/** * Created by elis on 03.12.2015. */ $(function() { // triggered if an option for a label connection was selected $("#selectRelations").select2().on("select2-selecting", function(e) { // set new name on label $("#" + currentConnectionID).html(e.val.toUpperCase()); $("#" + currentConnectionID)[0].setAttribute("title", e.choice.text); // unmark label $("#" + currentConnectionID).css("background-color", ""); $("#" + currentConnectionID).css("color", ""); connectionIsClicked = false; // get connection id and scenario name var connID = $("#" + currentConnectionID)[0]._jsPlumb.component.id; var currentScenario = $("#lname")[0].innerHTML; // get current scenario's JSON var thisScenario = authorSystemContent.getScenario(currentScenario); var thisConnection = thisScenario.getConnectionByID(connID); thisConnection.setLabel(e.val.toUpperCase()); thisConnection.setTitle(e.choice.text); }); // deletes selected connection $("#btnDeleteConnection").on("click", function() { // get connection object var con = $("#" + currentConnectionID)[0]._jsPlumb.component; // detach connection inst.detach(con); // get id and current scenario name var connID = con.id; var currentScenario = $("#lname")[0].innerHTML; // delete connection in current scenario's JSON structure var thisScenario = authorSystemContent.getScenario(currentScenario); thisScenario.removeConnection(connID); // hide relation tab after connection was deleted deactivateAllTabs(); connectionIsClicked = false; }); }); function fillRelationTab(connection) { var label = connection.getOverlay("label"); // update current label currentConnectionID = label.canvas.id; // test 'if (label.id == "label")' is obsolete since jsPlumb hands in parameter c : Connection // get name of source and target unit var sourceUnit = connection.source.parentElement.innerText; var targetUnit = connection.target.innerText; // add names in relations labels $("#preLabelRelations").html(sourceUnit + " ist eine"); $("#postLabelRelations").html("für " + targetUnit); // clear markings from connection labels clearMarkingFromConnections(); // set label connection mark $("#" + currentConnectionID).css("background-color", "#1e8151"); $("#" + currentConnectionID).css("color", "white"); // clear unit marking clearMarkingFromLearningUnits(); // show relations tab: set label connection property visible showRelationTab(); // show right selection of the current label in selection bar var thisScenario = authorSystemContent.getScenario($("#lname")[0].innerHTML); var thisConnection = thisScenario.getConnectionByID(connection.connection.id); $("#selectRelations").children("option").each(function() { if ( $(this)[0].value.toUpperCase() == thisConnection.getLabel().toLowerCase() ) { $("#selectRelations").select2("data", { id:$(this)[0].value, text:$(this)[0].innerHTML }); } }); }