				for (var index in this.items) {
-					var theCondition = this.items[index];
-					if (theCondition.equals(_condition)) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Compare the specified AttributeTypeList with this instance.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias equals
-		 * @memberof ConditionList#
-		 * @param {ConditionList} _conditionList ConditionList that should be compared.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public equals' : function(_conditionList){
-			if (Class.isA(ConditionList, _conditionList) && _conditionList.size() == this.size()) {
-				for (var index in _conditionList.getItems()) {
-					var theCondition = _conditionList.getItems()[index];
-					if (!this.contains(theCondition)) return false;
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	});
-	return ConditionList;
- * This module represents a Subscriber.
- * 
- * @module Subscriber
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('subscriber',['easejs', 'attributeList', 'callbackList', 'condition', 'conditionList'],
- 	function(easejs, AttributeList, CallbackList, Condition, ConditionList){
- 	/*
- 	* Callback: name and associated Attributes
- 	*/
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
-	var Subscriber = Class('Subscriber',
-	{
-		/**
-		 * @alias subscriberName
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {string}
-		 * @memb Name of the subscriber.
-		 */
-		'private subscriberName' : '',
-		/**
-		 * @alias subscriberId
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {string}
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @desc ID of the Subscriber.
-		 */
-		'private subscriberId' : '',
-		/**
-		 * @alias subscriptionCallbacks
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {CallbackList}
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @desc Callbacks that should be subscribed.
-		 */
-		'private subscriptionCallbacks' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @alias attributesSubset
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {AttributeTypeList}
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @desc Restricts the associated Attributes of the callback to a subset
-		 * 		(i.e: the subscriber wants a subset from the available the context data).  
-		 * 		If no attributes are specified, all available attributes will returned.
-		 */
-		'private attributesSubset' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @alias conditions
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {ConditionList}
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @desc Defines special conditions for notification.
-		 */
-		'private conditions' : [],
-		/**
-		 * Constructor: Initializes the subscriptionCallbacks, subscriptionCallbacks
-		 * 				and conditions.
-		 * 
-		 * @class Subscriber
-		 * @classdesc Subscriber defines the name and the ID of the Subscriber and the Callbacks 
-		 * 			 (with possible restrictions) what the subscriber is interested in.
-		 * @requires easejs
-		 * @requires AttributeTypeList 
-		 * @requires CallbackList 
-		 * @requires Condition
-		 * @requires ConditionList
-		 * @constructs Subscriber
-		 */
-		'virtual public __construct': function()
-        {
-			this.subscriptionCallbacks = new CallbackList();
-			this.subscriptionCallbacks = new AttributeList();
-			this.attributesSubset = new AttributeList();
-			this.conditions = new ConditionList();
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Builder for subscriberName.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withSubscriberName
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {String} _subscriberName subscriberName
-		 * @returns {Subscriber}
-		 */
-		'public withSubscriberName' : function(_subscriberName){
-			this.setSubscriberName(_subscriberName);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for subscriberId.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withSubscriberId
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {String} _subscriberId subscriberId
-		 * @returns {Subscriber}
-		 */
-		'public withSubscriberId' : function(_subscriberId){
-			this.setSubscriberId(_subscriberId);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for subscriptionCallbacks.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withSubscriptionCallbacks
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {CallbackList} _subscriptionCallbacks subscriptionCallbacks
-		 * @returns {Subscriber}
-		 */
-		'public withSubscriptionCallbacks' : function(_subscriptionCallbacks){
-			this.setSubscriptionCallbacks(_subscriptionCallbacks);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for attributesSubset.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withAttributesSubset
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {AttributeTypeList} _attributesSubset attributesSubset
-		 * @returns {Subscriber}
-		 */
-		'public withAttributesSubset' : function(_attributesSubset){
-			this.setAttributesSubset(_attributesSubset);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Builder for conditions.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withConditions
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {(ConditionList|Array)} _conditions conditions
-		 * @returns {Subscriber}
-		 */
-		'public withConditions' : function(_conditions){
-			this.setConditions(_conditions);
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the name.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getSubscriberName
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'public getSubscriberName' : function(){
-			return this.subscriberName;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the setSubscriberName.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setSubscriberName
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {string} _subscriberName subscriberName
-		 */
-		'public setSubscriberName' : function(_subscriberName){
-			if(typeof _subscriberName === 'string'){
-				this.subscriberName = _subscriberName;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the subscriberId.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getSubscriberId
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'public getSubscriberId' : function(){
-			return this.subscriberId;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the subscriberId.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setSubscriberId
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {string} _subscriberId subscriberId
-		 */
-		'public setSubscriberId' : function(_subscriberId){
-			if(typeof _subscriberId === 'string'){
-				this.subscriberId = _subscriberId;
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the subscriptionCallbacks.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getSubscriptionCallbacks
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @returns {CallbackList}
-		 */
-		'public getSubscriptionCallbacks' : function(){
-			return this.subscriptionCallbacks;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the subscriptionCallbacks.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setSubscriptionCallbacks
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {CallbackList} _subscriptionCallbacks subscriptionCallbacks
-		 */
-		'public setSubscriptionCallbacks' : function(_subscriptionCallbacks){
-			if(Class.isA(CallbackList, _subscriptionCallbacks)){
-				this.subscriptionCallbacks = _subscriptionCallbacks;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the attributesSubset.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getAttributesSubset
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'public getAttributesSubset' : function(){
-			return this.attributesSubset;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the attributesSubset.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setAttributesSubset
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {AttributeList} _attributesSubset attributesSubset
-		 */
-		'public setAttributesSubset' : function(_attributesSubset){
-			if(Class.isA(AttributeList, _attributesSubset)){
-				this.attributesSubset = _attributesSubset;
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the conditions.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getConditions
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'public getConditions' : function(){
-			return this.conditions;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Sets the conditions.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias setConditions
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {(Callback|Array)} _conditions conditions
-		 */
-		'public setConditions' : function(_conditions){
-			var list = new Array();
-			if(_conditions instanceof Array){
-				list = _conditions;
-			} else if (Class.isA( ConditionList, _conditions)) {
-				list = _conditions.getItems();
-			}
-			for(var i in list){
-				var condition = list[i];
-				if(Class.isA( Condition, condition )){
-					this.attributeTypes.put(condition);
-				};
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds a condition.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias addCondition
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {Condition} _condition Condition
-		 */
-		'public addCondition' : function(_condition){
-			if(Class.isA( Condition, _condition )){
-				if(!this.condition.contains(_condition)){
-					this.conditiond.put(_condition);	
-				}
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes a condition.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias removeCondition
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {Condition} _condition Condition
-		 */
-		'public removeCondition' : function(_condition){
-			if(Class.isA( Condition, _condition )){
-				this.conditions.removeItem(_condition.getName());
-			};
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Compares this instance with the given one.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias equals
-		 * @memberof Subscriber#
-		 * @param {Subscriber} _subscriber Subscriber that should be compared.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public equals' : function(_subscriber) {				
-			if(Class.isA(Subscriber, _subscriber)){
-				if(_subscriber.getSubscriberName() == this.subscriberName
-							&& _subscriber.getSubscriberId() == this.subscriberId
-							&& _subscriber.getSubscriptionCallbacks().equals(this.getSubscriptionCallbacks())
-							&& _subscriber.getAttributesSubset().equals(this.getAttributesSubset())
-							&& _subscriber.getConditions().equals(this.getConditions())){
-					return true;
-				};
-			};
-			return false;
-		},
-		});
-	return Subscriber;
- * This module represents a SubscriberList. It is a subclass of AbstractList.
- * 
- * @module SubscriberList
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('subscriberList',['easejs', 'abstractList', 'subscriber'],
- 	function(easejs, AbstractList, Subscriber){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
- 	/**
-	 * @class SubscriberList
-	 * @classdesc This class represents a list for Subscriber.
-	 * @extends AbstractList
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 * @requires AbstractList
-	 * @requires Subscriber
-	 */
-	var SubscriberList = Class('SubscriberList').
-					extend(AbstractList,{
-		/**
-		 * @alias counter
-		 * @protected
-		 * @type {integer}
-		 * @memberof SubscriberList#
-		 * @desc Number of items.
-		 */
- 		'protected counter' : 0,
- 		/**
-		 * @alias items
-		 * @protected
-		 * @type {SubscriberList}
-		 * @memberof SubscriberList#
-		 * @desc ItemList
-		 */
-		'protected items' : [],
-		/**
-		 * Builder for item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias withItems
-		 * @memberof SubscriberList#
-		 * @param {(SubscriberList|Array)} _subscriberList SubscriberList
-		 * @returns {SubscriberList}
-		 */
-		'public withItems': function(_subscriberList){
-			if (_subscriberList instanceof Array) {
-				this.items = _subscriberList;
-			} else if (Class.isA(SubscriberList, _subscriberList)) {
-				this.items = _subscriberList.getItems();
-			}
-			return this;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds the specified item to the item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias put
-		 * @memberof SubscriberList#
-		 * @param {Subscriber} _subscriber Subscriber
-		 */
-		'public put' : function(_subscriber){
-			if (Class.isA(Subscriber, _subscriber)) {
-				if (!(this.contains(_subscriber))) {
-					this.items.push(_subscriber);}
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds all items in the specified list to the item list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias putAll
-		 * @memberof SubscriberList#
-		 * @param {(SubscriberList|Array)} _subscriberList SubscriberList
-		 */
-		'public putAll' : function(_subscriberList){
-			var list = [];
-			if (_subscriberList instanceof Array) {
-				list = _subscriberList;
-			} else if (Class.isA(SubscriberList,	_subscriberList)) {
-				list = _subscriberList.getItems();
-			}
-			for (var i in list) {
-				this.put(list[i]);
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Verifies whether the given item is contained in this list.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias contains
-		 * @memberof SubscriberList#
-		 * @param {Subscriber}_subscriber Subscriber that should be verified.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public contains' : function(_subscriber){
-			if (Class.isA(Subscriber, _subscriber)) {
-				for (var index in this.items) {
-					var tmp = this.items[index];
-					if (tmp.equals(_subscriber)) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Compare the specified SubscriberList with this instance.
