* @module Attribute
define(['abstractList', 'attribute'], function(AbstractList, Attribute) {
return (function() {
* @classdesc This class represents a list for Attribute.
* @extends AbstractList
* @constructs AttributeList
function AttributeList() {;
AttributeList.prototype = Object.create(AbstractList.prototype);
AttributeList.prototype.constructor = AttributeList;
Tobias Moebert
* Create an AttributeList from the description provided by a Widget or Interpreter.
* @static
* @param {Discoverer} discoverer
* @param {Array} attributeDescription
* @returns {AttributeList}
AttributeList.fromAttributeDescription = function(discoverer, attributeDescription) {
var theAttributeList = new AttributeList();
for(var attributeDescriptionIndex in attributeDescription) {
return theAttributeList;
* Adds the specified item to the itemList.
* @public
* @param {Attribute} attribute AttributeType
* @param {boolean} multipleInstances
AttributeList.prototype.put = function(attribute, multipleInstances) {
multipleInstances = typeof multipleInstances == "undefined" ? false : multipleInstances;
if (multipleInstances || !(this.containsTypeOf(attribute))) {
} else {
* Adds all items in the specified list to the
* itemList.
* @public
* @param {(AttributeList|Array)} attributeList AttributeList
AttributeList.prototype.putAll = function(attributeList) {
var list = [];
if (attributeList instanceof Array) {
list = attributeList;
} else if (attributeList.constructor === AttributeList) {
list = attributeList.getItems();
for ( var i in list) {
* @deprecated Use containsTypeOf or containsValueOf instead.
* @param {Attribute} attribute
* @param {?Boolean} typeOnly
* @returns {Boolean}
AttributeList.prototype.contains = function(attribute, typeOnly) {
typeOnly = typeof typeOnly == "undefined" ? false : typeOnly;
return typeOnly ? this.containsTypeOf(attribute) : this.containsValueOf(attribute);
* Verifies whether an attribute with the type of the given item is included in this list.
* @param {Attribute} attribute AttributeType that should be verified.
* @returns {Boolean}
AttributeList.prototype.containsTypeOf = function(attribute) {
if (attribute.constructor === Attribute) {
for (var index in this.getItems()) {
var theAttribute = this.getItems()[index];
if (theAttribute.equalsTypeOf(attribute)) {
return true;
* Verifies whether the given item is included in the list.
* @param {Attribute} attribute AttributeValue that should be verified.
* @returns {Boolean}
AttributeList.prototype.containsValueOf = function(attribute) {
if (attribute.constructor === Attribute) {
for (var index in this._items) {
var theAttribute = this._items[index];
if (theAttribute.equalsValueOf(attribute)) {
return true;
* @deprecated Use equalsTypesIn or equalsValuesIn instead.
* @param {AttributeList} attributeList
* @param {Boolean} typeOnly
* @returns {Boolean}
AttributeList.prototype.equals = function(attributeList, typeOnly) {
typeOnly = typeof typeOnly == "undefined" ? false : typeOnly;
return typeOnly ? this.equalsTypesIn(attributeList) : this.equalsValuesIn(attributeList);
* Compare the specified AttributeList with this instance.
* @param {AttributeList} attributeList AttributeList that should be compared.
* @returns {boolean}
AttributeList.prototype.equalsTypesIn = function(attributeList) {
if (attributeList.constructor === AttributeList && attributeList.size() == this.size()) {
for (var index in attributeList.getItems()) {
var theAttribute = attributeList.getItems()[index];
if (!this.containsTypeOf(theAttribute)) return false;
return true;
return false;
* Compare the specified AttributeList with this instance.
* @param {AttributeList} attributeList AttributeList that should be compared.
* @returns {boolean}
AttributeList.prototype.equalsValuesIn = function(attributeList) {
if (attributeList.constructor === AttributeList && attributeList.size() == this.size()) {
for (var index in attributeList.getItems()) {
var theAttribute = attributeList.getItems()[index];
if (!this.containsValueOf(theAttribute)) return false;
return true;
return false;
* Returns only this values that matches to the given type.
* @param {(AttributeList|Array)} attributeList Attributes that should be returned.
* @returns {AttributeList}
AttributeList.prototype.getSubset = function(attributeList) {
var response = new AttributeList();
var list = [];
if (attributeList instanceof Array) {
list = attributeList;
} else if (attributeList.constructor === AttributeList) {
list = attributeList.getItems();
for (var i in list) {
var theAttribute = list[i];
if (theAttribute.constructor === Attribute) {
var responseAttribute = this.getAttributeWithTypeOf(theAttribute);
if (typeof responseAttribute != "undefined") {
* Returns a subset without the given types.
* @param {(AttributeList|Array)} attributeList AttributeTypes that should not be included
* @returns {AttributeList}
AttributeList.prototype.getSubsetWithoutItems = function(attributeList) {
var response = this;
var list = [];
if (attributeList instanceof Array) {
list = attributeList;
} else if (attributeList.constructor === AttributeList) {
list = attributeList.getItems();
for (var i in list) {
var attribute = list[i];
if (attribute.constructor === Attribute) {
* Creates a clone of the current list.
* @param {Boolean} typeOnly
* @returns {AttributeList}
AttributeList.prototype.clone = function(typeOnly) {
var newList = new AttributeList();
for (var index in this._items) {
var oldAttribute = this._items[index];
var newAttribute = new Attribute(true)
if (!typeOnly) newAttribute.setValue(oldAttribute.getValue());
return newList;
* @param {Attribute} attribute
* @param {Boolean} allOccurrences
AttributeList.prototype.removeAttributeWithTypeOf = function(attribute, allOccurrences) {
allOccurrences = typeof allOccurrences == "undefined" ? false : allOccurrences;
for (var index in this._items) {
var theAttribute = this._items[index];
if (theAttribute.equalsTypeOf(attribute)) {
this._items.splice(index, 1);
if (allOccurrences && this.contains(attribute)) this.removeAttributeWithTypeOf(attribute, allOccurrences);
* @returns {boolean}
AttributeList.prototype.hasAttributesWithInputParameters = function() {
for (var index in this._items) {
var theAttribute = this._items[index];
if (theAttribute.hasInputParameter()) return true;
return false;
* @returns {AttributeList}
AttributeList.prototype.getAttributesWithInputParameters = function() {
var list = new AttributeList();
for (var index in this._items) {
var theAttribute = this._items[index];
if (theAttribute.hasInputParameter()) list.put(theAttribute);
return list;
* Returns the attribute value that matches the provided attribute type.
* @param {AttributeType} attribute
* @returns {Attribute}
AttributeList.prototype.getValueForAttributeWithTypeOf = function(attribute) {
return this.getAttributeWithTypeOf(attribute).getValue();
* @param {Attribute} attribute
* @returns {Attribute}
AttributeList.prototype.getAttributeWithTypeOf = function(attribute) {
for (var index in this.getItems()) {
var theAttribute = this.getItems()[index];
if (theAttribute.equalsTypeOf(attribute)) return theAttribute;
* @param {Attribute} attribute
AttributeList.prototype.updateValue = function(attribute) {
for (var index in this._items) {
var theAttribute = this._items[index];
if (theAttribute.equalsTypeOf(attribute)) this._items[index] = attribute;
return AttributeList;