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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 13, 2015
  2. Dec 08, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      # in index.html: changed google maps source to stable release version 3.22 · 3153733b
      Helena Jank authored
      # in locationInfoMapViewController: some minor changes to make map work again
    • hjank's avatar
      + in contextTabController: added fillOperatorSelection() --> consistent with... · e8ad0fd7
      hjank authored
      + in contextTabController: added fillOperatorSelection() --> consistent with fillInputField() and fillOperatorSelection()
      # in contextTabController: corrected test: operator == "NO_VALUE"
      # in contextTabController: adjusted test if multiple context infos > 2 then show "all or one" selection
      # in contextTabController: made formatMultiContextInfosElements() process one item, not all
      # in contextTabController: for each fill.*() function check for chosen value/operator (i.e. if this is in edit mode) and render fields/selections accordingly
      - in contextInfoController: removed test for "Error999" (i.e. context info added more than once)
      # started overhauling locationInfoMapViewController --> TODO: check if it works in edit mode
  3. Nov 17, 2015
    • Helena Jank's avatar
      - removed directory .idea from version control · c0e9666e
      Helena Jank authored
      # renamed divContextParameters (+ temporary changes in index.hmtl, will be overridden soon)
      - removed metaData tab which was a mere placeholder for Tom's CMS work
      + added metaData dictionary
      + added functions addMetaDataToUnit() and removeMetaDataFromUnit()
      # changed parameter access and collection in contextInfoController and locationInfoMapController
      # moved "get current unit dictionary" code into function getCurrentUnitDataModel()
  4. Oct 14, 2015
  5. Oct 05, 2015
    • hjank's avatar
      # changed connection listener functionality according to jsPlumb update to v1.7.10 · ddb58d31
      hjank authored
      # un-refactored (in parts) overall project structure: removed (yet) hardly used modalWindows files, added controllers files
      # updated (as of yet unsued) contextInfoModel
      # put several pieces of functionality in their (for now) right-er places, like e.g. addUnitToScenarioModel(), addUnitToMenu(), ...
      - removed redundant replaceMarker2()
      + translated enums in contextTab filler
  6. Sep 21, 2015
    • hjank's avatar
      # refactored statemaschine.js into canvasController.js (comparison: function preserved) · 2558be25
      hjank authored
      # refactored functionaliies.js into reloadController.js (comparison: function preserved)
      # in reloadController.js: changed jQuery.ready into jsPlumb.ready due to delayed inst initialization
      # simplified metaIcon choice and adding
      # moved more code from general (tabs, modalWindows) to more specific files (metadataTabView, createScenarioModalWindowView, ...)
      + added propertyTab.js
      - removed several unnecessary files from MVC scaffold
  7. Sep 07, 2015