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias equals
-		 * @memberof SubscriberList#
-		 * @param {SubscriberList} _subscriberList SubscriberList that should be compared.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public equals' : function(_subscriberList) {
-			if (Class.isA(SubscriberList, _subscriberList) && _subscriberList.size() == this.size()) {
-				for (var index in _subscriberList.getItems()) {
-					var theSubscriber = _subscriberList.getItems()[index];
-					if (!this.contains(theSubscriber)) return false;
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-			'public removeSubscriberWithId': function(_subscriberId) {
-				for (var index in this.items) {
-					var theSubscriber = this.items[index];
-					if (theSubscriber.getSubscriberId() == _subscriberId) this.items.splice(index, 1);
-				}
-			}
-	});
-	return SubscriberList;
- * This module representing a Context Widget.
- * 
- * @module Widget
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('widget',[ 'easejs', 'MathUuid', 'callback', 'callbackList', 'attribute',
-		 'attributeList', 'conditionList', 'subscriber', 'subscriberList'],
-	function(easejs, MathUuid, Callback, CallbackList, Attribute,
-			AttributeList, ConditionList, Subscriber, SubscriberList) {
-		var AbstractClass = easejs.AbstractClass;
-		var Class = easejs.Class;
-		var Widget = AbstractClass('Widget',{
-			/**
-			 * @alias name
-			 * @public
-			 * @type {string}
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @desc Name of the Widget.
-			*/
-			'public name' : 'Widget',
-			/**
-			* @alias id
-			* @public
-			* @type {string}
-			* @memberof Widget#
-			* @desc ID of the Widget. Will be generated.
-			*/
-			'public id' : '',
-			/**
-			 * @alias attributes
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {AttributeList}
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @desc All available Attributes and their values.
-			 */
-			'protected outAttributes' : [],
-			/**
-			 * @alias oldAttributes
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {AttributeList}
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @desc This temporary variable is used for storing the old attribute values. 
-			 * 			So these can be used to check conditions.
-			 */
-			'protected oldOutAttributes' : [],
-			/**
-			 * @alias constantAttributes
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {AttributeList}
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @desc All available constant Attributes and their values.
-			 */
-			'protected constantOutAttributes' : [],
-			/**
-			 * @alias callbacks
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {CallbackList}
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @desc List of Callbacks.
-			 */
-			'protected callbacks' : [],
-			/**
-			 * @alias subscribers
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {SubscriberList}
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @desc List of Subscriber.
-			 */
-			'protected subscribers' : [],
-			/**
-			 * @alias discoverer
-			 * @protected
-			 * @type {Discoverer}
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @desc Associated discoverer.
-			 */
-			'protected discoverer' : '',
-			/**
-			 * Constructor: Generates the ID and initializes the
-			 * Widget with attributes, callbacks and subscriber
-			 * that are specified in the provided functions.
-			 * 
-			 * @abstract
-			 * @class Widget
-			 * @classdesc The Widget handles the access to sensors.
-			 * @requires easejs
-			 * @requires MathUuid
-			 * @requires Callback
-			 * @requires CallbackList
-			 * @requires Attribute
-			 * @requires AttributeList
-			 * @requires ConditionList
-			 * @requires Subscriber
-			 * @requires SubscriberList
-			 * @requires WidgetDescription
-			 * @requires Discoverer
-			 * @constructs Widget
-			 */
-			'virtual public __construct' : function(_discoverer, _attributeTypes) {
-				this.id = Math.uuid();
-                this.discoverer = _discoverer;
-                this.register();
-				this.outAttributes = new AttributeList();
-				this.constantOutAttributes = new AttributeList();
-				this.subscribers = new SubscriberList();
-				this.callbacks = new CallbackList();
-				this.init(_attributeTypes);
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the name of the widget.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getName
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {string} 
-			 */
-			'public getName' : function() {
-				return this.name;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the id of the widget.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getId
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {string}
-			 */
-			'public getId' : function() {
-				return this.id;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the type of this class, in this case
-			 * "Widget".
-			 * 
-			 * @virtual
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getType
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {string}
-			 */
-			'virtual public getType' : function() {
-				return 'Widget';
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the available AttributeTypes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getAttributes
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {AttributeList}
-			 */
-			'public getOutAttributes' : function(_attributeList) {
-				if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _attributeList)) {
-					return this.outAttributes.getSubset(_attributeList);
-				} else {
-					return this.outAttributes;
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the available ConstantAttributeTypes
-			 * (attributes that do not change).
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getWidgetConstantAttributeTypes
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {AttributeList}
-			 */
-			'public getConstantOutAttributes' : function(_attributeList) {
-				if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _attributeList)) {
-					return this.constantOutAttributes.getSubset(_attributeList);
-				} else {
-					return this.constantOutAttributes;
-				}
-			},
-            /**
-             * Returns the last acquired attribute value with the given attribute type.
-             *
-             * @param {AttributeType} _attributeType The attribute type to return the last value for.
-             * @returns {*}
-             */
-            'public getValueForAttributeWithTypeOf': function(_attributeType) {
-                return this.getOutAttributes().getAttributeWithTypeOf(_attributeType).getValue();
-            },
-			/**
-			 * Returns the old Attributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @private
-			 * @alias getOldAttributes
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {AttributeList}
-			 */
-			'public getOldAttributes' : function() {
-				return this.oldOutAttributes;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns a list of callbacks that can be
-			 * subscribed to.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getCallbacks
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {CallbackList}
-			 */
-			'public getCallbackList' : function() {
-				return this.callbacks;
-			},
-            /**
-             * Returns the specified callbacks that can be
-             * subscribed to.
-             *
-             * @public
-             * @alias getCallbacks
-             * @memberof Widget#
-             * @returns {Array}
-             */
-            'public getCallbacks' : function() {
-                return this.callbacks.getItems();
-            },
-			'public queryServices' : function() {
-				return this.services;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the Subscriber.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getSubscriber
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {SubscriberList}
-			 */
-			'public getSubscriber' : function() {
-				return this.subscribers;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets the name of the Widget.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias setName
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {string}
-			 *            _name Name of the Widget.
-			 */
-			'protected setName' : function(_name) {
-				if (typeof _name === 'string') {
-					this.name = _name;
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets the id of the Widget.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias setId
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {string}
-			 *            _id Id of the Widget.
-			 */
-			'protected setId' : function(_id) {
-				if (typeof _id === 'string') {
-					this.id = _id;
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets the AttributeValueList and also the associated
-			 * AttributeTypes.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias setAttributes
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _attributes List or Array of AttributeValues
-			 */
-			'protected setOutAttributes' : function(_attributes) {
-				var list = [];
-				if (_attributes instanceof Array) {
-					list = _attributes.reduce(function(o, v, i) {
-                        o[i] = v;
-                        return o;
-                    }, {});
-				} else if (Class.isA(AttributeValueList,_attributes)) {
-					list = _attributes.getItems();
-				}
-				this.oldOutAttributes = this.outAttributes;
-				for ( var i in list) {
-					var attribute = list[i];
-					if (Class.isA(AttributeValue, attribute)) {
-						attribute.setTimestamp(this.getCurrentTime());
-						this.outAttributes.put(attribute);
-						var type = new AttributeType().withName(attribute.getName())
-													.withType(attribute.getType())
-													.withParameters(attribute.getParameters());
-						this.attributeTypes.put(type);
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Adds a new AttributeValue. If the given value is
-			 * not included in the list, the associated type will
-			 * be also added. Otherwise, only the value will be
-			 * updated.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias addOutAttribute
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {Attribute} _attribute AttributeValue
-			 */
-			'public addOutAttribute' : function(_attribute, _multipleInstances) {
-				_multipleInstances = typeof _multipleInstances == "undefined" ? false : _multipleInstances;
-				if (Class.isA(Attribute, _attribute)) {
-					if (!this.outAttributes.containsTypeOf(_attribute)) {
-						this.oldOutAttributes = this.outAttributes;
-						_attribute.setTimestamp(this.getCurrentTime());
-						this.outAttributes.put(_attribute, _multipleInstances);
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets the ConstantAttributeValueList and also the
-			 * associated AttributeTypes.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias setConstantOutAttributes
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _constantAttributes List or Array of AttributeValues
-			 */
-			'protected setConstantOutAttributes' : function(_constantAttributes) {
-				var list = [];
-				if (_constantAttributes instanceof Array) {
-					list = _constantAttributes;
-				} else if (Class.isA(AttributeValueList,_constantAttributes)) {
-					list = _constantAttributes.getItems();
-				}
-				for ( var i in list) {
-					var constantAttribute = list[i];
-					if (Class.isA(AttributeValue, constantAttribute)) {
-						constantAttribute.setTimestamp(this.getCurrentTime());
-						this.constantAttributes.put(constantAttribute);
-						var type = new AttributeType().withName(constantAttribute.getName())	
-													  .withType(constantAttribute.getType())
-													  .withParameters(constantAttribute.getParameters());
-						this.constantAttributeTypes.put(type);
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Adds a new constantAttributeValue. If the given value is
-			 * not included in the list, the associated type will
-			 * be also added. Otherwise, only the value will be
-			 * updated.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias addConstantOutAttribute
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {AttributeValue} _constantAttribute AttributeValue
-			 */
-			'protected addConstantOutAttribute' : function(_constantAttribute) {
-				if (Class.isA(AttributeValue, _constantAttribute)) {
-					if (!this.constantAttributes
-							.contains(_constantAttribute)) {
-						var type = new AttributeType().withName(_constantAttribute.getName())
-													  .withType(_constantAttribute.getType())
-													  .withParameters(_constantAttribute.getParameters());
-						this.constantAttributeTypes.put(type);
-					}
-					_attribute.setTimestamp(this.getCurrentTime());
-					this.constantAttributes.put(_constantAttribute);
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets Callbacks.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias setCallbacks
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {(CallbackList|Array)} _callbacks List or Array of Callbacks.
