* Created by Helena on 06.01.2016.
* Initialize timeline
$(function() {
// event handler listening for click on "Kontextsimulation" in horizontal menu (top)
// TODO: Consider switching between scenarios!
$("#contextSimulation").on("click", function() {
var currentScenarioName = $("#lname")[0].innerHTML;
var scenarioContextList;
if (currentScenarioName) {
// get a list of all context information items added in this scenario, with chosen values reset to ""
scenarioContextList = authorSystemContent.getScenario(currentScenarioName).getScenarioContext();
// init the simulation editor timeline
$.get( "simulator.html", function( data ) {
$( "#simulatorContainer" ).html( data );
// create a column for each ContextInformation object
createColumns(scenarioContextList ? scenarioContextList.length : 0);
// set event handlers for these generated cells