-			 */
-			'protected setCallbacks' : function(_callbacks) {
-				var list = new Array();
-				if (_callbacks instanceof Array) {
-					list = _subscriber;
-				} else if (Class.isA(CallbackList, _callbacks)) {
-					list = _callbacks.getItems();
-				}
-				for ( var i in list) {
-					var callback = list[i];
-					if (Class.isA(Callback, callback)) {
-						this.callbacks.put(callback);
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Adds a new Callback.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias addCallback
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {Callback} _callback List or Array of AttributeValues.
-			 */
-			'protected addCallback' : function(_callback) {
-				if (Class.isA(Callback, _callback)) {
-					this.callbacks.put(_callback);
-				}
-			},
-			'protected setServices' : function(_services) {
-				this.services = _services;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets SubscriberList.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias setSubscriber
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {(SubscriberList|Array)}  _subscriber List or Array of Subscriber.
-			 */
-			'protected setSubscriber' : function(_subscriber) {
-				var list = new Array();
-				if (_subscriber instanceof Array) {
-					list = _subscriber;
-				} else if (Class.isA(SubscriberList, _subscriber)) {
-					list = _subscriber.getItems();
-				}
-				for ( var i in list) {				
-					var singleSubscriber = list[i];
-					if (Class.isA(Subscriber, singleSubscriber)) {
-						this.subscribers.put(singleSubscriber);
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Adds a new Subscriber.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias addSubscriber
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {Subscriber}  _subscriber Subscriber
-			 */
-			'public addSubscriber' : function(_subscriber) {
-				if (Class.isA(Subscriber, _subscriber)) {
-					this.subscribers.put(_subscriber);
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Removes the specified Subscriber.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias removeSubscriber
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {Subscriber} _subscriber Subscriber
-			 */
-			'public removeSubscriber' : function(_subscriberId) {
-					this.subscribers.removeSubscriberWithId(_subscriberId);
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the current time.
-			 * 
-			 * @private
-			 * @alias getCurrentTime
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {Date}
-			 */
-			'private getCurrentTime' : function() {
-				return new Date();
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Verifies whether the specified attributes is a
-			 * provided Attribute.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias isOutAttribute
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {Attribute} _attribute
-			 * @returns {boolean}
-			 */
-			'protected isOutAttribute' : function(_attribute) {
-				return !!this.outAttributes.containsTypeOf(_attribute);
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Initializes the provided Attributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @function
-			 * @abstract
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias initAttributes
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 */
-			'abstract protected initOutAttributes' : [],
-			/**
-			 * Initializes the provided ConstantAttributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @function
-			 * @abstract
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias initConstantAttributes
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 */
-			'abstract protected initConstantOutAttributes' : [],
-			/**
-			 * Initializes the provided Callbacks.
-			 * 
-			 * @function
-			 * @abstract
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias initCallbacks
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 */
-			'abstract protected initCallbacks' : [],
-			/**
-			 * Function for initializing. Calls all initFunctions
-			 * and will be called by the constructor.
-			 * 
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias init
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 */
-			'protected init' : function(_attributeTypes) {
-				this.initOutAttributes();
-				this.initConstantOutAttributes();
-				this.initCallbacks();
-                this.didFinishInitialization(_attributeTypes);
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Method will be invoked after the initialization of the widget finished.
-			 * Can be overridden by inheriting classes to take action after initialization.
-			 *
-			 * @public
-			 * @virtual
-			 * @alias didFinishInitialization
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param _attributeTypes
-			 */
-            'public virtual didFinishInitialization' : function(_attributeTypes) {
-            },
-			/**
-			 * Notifies other components and sends the attributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @virtual
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias initCallbacks
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 */
-			'virtual public notify' : function() {
-                var callbacks = this.getCallbacks();
-                for (var i in callbacks) {
-                    this.sendToSubscriber(callbacks[i]);
-                }
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Queries the associated sensor and updates the attributes with new values. 
-			 * Must be overridden by the subclasses. Overriding subclasses can call
-             * this.__super(_function) to invoke the provided callback function.
-			 * 
-			 * @virtual
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias queryGenerator
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {?function} _function For alternative actions, because an asynchronous function can be used.
-			 */
-			'virtual protected queryGenerator' : function(_function) {
-                if (_function && typeof(_function) == 'function') {
-                    _function();
-                }
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Updates the attributes by calling queryGenerator.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias updateWidgetInformation
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {?function} _function For alternative  actions, because an asynchronous function can be used.
-			 *
-			 */
-			'public updateWidgetInformation' : function(_function) {
-				this.queryGenerator(_function);
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Updates the Attributes by external components.
-			 * 
-			 * @virtual
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias putData
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _data Data that should be entered.
-			 * 
-			 */
-			'virtual public putData' : function(_data) {
-				var list = [];
-				if (_data instanceof Array) {
-					list = _data;
-				} else if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _data)) {
-					list = _data.getItems();
-				}
-				for ( var i in list) {
-					var x = list[i];
-					if (Class.isA(Attribute, x) && this.isOutAttribute(x)) {
-						this.addOutAttribute(x);
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns all available AttributeValues, Attributes and
-			 * ConstantAtrributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias queryWidget
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @returns {AttributeList}
-			 */
-			'public queryWidget' : function() {
-				var response = new AttributeList();
-				response.putAll(this.getOutAttributes());
-				response.putAll(this.getConstantOutAttributes());
-				return response;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Updates and returns all available AttributeValues,
-			 * Attributes and ConstantAtrributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias updateAndQueryWidget
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {?function} _function For alternative  actions, because an asynchronous function can be used.
-			 * @returns {?AttributeList}
-			 */
-			'virtual public updateAndQueryWidget' : function(_function) {
-				if(_function && typeof(_function) === 'function'){
-					this.queryGenerator(_function);
-				} else {
-					this.queryGenerator();
-					return this.queryWidget();
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sends all Attributes, specified in the given callback, 
-			 * to components which are subscribed to this Callback.
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias sendToSubscriber
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {string} _callback Name of the searched Callback.
-			 */
-			'protected sendToSubscriber' : function(_callback) {
-				if (_callback && Class.isA(Callback, _callback)) {
-					var subscriberList = this.subscribers.getItems();
-					for (var i in subscriberList) {
-						var subscriber = subscriberList[i];
-						if (subscriber.getSubscriptionCallbacks().contains(_callback)) {
-							if(this.dataValid(subscriber.getConditions())){
-								var subscriberInstance = this.discoverer.getComponent(subscriber.getSubscriberId());
-								var callSubset =  _callback.getAttributeTypes();
-								var subscriberSubset = subscriber.getAttributesSubset();
-								var data = this.outAttributes.getSubset(callSubset);
-								if (subscriberSubset && subscriberSubset.size() > 0) {
-									data = data.getSubset(subscriberSubset);
-								}
-							}
-							if (data) {
-								subscriberInstance.putData(data);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Verifies if the attributes match to the specified conditions in case any exists.
-			 * 
-			 * @private
-			 * @alias dataValid
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {string} _conditions List of Conditions that will be verified.
-			 * @returns {boolean}
-			 */
-			'private dataValid' : function(_conditions) {
-				if (Class.isA(ConditionList, _conditions)) {
-					return true;
-				}
-				if (!_conditions.isEmpty()) {
-					var items = _condition.getItems();
-					for (var i in items) {
-						var condition = items[i];
-						var conditionAttributeType = condition.getAttributeType();
-						var conditionAttributeTypeList = new AttributeTypeList()
-								.withItems(new Array(conditionAttributeType));
-						var newValue = this.getAttributes().getSubset(conditionAttributeTypeList);
-						var oldValue = this.getOldAttributes.getSubset(conditionAttributeTypeList);
-						return condition.compare(newValue, oldValue);
-					}
-				}
-				return false;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Runs the context acquisition constantly in an interval.
-			 * Can be called by init.
-			 * 
-			 * @virtual
-			 * @protected
-			 * @alias intervalRunning
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {integer} _interval Interval in ms
-			 */
-			'virtual protected intervalRunning' : function(_interval) {
-				var self = this;
-				if (_interval === parseInt(_interval)) {
-					setInterval(function() {self.queryGenerator();}, _interval);
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Sets the associated Discoverer and registers to that.
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias setDiscoverer
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 * @param {Discoverer} _discoverer Discoverer
-			 */
-			'public setDiscoverer' : function(_discoverer) {
-				if (!this.discoverer) {
-					this.discoverer = _discoverer;
-					this.register();
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Registers the component to the associated Discoverer.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias register
-			 * @memberof Widget#
-			 */
-			'protected register' : function() {
-				if (this.discoverer) {
-					this.discoverer.registerNewComponent(this);
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns true if the widget can satisfy the requested attribute type.
-			 *
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias doesSatisfyAttributeType
-			 * @memberof WidgetDescription#
-			 * @param {AttributeType} _attribute
-			 * @returns {boolean}
-			 */
-			'virtual public doesSatisfyAttributeType': function(_attribute) {
-				return this.outAttributes.containsTypeOf(_attribute);
-			}
-		});
-		return Widget;
- * This module represents a InterpreterResult.
- * 
- * @module InterpreterResult
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('interpreterResult',['easejs', 'attributeList'],
-    function(easejs, AttributeList){
-    	var Class = easejs.Class;
-		var InterpreterResult = Class('InterpreterResult',{
-			/**
-			 * @alias timestamp
-			 * @private
-			 * @type {date}
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @desc Time of the interpretation.
-			 */
-			'private timestamp' : '',
-			/**
-			 * @alias outAttributes
-			 * @private
-			 * @type {AttributeValueList}
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @desc Interpreted data.
-			 */
-			'private outAttributes' : [],
-			/**
-			 * @alias inAttributes
-			 * @private
-			 * @type {AttributeValueList}
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @desc Data, which were used for the interpretation.
-			 */
-			'private inAttributes' : [],
-			/**
-			 * Constructor: Initializes the in- and outAttributes.
-			 *
-			 * @class InterpreterResult
-			 * @classdesc Contains the interpreted data, inclusive the input for the interpretation.
-			 * @requires easejs
-			 * @requires AttributeValueList
-			 */
-			'public __construct' : function() {
-				this.inAttributes = new AttributeValueList();
-				this.outAttributes = new AttributeValueList();
-			},
-    		/**
-			 * Builder for timestamp.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withTimestamp
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @param {String} _timestamp timestamp
-			 * @returns {InterpreterResult}
-			 */
-    		'public withTimestamp' : function(_timestamp){
-    			this.setTimestamp(_timestamp);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-    		/**
-			 * Builder for outAttributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withOutAttributes
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @param {(AttributeValueList|Array)} _outAttributes values
-			 * @returns {InterpreterResult}
-			 */
-    		'public withOutAttributes' : function(_outAttributes){
-    			this.setOutAttributes(_outAttributes);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-    		/**
-			 * Builder for inAttributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias withInAttributes
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @param {(AttributeValueList|Array)} _inAttributes values
-			 * @returns {InterpreterResult}
-			 */
-    		'public withInAttributes' : function(_inAttributes){
-    			this.setInAttributes(_inAttributes);
-    			return this;
-    		},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the interpretation time.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getTimestamp
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @returns {date}
-			 */
-			'public getTimestamp' : function(){
-				return this.timestamp;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the interpreted attributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getOutAttributes
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @returns {AttributeValueList}
-			 */
-			'public getOutAttributes' : function(){
-				return this.outAttributes;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * Returns the inAttributes.
-			 * 
-			 * @public
-			 * @alias getInAttributes
-			 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-			 * @returns {AttributeValueList}
-			 */
-			'public getInAttributes' : function(){
-				return this.inAttributes;
-			},
-			/**
-    		 * Sets the interpretation time.
-    		 * 
-    		 * @public
-    		 * @alias setTimestamp
-    		 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-    		 * @param {date} _timestamp interpretation time
-    		 */
-			'public setTimestamp' : function(_timestamp){
-				if(_timestamp instanceof Date){
-					this.type = _timestamp;
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-    		 * Sets the interpreted values.
-    		 * 
-    		 * @public
-    		 * @alias setOutAttributes
-    		 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-    		 * @param {(AttributeValueList|Array)} _outAttributes retrieved attributes
-    		 */
-			'public setOutAttributes' : function(_outAttributes){
-				if (_outAttributes instanceof Array) {
-					for(var i in _outAttributes){
-						this.outAttributes.put(_outAttributes[i]);
-					}
-				} else if (Class.isA(AttributeValueList, _outAttributes)) {
-					this.outAttributes = _outAttributes;
-				}
-			},
-			/**
-    		 * Sets the inAttributes.
-    		 * 
-    		 * @public
-    		 * @alias setInAttributes
-    		 * @memberof InterpreterResult#
-    		 * @param {(AttributeValueList|Array)} _inAttributes inAttributes
-    		 */
-			'public setInAttributes' : function(_inAttributes){
-				if (_inAttributes instanceof Array) {
-					for(var i in _outAttributes){
-						this.inAttributes.put(_inAttributes[i]);
-					}
-				} else if (Class.isA(AttributeValueList, _inAttributes)) {
-					this.inAttributes = _inAttributes;
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		return InterpreterResult;
- * This module represents an Context Interpreter.
- * 
- * @module Interpreter
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('interpreter',[ 'easejs', 'MathUuid', 'attribute', 'attributeList', 'interpreterResult' ],
-		function(easejs, MathUuid, Attribute, AttributeList, InterpreterResult) {
-			var Class = easejs.Class;
-			var AbstractClass = easejs.AbstractClass;
-			var Interpreter = AbstractClass('Interpreter',
-			{
-				/**
-				 * @alias name
-				 * @public
-				 * @type {string}
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @desc Name of the Interpreter.
-				 */
-				'public name' : 'Interpreter',
-				/**
-				 * @alias id
-				 * @public
-				 * @type {string}
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @desc Id of the Interpreter. Will be generated.
-				 */
-				'public id' : '',
-				/**
-				 * @alias inAttributes
-				 * @protected
-				 * @type {AttributeList}
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @desc Types of all attributes that can be handled.
-				 */
-				'protected inAttributes' : [],
-				/**
-				 * @alias outAttributes
-				 * @protected
-				 * @type {AttributeList}
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @desc Types of all attributes that will be returned.
-				 */
-				'protected outAttributes' : [],
-				/**
-				 * @alias lastInterpretation
-				 * @protected
-				 * @type {Date}
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @desc Last interpretation time.
-				 */
-				'protected lastInterpretation' : '',
-				/**
-				 * @alias discoverer
-				 * @protected
-				 * @type {Discoverer}
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @desc Associated Discoverer.
-				 */
-				'protected discoverer' : '',
-				/**
-				 * Constructor: Generates the id and initializes the (in and out) types and values.
-				 * 
-				 * @abstract
-				 * @class Interpreter
-				 * @classdesc The Widget handles the access to sensors.
-				 * @requires easejs
-				 * @requires MathUuid
-				 * @requires Attribute
-				 * @requires AttributeList
-				 * @requires InterpreterDescription
-				 * @constructs Interpreter
-				 */
-				'public __construct' : function(_discoverer) {
-					this.id = Math.uuid();
-                    this.discoverer = _discoverer;
-                    this.register();
-					this.inAttributes = new AttributeList();
-					this.outAttributes = new AttributeList();
-					this.initInterpreter();
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Returns the name of the interpreter.
-				 * 
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias getName
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @returns {string}
-				 */
-				'public getName' : function() {
-					return this.name;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Returns the id of the interpreter.
-				 * 
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias getId
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @returns {string}
-				 */
-				'public getId' : function() {
-					return this.id;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Returns the type of this class, in this case
-				 * "Interpreter".
-				 * 
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias getType
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @returns {string}
-				 */
-				'public getType' : function() {
-					return 'Interpreter';
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Initializes interpreter and sets the expected inAttributes
-				 * and provided outAttributes.
-				 * @private
-				 * @alias initInterpreter
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 */
-				'private initInterpreter' : function() {
-					this.initInAttributes();
-					this.initOutAttributes();
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Initializes the inAttributes.
-				 * 
-				 * @function
-				 * @abstract
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias initInAttributes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 */
-				'abstract protected initInAttributes' : [],
-				/**
-				 * Initializes the outAttributes.
-				 * 
-				 * @function
-				 * @abstract
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias initOutAttributes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 */
-				'abstract protected initOutAttributes' : [],
-				/**
-				 * Returns the expected inAttributeTypes.
-				 * 
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias getInAttributeTypes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @returns {AttributeList}
-				 */
-				'public getInAttributes' : function() {
-					return this.inAttributes;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Sets an inAttribute.
-				 * 
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias setInAttribute
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 */
-				'protected setInAttribute' : function(_attribute) {
-					this.inAttributes.put(_attribute);
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Sets an inAttributes.
-				 * 
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias setInAttributes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _attributeList Attributes to set.
-				 */
-				'protected setInAttributes' : function(_attributeList) {
-					this.inAttributes = new AttributeList().withItems(_attributeList);
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Verifies whether the specified attribute is contained in inAttributeList.
-				 * 
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias isInAttribute
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {Attribute} _attribute Attribute that should be verified.
-				 * @return {boolean}
-				 */
-				'protected isInAttribute' : function(_attribute) {
-					return !!this.inAttributes.containsTypeOf(_attribute);
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Returns the provided outAttributeTypes.
-				 * 
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias getOutAttributes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @returns {AttributeList}
-				 */
-				'public getOutAttributes' : function() {
-					return this.outAttributes;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Adds an outAttribute.
-				 * 
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias setOutAttribute
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 */
-				'protected setOutAttribute' : function(_attribute) {
-					this.outAttributes.put(_attribute);
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Sets an outAttributes.
-				 *
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias setOutAttributes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {(AttributeList|Array)} _attributeList Attributes to set.
-				 */
-				'protected setOutAttributes' : function(_attributeList) {
-					this.outAttributes = new AttributeList().withItems(_attributeList);
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Verifies whether the specified attribute is contained in outAttributeList.
-				 * 
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias isOutAttribute
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {Attribute} _attribute Attribute that should be verified.
-				 * @return {boolean}
-				 */
-				'protected isOutAttribute' : function(_attribute) {
-					return !!this.outAttributes.containsTypeOf(_attribute);
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Validates the data and calls interpretData.
-				 * 
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias callInterpreter
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {AttributeList} _inAttributeValues Data that should be interpreted.
-				 * @param {AttributeList} _outAttributeValues
-				 * @param {?function} _function For additional actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-				 */
-				'public callInterpreter' : function(_inAttributeValues, _outAttributeValues, _function) {
-					var self = this;
-					if (!_inAttributeValues || !this.canHandleInAttributes(_inAttributeValues)) throw "Empty input attribute list or unhandled input attribute.";
-					if (!_outAttributeValues || !this.canHandleOutAttributes(_outAttributeValues)) throw "Empty output attribute list or unhandled output attribute.";
-					this.interpretData(_inAttributeValues, _outAttributeValues, function(interpretedData) {
-						var response = new AttributeList().withItems(interpretedData);
-						if (!self.canHandleOutAttributes(response)) throw "Unhandled output attribute generated.";
-						self.setInAttributes(_inAttributeValues);
-						self.lastInterpretation = new Date();
-						if (_function && typeof(_function) == 'function'){
-							_function(response);
-						}
-					});
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Interprets the data.
-				 * 
-				 * @function
-				 * @abstract
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias interpretData
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {AttributeList} _data Data that should be interpreted.
-				 * @param {?function} _function For additional actions, if an asynchronous function is used.
-				 */
-				'abstract protected interpretData' : ['_inAttributes', '_outAttributes', '_callback'],
-				/**
-				 * Checks whether the specified data match the expected.
-				 * 
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias canHandleInAttributes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {AttributeList|Array.<Attribute>} _inAttributes Data that should be verified.
-				 */
-				'protected canHandleInAttributes' : function(_inAttributes) {
-					var list = [];
-					if (_inAttributes instanceof Array) {
-						list = _inAttributes;
-					} else if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _inAttributes)) {
-						list = _inAttributes.getItems();
-					}
-					if (list.length == 0 || _inAttributes.size() != this.getInAttributes().size()) {
-						return false;
-					}
-					for ( var i in list) {
-						var inAtt = list[i];
-						if (!this.isInAttribute(inAtt)) {
-							return false;
-						}
-					}
-					return true;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Checks whether the specified data match the expected.
-				 *
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias canHandleOutAttributes
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {AttributeList|Array.<Attribute>} _outAttributes Data that should be verified.
-				 */
-				'protected canHandleOutAttributes' : function(_outAttributes) {
-					var list = [];
-					if (_outAttributes instanceof Array) {
-						list = _outAttributes;
-					} else if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _outAttributes)) {
-						list = _outAttributes.getItems();
-					}
-					if (list.length == 0 || _outAttributes.size() != this.getOutAttributes().size()) {
-						return false;
-					}
-					for ( var i in list) {
-						var inAtt = list[i];
-						if (!this.isOutAttribute(inAtt)) {
-							return false;
-						}
-					}
-					return true;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Returns the time of the last interpretation.
-				 * 
-				 * @protected
-				 * @alias getLastInterpretionTime
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @returns {Date} 
-				 */
-				'public getLastInterpretionTime' : function() {
-					return this.lastInterpretation;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Returns the description of this component.
-				 * @virtual
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias getInterpreterDescription
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @returns {InterpreterDescription} 
-				 */
-				'virtual public getDescription' : function() {
-					var description = new InterpreterDescription().withId(this.id).withName(this.name);
-					description.addOutAttributeTypes(this.outAttributes);
-					description.setInAttributeTypes(this.inAttributes);
-					return description;
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Sets and registers to the associated Discoverer.
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias setDiscoverer
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 * @param {Discoverer} _discoverer Discoverer
-				 */
-				'public setDiscoverer' : function(_discoverer) {
-					if (!this.discoverer) {
-						this.discoverer = _discoverer;
-						this.register();
-					}
-				},
-				/**
-				 * Registers the component to the associated Discoverer.
-				 * 
-				 * @public
-				 * @alias register
-				 * @memberof Interpreter#
-				 */
-				'protected register' : function() {
-					if (this.discoverer) {
-						this.discoverer.registerNewComponent(this);
-					}
-				},
-				/**
-				 *
-				 * @returns {boolean}
-				 */
-				'public hasOutAttributesWithInputParameters': function() {
-					return this.outAttributes.hasAttributesWithInputParameters();
-				},
-				'public getOutAttributesWithInputParameters': function() {
-					return this.outAttributes.getAttributesWithInputParameters();
-				},
-				'public doesSatisfyAttributeType': function(_attribute) {
-					return this.outAttributes.containsTypeOf(_attribute);
-				}
-			});
-			return Interpreter;
-		});
- * Created by tobias on 15.04.15.
- */
-define('interpretation',['easejs', 'interpreter', 'attributeList'],
-    function(easejs, Interpreter, AttributeList) {
-        var Class = easejs.Class;
-        var Interpretation = Class('Interpretation', {
-            'public interpreterId' : null,
-            'public inAttributeTypes' : new AttributeList(),
-            'public outAttributeTypes' : new AttributeList(),
-            'public __construct' : function(_interpreterId, _inAttributes, _outAttributes){
-                this.interpreterId = _interpreterId;
-                this.inAttributeTypes = _inAttributes;
-                this.outAttributeTypes = _outAttributes;
-            }
-        });
-        return Interpretation;
-    }
- * This module representing a Context Aggregator. 
- * It aggregates data from multiple widgets.
- * 
- * @module Aggregator
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('aggregator',['easejs', 'MathUuid','widget',
-        'attribute', 'attributeList', 'subscriber',
-        'subscriberList', 'callbackList', 'storage', 'interpreter', 'interpretation'],
- 	function(easejs, MathUuid, Widget, Attribute,
- 			AttributeList, Subscriber, SubscriberList,
- 			CallbackList, Storage, Interpreter, Interpretation){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
-	var Aggregator =  Class('Aggregator').
-				extend(Widget, 
-	{
-	   /**
-	    * @alias name
-	    * @public
-	    * @type {string}
-	    * @memberof Aggregator#
-	    * @desc Name of the Widget.
-        */
-		'public name' : 'Aggregator',
-		/**
-		 * @alias id
-		 * @public
-		 * @type {string}
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @desc ID of the Aggregator. Will be generated.
-		 */
-		'public id' : '', 
-		/**
-		 * @alias widgets
-		 * @protected
-		 * @type {Array}
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @desc List of subscribed widgets referenced by ID.
-		 */
-		'protected widgets' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @type {Array.<Interpretation>}
-		 */
-		'protected interpretations' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @alias db
-		 * @protected
-		 * @type {Storage}
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @desc Database of the Aggregator.
-		 */
-		'protected db' : '',
-		/**
-		 * Constructor: Generates the id and initializes the Aggregator.
-		 * 
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @class Aggregator
-		 * @extends Widget
-		 * @classdesc The Widget handles the access to sensors.
-		 * @requires easejs
-		 * @requires MathUuid
-		 * @requires CallbackList
-		 * @requires Attribute
-		 * @requires AttributeList
-		 * @requires Subscriber
-		 * @requires SubscriberList
-		 * @requires Storage
-		 * @requires Widget
-		 * @constructs Aggregator
-		 */
-		'override virtual public __construct': function(_discoverer, _attributes)
-        {
-			this.id = Math.uuid();
-			this.widgets = [];
-            this.interpretations = [];
-			this.__super(_discoverer, _attributes);
-        },
-        /**
-		 * Returns the type of this class, in this case
-		 * "Aggregator".
-		 * 
-		 * @override
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getType
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'override public getType' : function(){
-		    return 'Aggregator';
-		 },
-		/**
-		 * Sets Widget IDs.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias setWidgets
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {Array} _widgetIds List of Widget IDs
-	     */
-		'protected setWidgets' : function(_widgetIds){
-			this.widgets = _widgetIds;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds Widget ID.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias addWidget
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String|Widget} _widgetIdOrWidget Widget ID
-	     */
-		'public addWidget' : function(_widgetIdOrWidget){
-            if (Class.isA(Widget, _widgetIdOrWidget)) {
-                this.widgets.push(_widgetIdOrWidget.getId());
-            } else if(typeof _widgetIdOrWidget == "string") {
-                this.widgets.push(_widgetIdOrWidget);
-            }
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the available Widget IDs.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getWidgets
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @returns {Array}
-		 */
-		'public getWidgets' : function() {
-			return this.widgets;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Removes Widget ID from list.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias removeWidget
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String} _widgetId Id of the Widget
-	     */
-		'protected removeWidget' : function(_widgetId){
-            var index = this.widgets.indexOf(_widgetId);
-            if (index > -1) {
-                this.widgets = this.widgets.splice(index, 1);
-            }
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Retrieves all Attributes of the specified widgets.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias initAttributes
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-	     */
-		'protected initOutAttributes' : function(){
-			if(this.widgets.length > 0){
-				var widgetIdList = this.widgets;
-				for(var i in widgetIdList){
-					var widgetId = widgetIdList[i];
-					var widgetInstance = this.discoverer.getComponent(widgetId);
-					if (widgetInstance) {
-						this.setOutAttributes(widgetInstance.queryAttributes());
-					}
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Retrieves all ConstantAttributes of the specified widgets.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias initConstantAttributes
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-	     */
-		'protected initConstantOutAttributes' : function(){
-			if(this.widgets.length > 0){
-                var widgetIdList = this.widgets;
-				for(var i in widgetIdList){
-					var widgetId = widgetIdList[i];
-					var widgetInstance = this.discoverer.getComponent(widgetId);
-					if (widgetInstance) {
-						this.setConstantAttributes(widgetInstance.queryConstantAttributes());
-					}
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Retrieves all actual Callbacks of the specified Widgets.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias initCallbacks
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-	     */
-		'protected initCallbacks' : function(){
-			if(this.widgets.length > 0){
-				var widgetIdList = this.widgets;
-				for(var i in widgetIdList){
-					var widgetId = widgetIdList[i];
-					this.initWidgetSubscription(widgetId);
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Start the setup of the aggregator after the initialisation has finished.
-		 *
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias didFinishInitialization
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param _attributes
-		 */
-        'override public didFinishInitialization': function(_attributes) {
-            this.aggregatorSetup(_attributes);
-        },
-		/**
-		 * InitMethod for Aggregators. Called by constructor.
-		 * Initializes the associated Storage.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias aggregatorSetup
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-	     */
-		'protected aggregatorSetup' : function(_attributes){
-			this.initStorage('DB_'+this.name);
-			this.setAggregatorAttributeValues(_attributes);
-			this.setAggregatorConstantAttributeValues();
-			this.setAggregatorCallbacks();
-            this.didFinishSetup();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Initializes the provided attributeValues that are only specific to the Aggregator.
-		 * Called by aggregatorSetup().
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @protected
-		 * @alias setAggregatorAttributeValues
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 */
-		'virtual protected setAggregatorAttributeValues' : function(_attributes) {
-            for (var index in _attributes) {
-                var theAttribute = _attributes[index];
-                this.addOutAttribute(theAttribute);
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Initializes the provided ConstantAttributeValues that are only specific to the Aggregator.
-		 * Called by aggregatorSetup().
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @protected
-		 * @alias setAggregatorConstantAttributeValues
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 */
-		'virtual protected setAggregatorConstantAttributeValues' : function() {
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Initializes the provided Callbacks that are only specific to the Aggregator.
-		 * Called by aggregatorSetup().
-		 * 
-		 * @function
-		 * @abstract
-		 * @protected
-		 * @alias setAggregatorCallbacks
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 */
-		'virtual protected setAggregatorCallbacks' : function() {
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Returns the current Attributes that are saved in the cache.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias getCurrentData
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @returns {AttributeList}
-	     */
-		'public getCurrentData' : function(){
-			return this.outAttributes;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Subscribes to the given widget for the specified Callbacks.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias subscribeTo
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {Widget} _widget Widget that should be subscribed to.
-		 * @param {CallbackList} _callbacks required Callbacks
-	     */
-		'protected subscribeTo' : function(_widget, _callbacks, _subSet, _conditions){	
-			if(Class.isA(Widget, _widget)){
-				var subscriber = new Subscriber().withSubscriberId(this.id).
-									withSubscriberName(this.name).
-									withSubscriptionCallbacks(_callbacks).
-									withAttributesSubset(_subSet).
-									withConditions(_conditions);
-				_widget.addSubscriber(subscriber);
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Subscribes to the widgets that are defined in the Widget ID List
-         * used in the initCallback method.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias initWidgetSubscription
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String} _widgetId Widget that should be subscribed.
-		 * @returns {?CallbackList}
-	     */
-		'protected initWidgetSubscription' : function(_widgetId){
-			var calls = null;
-			if(Class.isA(String, _widgetId)){
-				var widget = this.discoverer.getComponent(_widgetId);
-				if (widget){
-					//subscribe to all callbacks
-					calls = widget.queryCallbacks();
-					this.subscribeTo(widget, calls);
-				}
-            }
-            return calls;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Adds the specified callbacks of a widget to the aggregator.
-         * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias addWidgetSubscription
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String|Widget} _widgetIdOrWidget Widget that should be subscribed.
-		 * @param {CallbackList} _callbackList required Callbacks
-	     */
-		'public addWidgetSubscription' : function(_widgetIdOrWidget, _callbackList){
-            if (Class.isA(Widget, _widgetIdOrWidget)) {
-                if (Class.isA(Widget, _widgetIdOrWidget) && (!_callbackList || !Class.isA(CallbackList, _callbackList))) {
-                    _callbackList = _widgetIdOrWidget.getCallbackList();
-                }
-                _widgetIdOrWidget = _widgetIdOrWidget.getId();
-            }
-			if(typeof _widgetIdOrWidget == "string" && Class.isA(CallbackList, _callbackList)){
-				var widget = this.discoverer.getComponent(_widgetIdOrWidget);
-				if (widget) {
-					this.subscribeTo(widget, _callbackList);			
-					this.callbacks.putAll(_callbackList);			
-					var callsList = _callbackList.getItems();		
-					for(var x in callsList){
-						var singleCallback = callsList[x];			
-						var typeList = singleCallback.getAttributeTypes().getItems();
-						for(var y in typeList){
-							var singleType = typeList[y];
-							this.addOutAttribute(singleType);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    this.addWidget(_widgetIdOrWidget);
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Removes subscribed Widgets and deletes the entry 
-		 * for subscribers in the associated Widget.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias unsubscribeFrom
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String} _widgetId Widget that should be removed.
-	     */
-		'public unsubscribeFrom' : function(_widgetId){
-			if(typeof _widgetId == "string") {
-				var widget = this.discoverer.getComponent(_widgetId);
-				if (widget) {
-					console.log('aggregator unsubscribeFrom: ' + widget.getName());
-					widget.removeSubscriber(this.id);
-					this.removeWidget(_widgetId);
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Puts context data to Widget and expects an array.
-		 * 
-		 * @override
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias putData
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {(AttributeList|Array)}  _data data that shall be input
-	     */
-		'override public putData' : function(_data){
-			var list = [];
-			if(_data instanceof Array){
-				list = _data;
-			} else if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _data)) {
-				list = _data.getItems();
-			}
-			for(var i in list){
-				var x = list[i];
-				if(Class.isA(Attribute, x ) && this.isOutAttribute(x)){
-					this.addOutAttribute(x);
-					if(this.db){
-						this.store(x);
-					}
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Calls the given Interpreter for interpretation the data.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias interpretData
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String} _interpreterId ID of the searched Interpreter
-		 * @param {?function} _function for additional actions, if an asynchronous function is used
-	     */
-		'public interpretData' : function(_interpreterId, _inAttributeValues, _outAttributeValues, _function){
-			var interpreter = this.discoverer.getComponent(_interpreterId);
-			if (Class.isA(Interpreter, interpreter)) {
-				interpreter.callInterpreter(_inAttributeValues, _outAttributeValues, _function);
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Initializes the database with the specified name.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias initStorage
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String} _name Name of the Storage
-	     */
-		'protected initStorage' : function(_name){
-			this.db = new Storage(_name, 7200000, 5);
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Stores the data.
-		 * 
-		 * @protected
-	   	 * @alias store
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {AttributeValue} _attributeValue data that should be stored
-	     */
-		'protected store' : function(_attributeValue){
-			this.db.store(_attributeValue);
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Queries the database and returns the last retrieval result. 
-		 * It may be that the retrieval result is not up to date, 
-		 * because an asynchronous function is used for the retrieval.
-		 * For retrieving the current data, this function can be used as callback function
-		 * in retrieveStorage().
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias queryAttribute
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String} _name Name of the searched AtTributes.
-		 * @param {?function} _function for alternative  actions, because an asynchronous function is used
-	     */
-		'public queryAttribute' : function(_name, _function){
-			this.db.retrieveAttributes(_name, _function);	
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Queries a specific table and only actualizes the storage cache.
-		 * For an alternativ action can be used a callback.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias retrieveStorage
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @returns {RetrievalResult}
-	     */
-		'public retrieveStorage' : function(){
-			return this.db.getCurrentData();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns an overview about the stored attributes.
-		 * It may be that the overview about the stored attributes is not up to date, 
-		 * because an asynchronous function is used for the retrieval.
-		 * For retrieving the current data, this function can be used as callback function
-		 * in queryTables().
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias getStorageOverview
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @returns {?Array}
-	     */
-		'public getStorageOverview' : function(){
-			return this.db.getAttributesOverview();
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Only updates the attribute cache in the database.
-		 * For an alternative action a callback can be used.
-		 *
-		 * @public
-	   	 * @alias queryTables
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {?function} _function for alternative actions, because an asynchronous function is used
-	     */
-		'public queryTables' : function(_function){
-			this.db.getAttributeNames(_function);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Updates the information for the widget with the provided ID and calls the callback afterwards.
-         *
-         * @public
-         * @virtual
-         * @alias queryReferencedWidget
-         * @memberof Aggregator#
-         * @param {String} _widgetId The ID of the widget to query.
-         * @param {Callback} _callback The callback to query after the widget was updated.
-         */
-        'virtual public queryReferencedWidget' :function(_widgetId, _callback){
-            this.discoverer.getWidget(_widgetId).updateWidgetInformation(_callback);
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Returns the UUIDs of all connected widgets and interpreters.
-		 *
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias getComponentUUIDs
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @returns {Array.<T>} The UUIDs.
-		 */
-        'private getComponentUUIDs': function() {
-            var uuids = [];
-			uuids = uuids.concat(this.widgets);
-			for (var index in this.interpretations) {
-				var theInterpretation = this.interpretations[index];
-				uuids.push(theInterpretation.interpreterId);
-			}
-			return uuids;
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Return true if a component with the provided UUID was connected to the aggregator.
-		 *
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias hasComponent
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {String} uuid The UUID of the component to check.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-        'private hasComponent': function(uuid) {
-            return jQuery.inArray(uuid, this.getComponentUUIDs()) != -1;
-        },
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @override
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias doesSatisfyAttributeType
-		 * @param _attribute
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-        'override public doesSatisfyAttributeType': function(_attribute) {
-            var componentUUIDs = this.getComponentUUIDs();
-            var doesSatisfy = false;
-            for (var index in componentUUIDs) {
-                var theComponent = this.discoverer.getComponent(componentUUIDs[index]);
-                if (theComponent.doesSatisfyAttributeType(_attribute)) {
-                    doesSatisfy = true;
-                }
-            }
-            return doesSatisfy;
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Searches for components that can satisfy the requested attributes. Through recursion it is possible to search
-		 * for components that satisfy attributes of components that have been found in the process.
-		 *
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributeTypes
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {AttributeList} _unsatisfiedAttributes A list of attributes that components should be searched for.
-		 * @param {boolean} _all If true all attributes must be satisfied by a single component.
-		 * @param {Array} _componentTypes An array of components classes that should be searched for (e.g. Widget, Interpreter and Aggregator).
-		 */
-        'private getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributeTypes': function(_unsatisfiedAttributes, _all, _componentTypes) {
-			// ask the discoverer for components that satisfy the requested components
-            var relevantComponents = this.discoverer.getComponentsByAttributes(_unsatisfiedAttributes, _all, _componentTypes);
-            console.log("I found "+relevantComponents.length+" component(s) of type "+_componentTypes+" that might satisfy the requested attributes.");
-			// iterate over all found components
-            for(var index in relevantComponents) {
-				// get the component
-                var theComponent = relevantComponents[index];
-                console.log("Let's look at component "+theComponent.getName()+".");
-				// if the component was added before, ignore it
-                if (!this.hasComponent(theComponent.getId())) {
-                    var outAttributes = theComponent.getOutAttributes().getItems();
-                    // if component is a widget and it wasn't added before, subscribe to its callbacks
-                    if (Class.isA(Widget, theComponent)) {
-                        console.log("It's a widget.");
-                        this.addWidgetSubscription(theComponent);
-                        // remove satisfied attributes
-                        for (var widgetOutAttributeIndex in outAttributes) {
-                            var widgetOutAttribute = outAttributes[widgetOutAttributeIndex];
-							// add the attribute type to the aggregators list of handled attribute types
-                            if (!this.getOutAttributes().containsTypeOf(widgetOutAttribute)) this.addOutAttribute(widgetOutAttribute);
-                            console.log("I can now satisfy attribute "+widgetOutAttribute+" with the help of "+theComponent.getName()+"! That was easy :)");
-                            _unsatisfiedAttributes.removeAttributeWithTypeOf(widgetOutAttribute);
-                        }
-                    } else if (Class.isA(Interpreter, theComponent)) { // if the component is an interpreter and all its in attributes can be satisfied, add the interpreter
-                        console.log("It's an interpreter.");
-                        var inAttributes = theComponent.getInAttributes().getItems();
-                        var canSatisfyInAttributes = true;
-						// iterate over the attributes needed to satisfy the interpreter
-                        for (var inAttributeIdentifier in inAttributes) {
-							// get the attribute
-                            var theInAttribute = inAttributes[inAttributeIdentifier];
-                            console.log("The interpreter needs the attribute "+theInAttribute+".");
-							// if required attribute is not already satisfied by the aggregator search for components that do
-                            if (!this.doesSatisfyAttributeType(theInAttribute)) {
-                                console.log("It seems that I can't satisfy "+theInAttribute+", but I will search for components that can.");
-                                var newAttributeList = new AttributeList();
-                                newAttributeList.put(theInAttribute);
-                                this.getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributeTypes(newAttributeList, false, [Widget, Interpreter]);
-								// if the attribute still can't be satisfied drop the interpreter
-                                if (!this.doesSatisfyAttributeType(theInAttribute)) {
-                                    console.log("I couldn't find a component to satisfy "+theInAttribute+". Dropping interpreter "+theComponent.getName()+". Bye bye.");
-                                    canSatisfyInAttributes = false;
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                console.log("It seems that I already satisfy the attribute "+theInAttribute+". Let's move on.");
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (canSatisfyInAttributes) {
-                            // remove satisfied attribute
-                            for (var interpreterOutAttributeIndex in outAttributes) {
-                                var interpreterOutAttribute = outAttributes[interpreterOutAttributeIndex];
-								// add the attribute type to the aggregators list of handled attribute types
-								for (var unsatisfiedAttributeIndex in _unsatisfiedAttributes.getItems()) {
-									var theUnsatisfiedAttribute = _unsatisfiedAttributes.getItems()[unsatisfiedAttributeIndex];
-									if (theUnsatisfiedAttribute.equalsTypeOf(interpreterOutAttribute)) {
-										this.addOutAttribute(theUnsatisfiedAttribute);
-										console.log("I can now satisfy attribute "+theUnsatisfiedAttribute+" with the help of "+theComponent.getName()+"! Great!");
-										this.interpretations.push(new Interpretation(theComponent.getId(), theComponent.getInAttributes(), new AttributeList().withItems([theUnsatisfiedAttribute])));
-									}
-								}
-								_unsatisfiedAttributes.removeAttributeWithTypeOf(interpreterOutAttribute, true);
-                            }
-						} else {
-                            console.log("Found interpreter but can't satisfy required attributes.");
-                            for (var j in theComponent.getInAttributes().getItems()) {
-                                console.log("Missing "+theComponent.getInAttributes().getItems()[j]+".");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    console.log("Aggregator already has component "+theComponent.getName()+". Nothing to do here ;)");
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * After the aggregator finished its setup start searching for component that satisfy the attributes that where requrested.
-		 *
-		 * @public
-		 * @virtual
-		 * @alias didFinishSetup
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 */
-        'virtual public didFinishSetup': function() {
-            unsatisfiedAttributes = this.getOutAttributes().clone();
-            // get all widgets that satisfy attribute types
-            this.getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributeTypes(unsatisfiedAttributes, false, [Widget]);
-            // get all interpreters that satisfy attribute types
-            this.getComponentsForUnsatisfiedAttributeTypes(unsatisfiedAttributes, false, [Interpreter]);
-			console.log("Unsatisfied attributes: "+unsatisfiedAttributes.size());
-			console.log("Satisfied attributes: "+this.getOutAttributes().size());
-			console.log("Interpretations "+this.interpretations.length);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Updates all the widgets referenced by the aggregator and calls the provided callback afterwards.
-         *
-		 * @public
-		 * @virtual
-		 * @alias queryReferencedWidgets
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-         * @param {Function} _callback The callback to query after all the widget where updated.
-         */
-        'virtual public queryReferencedWidgets': function(_callback) {
-            var self = this;
-            var completedQueriesCounter = 0;
-            if (this.widgets.length > 0) {
-                for (var index in this.widgets) {
-                    var theWidgetId = this.widgets[index];
-                    this.queryReferencedWidget(theWidgetId, function () {
-                        completedQueriesCounter++;
-                        if (completedQueriesCounter == self.widgets.length) {
-                            if (_callback && typeof(_callback) == 'function') {
-                                _callback(self.getOutAttributes());
-                            }
-                        }
-                    });
-                }
-            } else {
-				if (_callback && typeof(_callback) == 'function') {
-                    _callback(self.getOutAttributes());
-                }
-            }
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Let's all connected interpreters interpret data.
-		 *
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias queryReferencedInterpreters
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {Function} _callback The callback to query after all the interpreters did interpret data.
-		 */
-        'public queryReferencedInterpreters': function(_callback) {
-            var self = this;
-            var completedQueriesCounter = 0;
-			if (this.interpretations.length > 0) {
-				for (var index in this.interpretations) {
-					var theInterpretation = this.interpretations[index];
-					var theInterpreterId = theInterpretation.interpreterId;
-					var interpretationInAttributeValues = this.getOutAttributes(theInterpretation.inAttributeTypes);
-					var interpretationOutAttributeValues = this.getOutAttributes(theInterpretation.outAttributeTypes);
-					self.interpretData(theInterpreterId, interpretationInAttributeValues, interpretationOutAttributeValues, function(_interpretedData) {
-						for (var j in _interpretedData.getItems()) {
-							var theInterpretedData = _interpretedData.getItems()[j];
-							self.addOutAttribute(theInterpretedData);
-							if (self.db){
-								self.store(theInterpretedData);
-							}
-						}
-						completedQueriesCounter++;
-						if (completedQueriesCounter == self.interpretations.length) {
-							if (_callback && typeof(_callback) == 'function') {
-								_callback(self.getOutAttributes());
-							}
-						}
-					});
-				}
-			} else {
-				if (_callback && typeof(_callback) == 'function') {
-					_callback(self.getOutAttributes());
-				}
-			}
-        },
-		/**
-		 * Query all referenced widgets and afterwards all connected interpreters.
-		 *
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias queryReferencedComponents
-		 * @memberof Aggregator#
-		 * @param {Function} _callback the callback to query after all components did finish their work.
-		 */
-        'public queryReferencedComponents': function(_callback) {
-            var self = this;
-            this.queryReferencedWidgets(function(_attributeValues) {
-                self.queryReferencedInterpreters(function(_attributeValues) {
-                    if (_callback && typeof(_callback) == 'function') {
-                        _callback(_attributeValues);
-                    }
-                });
-            });
-        }
-    });
-	return Aggregator;
- * This module represents the conditionMethod Equals. 
- * 
- * @module Equals
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('equals',['easejs', 'conditionMethod'],
- 	function(easejs, ConditionMethod){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
- 	/**
-	 * @class Equals
-	 * @implements {ConditionMethod}
-	 * @classdesc This class is the conditionMethod equals. 
-	 * 			  It compares the values of two attributes.
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 * @requires conditionMethod
-	 */
-	var Equals = Class('Equals').implement( ConditionMethod ).extend(
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Processes the equation.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias process
-		 * @memberof Equals#
-		 * @param {*} reference Is not used.
-		 * @param {*} firstValue Value (from an attribute) that should be compared. 
-		 * @param {*} secondValue Value (from an attribute) for comparison.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public process': function( reference, firstValue, secondValue){
-			if(firstValue === secondValue){
-				return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		});
-	return Equals;
- * This module represents the conditionMethod Equals. 
- * 
- * @module Equals
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('unequals',['easejs', 'conditionMethod'],
- 	function(easejs, ConditionMethod){
- 	var Class = easejs.Class;
- 	/**
-	 * @class Equals
-	 * @implements {ConditionMethod}
-	 * @classdesc This class is the conditionMethod equals. 
-	 * 			  It compares the values of two attributes.
-	 * @requires easejs
-	 * @requires conditionMethod
-	 */
-	var UnEquals = Class('UnEquals').implement( ConditionMethod ).extend(
-	{
-		/**
-		 * Processes the equation.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias process
-		 * @memberof Equals#
-		 * @param {*} reference Is not used.
-		 * @param {*} firstValue Value (from an attribute) that should be compared.
-		 * @param {*} secondValue Value (from an attribute) for comparison.
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'public process': function( reference, firstValue, secondValue){
-			if(firstValue !== secondValue){
-				return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		});
-	return UnEquals;
- * This module representing a Context Discoverer.
- * 
- * @module Discoverer
- * @fileOverview
- */
-define('discoverer',[ 'easejs', 'attributeList', 'widget', 'interpreter', 'aggregator' ], function(easejs,
-		AttributeList, Widget, Interpreter, Aggregator) {
-	var Class = easejs.Class;
-	var Discoverer = Class('Discoverer', {
-		/**
-		 * @alias widgets
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Object}
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @desc List of available Widgets.
-		 */
-		'private widgets' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @alias aggregators
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Object}
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @desc List of available Aggregators.
-		 */
-		'private aggregators' : [],
-		/**
-		 * @alias interpreters
-		 * @private
-		 * @type {Object}
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @desc List of available Interpreter.
-		 */
-		'private interpreters' : [],
-		/**
-		 * Constructor: All known components given in the associated functions will be registered as startup.
-		 * 
-		 * @class Discoverer
-		 * @classdesc The Discoverer handles requests for components and attributes. 
-		 * @requires easejs
-		 * @requires AttributeList
-		 * @constructs Discoverer
-		 */
-		'public __construct' : function() {
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the type of this class, in this case
-		 * "Discoverer".
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getType
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @returns {string}
-		 */
-		'public getType' : function() {
-			return 'Discoverer';
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Registers the specified component.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias registerNewComponent
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {Widget|Aggregator|Interpreter} _component the component that should be registered 
-		 */
-		'public registerNewComponent' : function(_component) {
-			if (_component.getType() == "Widget" && this.getWidget(_component.getId()) == null) this.widgets.push(_component);
-			if (_component.getType() == "Interpreter" && this.getInterpreter(_component.getId()) == null) this.interpreters.push(_component);
-			if (_component.getType() == "Aggregator" && this.getAggregator(_component.getId()) == null) this.aggregators.push(_component);
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Deletes a component from the Discoverer.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias unregisterComponent
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {string} _id id of the component that should be registered 
-		 */
-		'public unregisterComponent' : function(_id) {
-			for (var wi in this.widgets) {
-				var theWidget = this.widgets[wi];
-				if (_id == theWidget.getId()) this.widgets.splice(wi, 1);
-			}
-			for (var ii in this.interpreters) {
-				var theInterpreter = this.interpreters[ii];
-				if (_id == theInterpreter.getId()) this.interpreters.splice(ii, 1);
-			}
-			for (var ai in this.aggregators) {
-				var theAggregator= this.aggregators[ai];
-				if (_id == theAggregator.getId()) this.aggregators.splice(ai, 1);
-			}
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the widget for the specified id.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getWidget
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {string} _id id of the component that should be returned
-		 * @returns {?Widget}
-		 */
-		'public getWidget' : function(_id) {
-			for (var index in this.widgets) {
-				var theWidget = this.widgets[index];
-				if (theWidget.getId() == _id) return theWidget;
-			}
-			return null;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the aggregator for the specified id.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getAggregator
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {string} _id id of the component that should be returned
-		 * @returns {Aggregator}
-		 */
-		'public getAggregator' : function(_id) {
-			for (var index in this.aggregators) {
-				var theAggregator = this.aggregators[index];
-				if (theAggregator.getId() == _id) return theAggregator;
-			}
-			return null;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the interpreter for the specified id.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getInterpreter
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {string} _id id of the component that should be returned
-		 * @returns {Interpreter}
-		 */
-		'public getInterpreter' : function(_id) {
-			for (var index in this.interpreters) {
-				var theInterpreter = this.interpreters[index];
-				if (theInterpreter.getId() == _id) return theInterpreter;
-			}
-			return null;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns all registered components (widget, aggregator and interpreter).
-		 *
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getComponents
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {Array} _componentTypes Component types to get descriptions for. Defaults to Widget, Interpreter and Aggregator.
-		 * @returns {Array}
-		 */
-		'public getComponents' : function(_componentTypes) {
-			if (typeof _componentTypes == "undefined") _componentTypes = [Widget, Interpreter, Aggregator];
-			var response = [];
-			if (jQuery.inArray(Widget, _componentTypes) != -1) response = response.concat(this.widgets);
-			if (jQuery.inArray(Aggregator, _componentTypes) != -1) response = response.concat(this.aggregators);
-			if (jQuery.inArray(Interpreter, _componentTypes) != -1) response = response.concat(this.interpreters);
-			return response;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns the instance (widget, aggregator or interpreter) for the specified id.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getComponent
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {string} _id id of the component that should be returned
-		 * @returns {?(Widget|Aggregator|Interpreter)}
-		 */
-		'public getComponent' : function(_id) {
-			var component = this.getWidget(_id);
-			if (component) {
-				return component;
-			}
-			var component = this.getAggregator(_id);
-			if (component) {
-				return component;
-			}
-			var component = this.getInterpreter(_id);
-			if (component) {
-				return component;
-			}
-			return null;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Returns all components that have the specified attribute as
-		 * outAttribute. It can be chosen between the verification of 
-		 * all attributes or at least one attribute.
-		 * 
-		 * @public
-		 * @alias getComponentsByAttributes
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {AttributeList} _attributeList list of searched attributes
-		 * @param {boolean} _all choise of the verification mode
-         * @param {Array} _componentTypes Components types to search for
-		 * @returns {Array}
-		 */
-		'public getComponentsByAttributes' : function(_attributeList, _all, _componentTypes) {
-			var componentList = [];
-			var list = {};
-            if (typeof _componentTypes == "undefined") _componentTypes = [Widget, Interpreter, Aggregator];
-			if (_attributeList instanceof Array) {
-				list = _attributeList;
-			} else if (Class.isA(AttributeList, _attributeList)) {
-				list = _attributeList.getItems();
-			}
-			if (typeof list != "undefined") {
-				var components = this.getComponents(_componentTypes);
-				for (var i in components) {
-					var theComponent = components[i];
-						if(_all && this.containsAllAttributes(theComponent, list)) {
-							componentList.push(theComponent);
-						} else if(!_all && this.containsAtLeastOneAttribute(theComponent, list)) {
-							componentList.push(theComponent);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return componentList;
-		},
-		/***********************************************************************
-		 * Helper *
-		 **********************************************************************/
-		/**
-		 * Helper: Verifies whether a component description contains all searched attributes.
-		 * 
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias containsAllAttributes
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {(WidgetDescription|InterpreterDescription)} _component description of a component
-		 * @param {Array} _list searched attributes
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'private containsAllAttributes' : function(_component, _list) {
-			for ( var j in _list) {
-				var attribute = _list[j];
-				if (!_component.doesSatisfyAttributeType(attribute)) {
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * Helper: Verifies whether a component description contains at least on searched attributes.
-		 * 
-		 * @private
-		 * @alias containsAtLeastOneAttribute
-		 * @memberof Discoverer#
-		 * @param {(WidgetDescription|InterpreterDescription)} _component description of a component
-		 * @param {Array} _list searched attributes
-		 * @returns {boolean}
-		 */
-		'private containsAtLeastOneAttribute' : function(_component, _list) {
-			for (var j in _list) {
-				var attribute = _list[j];
-				if (_component.doesSatisfyAttributeType(attribute)) {
-					return true;
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	});
-	return Discoverer;
-	define('contactJS',['retrievalResult',
-			'storage',
-			'aggregator',
-		    'attribute',
-		    'attributeList',
-		    'parameter',
-		    'parameterList',		
-		    'condition',
-		    'conditionList',
-		    'conditionMethod',
-		    'equals',
-            'unequals',
-		    'discoverer',
-		    'interpreter',
-		    'interpreterResult',
-		    'callback',   
-		    'callbackList',
-		    'subscriber',
-		    'subscriberList',
-		    'widget',
-		    'abstractList'], 
-		function(RetrievalResult,
-				Storage,
-				Aggregator,
-			    Attribute,
-			    AttributeList,
-			    Parameter,
-			    ParameterList,		
-			    Condition,
-			    ConditionList,
-			    ConditionMethod,
-			    Equals,
-                UnEquals,
-			    Discoverer,
-			    Interpreter, 
-			    InterpreterResult,
-			    Callback,   
-			    CallbackList,
-			    Subscriber,
-			    SubscriberList,
-			    Widget,
-			    AbstractList) {
-	// Object Contructor
-	var contactJS = function(obj) {
-		return obj;
-	};
-	contactJS.VERSION = '1.2.0';
-	// Methods
-	contactJS.RetrievalResult = RetrievalResult;
-	contactJS.Storage = Storage;
-	contactJS.Aggregator = Aggregator;
-	contactJS.Attribute = Attribute;
-	contactJS.AttributeList = AttributeList;
-	contactJS.Parameter = Parameter;
-	contactJS.ParameterList = ParameterList;
-	contactJS.Condition = Condition;
-	contactJS.ConditionList = ConditionList;
-	contactJS.ConditionMethod = ConditionMethod;
-	contactJS.Equals = Equals;
-    contactJS.UnEquals = UnEquals;
-	contactJS.Discoverer = Discoverer;
-	contactJS.Interpreter = Interpreter;
-	contactJS.InterpreterResult = InterpreterResult;
-	contactJS.Callback = Callback;
-	contactJS.CallbackList = CallbackList;
-	contactJS.Subscriber = Subscriber;
-	contactJS.SubscriberList = SubscriberList;
-	contactJS.Widget = Widget;
-	contactJS.AbstractList = AbstractList;
-	return contactJS;
- 	define('easejs', function() {
-    return easejs;
-  });
-  define('jquery', function() {
-    return $;
-  });
-  define('MathUuid', function() {
-    return MathUuid;
-  });
-  return require('contactJS');
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